The Winchester Family

The Winchester Family

Monday, February 11, 2013

Trinity remembers

 Note: After Trinity gets hurt on a case Dean has Castiel erase her memory of them and everything supernatural. And Trinity unaware of who she really is goes to stay at a cabin.

It had been three months since she got to the cabin. It was a peaceful place. There was woods which meant tons of trees and wilderness and there was a lake that she hadn't really investigated yet. But that was todays goal. She finished her homework and headed down in a pair of shorts and a tank top. She took off the necklace and set it on her towel for safe keeping. She didn't wanna get it wet. She needed to know if she could swim and there was only one way to find out. So she jumped in with a loud splash. She slowly surfaced and looked around the water moving her arms to stay afloat. She grinned assuming that this meant that she could swim and she headed back to shore going back to her towel and she frowned because she couldn't spot the necklace. Where did it go? She searched the towel again and then felt something under her foot and lifted her foot to see the necklace relieved she picked it up then she saw that the chain was broke. She started to cry. it was broke. The chain was broke. How could she have been so stupid? That necklace meant everything to her. She curled up on the sand holding it in her hand crying as if it were her dead baby or something rather then a piece of jewelry.

She ended up falling asleep on the sand the locket in a tight grip and she dreamed again of the young teen boy who she could see clearly now putting the necklace on her. "Sam its beautiful." she smiled up at him and he grinned down at her. "Where did you get the money for this?"she asked
He snickered "Don't ask. " he kissed her forehead "happy 16th birthday Trin."
She hugged him tight "Thank you. I'll treasure it." she said then squealed when he lifted her off her feet and gave her a bear hug. "Glad you like it. It took me a while to find the right gift. I wanted something special for your birthday." he said

She woke up mumbling Sam's name and suddenly another memory came flashing in.
This one had a different guy in it. he looked really pissed off and went over to pick her up and marched her out the door and she kicked and screamed then he tossed her into the lake yelling "When you cool off you can come back in!" he said and she glared at him from the water "Dean!! Get me out of here!" she whined.
He looked at her knowing she could swim "Get yourself out." he said then turned and walked back to the cabin.
A girl showed up and took her hand helping her out the last few feet "Thanks Dawn." she said.
"No problem. I told you to quit pushing it. He's in a pissy mood tonight."
Trinity rolled her eyes "yeah I know. hence the reason I got my ass tossed in the water."

Once the flash back ended she had three questions. Who was Sam? Who was Dean? And who was Dawn?
Her first thought when she saw the memory of the necklace was that Sam was an old boyfriend or something but the mere thought of that made her insides cringe so she thought that maybe she was wrong on that count.
But then who was he?
And Dean?
And Dawn?

She could only hope that she could remember more.

Once at school she told her best friend about Sam and about her broken necklacce and two weeks later he felt bad for her and bought her a new chain presenting it to her "here Katherine. This is for you. For Sam's necklace." he said and she smiled taking the chain and hugged him "Thank you Damon. That's so nice of you. Thank you." she finished the hug then strung the necklace again so that the locket was on it and then had her friend put it around her neck.

One the necklace was around her neck again she felt strange. Then she collapsed every memory coming back to her and once she woke still on the ground with Damon standing over her worried she sat up and looked around then stood fast sensing that he was a vampire almost instantly. But she also remembered her time as Katherine and that she hadn't remembered who she was. And now her only question was WHY hadn't she remembered who she was? she somehow knew the only one with that answer was her siblings. So she hopped in her car picking up a hitchhiker named Bella on the way back home and they chatted some on the way back. Apparently Bella had two guys that wouldn't stop fighting over her and so she had run away to get away from them and the pressure. I was happy to help her get as far away from Forks as possible.

Once back in her home town she knew where to find her brothers and sister.
On the hunt no doubt.

She waited until night after Bella got herself a hotel room then went out searching for them.
She was surprised at how easy it was to find them.
She followed them for a while until Dean sensed something behind them he turned fast gun in hand the gun pointed at Trinity and when he saw it was her he lowered his gun. "Hello Dean. Long time no see. I don't know why I'm so shocked. I'd expect no less from you. " she then turns to Sam a hurt look on her face "But I didn't expect it from you. How could you do that to me? How could you guys think that my life would somehow be better without you? Huh?" she yelled at all three of them now angry tears filling her eyes part of her wanted to rip off her necklace and throw it at Sam but she knew she wouldn't forgive herself if she did. When the chain had broke it was like her soul had shattered. Like 70 knives were plunged into her soul. She couldn't bare it. And so she restrained herself from breaking it. And just stares at her two brothers and her sister waiting for an explanation.

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