The Winchester Family

The Winchester Family

Monday, February 11, 2013


Note: probably spanking in this chapter. Also John and Dean will be the ones doing most of the spanking in this story plus I don't plan to kill off John so he won't be dying.
Note: Picture Elena from the vampire diaries for the character of Trinity.
Chapter two: The ego of a God.
For two weeks things went normal. There were small cases and at those times John would take off alone to handle them while Dean and Sam laid low and kept an eye on Trinity. During one of those times Dean and Sam had both fallen asleep. They missed the call from John and also missed when Trinity slipped out.
John slipped in finding his boys asleep and his daughter was gone. When he saw that his bellow was loud enough to wake both of them. "Unacceptable boys. You were suppose to watch her for a reason." he scolded then sighed "Sam stay here in case she comes back. Dean come with me and help me look for her." he said.
He got in his truck telling Dean to get in too. When Dean got in John headed to the less populated part of town sure that she would go there. "I'm sorry dad. I thought she was done trying to run off."
"Nope. That's just what she wants you to think Dean." John said not really angry at his son but angry that Dean hadn't caught on yet. "She may be your sister but we can't really trust her yet." he said then he spotted her walking along the road alone. "Here." he said handing Dean a funny shaped gun he had never seen before "what's this?" Dean asked
"Darts. Shot her with one and it'll knock her out. But don't fire unless she gets the better of me. For now just stay here." he said getting out of the Truck.
Trinity turned when she heard the door shut and rolled her eyes when she saw John "That was fast. I thought you'd be gone longer." she sad
"Nope. I called to tell you kids I was on my way back but no one answered." John said getting closer now.
"Bummer. You shouldn't have woken Dean. He can be a real cranky pants." she said then snickered at the joke.
John grinned "Cranky pants? Now that's a term I wouldn't think to hear out of the mouth of 17 year old girl."
She raised a brow "ever heard the phrase expect the unexpected?" she asked
"Ever heard the phrase just wait until your father gets home? Well guess what? Daddies home. Now your gonna get your butt in the car and we're gonna have a chat when we get back to the house. You have until the count of three." he warned.
Trinity didn't like his tone or his threatening manner.
She thought to herself as he started to say one. If she cooperated now she would still get in trouble when she got back to their current hotel. But if she didn't cooperate somehow they would still get the better of her and she would be forced to go back and the punishment would be worse. She took a deep breath in and then headed for the truck. A good ruler picked their battles. And this was one that she wasn't going to win. So surrender was the best option.
Dean got out to let her in the middle then Dean and John both got back in and John drove back to the hotel. All three headed in. once inside John turned to Dean "Dean you and your brother go out and take a walk. Make sure the area is secure." he ordered.
Dean knew what that meant and picked up a few things then took the protesting Sam out the door after a few feet he began to explain to Sam that this was dad's way of giving them privacy.
"Have a seat." John ordered his daughter.
Trinity crossed her arms "What if I don't want to sit? I control my body. Not you. Or any other man." she said and he sighed having walked right into that. "Fine. Stand. Do you remember what I said before I left?" he asked
"You said to behave. And not to leave." she answered.
"So then why did you? Why is it so hard for you to trust us?" he asked
"I am surrounded by three men. How can I trust that?" she asked
"I already told you. If we tell you to do something we're saying it because its for the best or because its the right thing. This has nothing to do with you being a girl or us wanting to control you. If that was the case we would just keep you tied up all hours of the day and you would have no freedom. However if you ever hope to be allowed to go outside on your own then you need to show me that I can trust you. You see trust works both ways. I trusted you to stay put while I was gone. And you left. Therefor that trust is now gone. See how that works? Now I'm asking you to look at me as your father. Don't look at me like some guy that only does this to hurt or control you. What I'm about to do is gonna hurt like hell but its punishment that you deserve for disobeying me. I'm not doing it to control you. I'm doing it to teach you. There is a difference. I want to show you that there are consequences to your actions. And hopefully over time you'll learn the difference between punishment done to help you and someone who is trying to control you. " John said trying to explain the best way he could.
Problem was that Trinity DID understand. She just wasn't ready to admit it to herself yet. She liked how things had been so black and white in Amazonia. The hell dimension she had lived in for so long. Things were simple there. Guys were the enemy. You knew all the terrible things they would do to you if you didn't kill them first. But here things weren't that simple. She had known that before when she lived here. But now that she was back it was hard to admit it to herself.
John sat on the bed and pulled her over to stand in front of him having said all he needed to say he undid her jeans letting them fall but left her underwear up. John's hand was tough and hard. He could give a good spanking over her panties. Her jeans were a bit thick so he had taken them down.
He raised his hand and let the first stinging swat fall.
She had never been spanked by her father before. Only swats here and there so this would be new to her.
John didn't waste time. He began to lay on rapid fire swats all over her behind. She winced and then after a few more her legs began to kick of their own accord. She had no control over her body's reactions to the spanking. It was painful. It was humiliating and her bottom felt like it was slowly beginning to be set on fire. Tears pricked her eyes pretty early on. John gave her ten more swats just as fiery hot as all the others and she was crying when he was done.
John wasn't a mushy kinda guy but he let her up and redid her jeans and stood up to embrace her as he did with Dean or Sam after giving them a spanking when they were younger.
Men trying to comfort her was even a more foreign concept to her so it was a nice feeling when John hugged her and started to rub her back.
She cried for a bit and then calmed down and laid in the bed feeling tired she fell asleep.
Dean and Sam were making their way back and were glad to see that she was asleep cause that meant it was done and over with.
It was another two days before they stumbled across anything strange. Sam was at Bobby's while Dean and his dad were out making the rounds. Trinity was taking a nap on the bed and Bobby was outside working on something. Sam was up in the attic looking for an old journal of Bobby's. What he found was an old journal belonging to his mother.
He found that there was only one entry. He read the entire page.
This will be my first and only entry here. I had no choice. I made a deal with a yellow eyed demon. I had to. He said something terrible about my daughter. He said things about her. He told me terrible things... I couldn't let it happen. She's my only little girl. I love my children. I love both my sons. Dean and Sam. And I love my daughter. Trinity. The deal I made will change my daughter's fate. The price for this deal is of course my life. The yellow eyed demon will come for me. That was the bargain. And whatever would have happened to my daughter won't happen now. I've saved her. And once I am gone I can rest easy knowing she will be safe. But I don't trust the yellow eyed demon. So I have a back up plan. Once I am gone I have arranged for an angel to grant my request just in case the demon doesn't keep his word. If he doesn't change her fate then the angel will. I regret that I must die and leave my family.
John Winchester is the love of my life and beyond.
My two sons are my pride and joy.
And my daughter. My only girl. My one pretty little princess. I just want to keep her safe. And I'd give anything. Even my life just to make sure she remains safe. I just hope that someday if they ever find this that they will understand. I loved my daughter. And I couldn't allow her to become what she would have become.
All my love,
Sam was teary eyed now. He heard his dad and his brother come in with Bobby all of them sounded on the happy side. Sam stormed down the stairs and slammed the book on the table causing them all to look at him "SHE KNEW! SHE KNEW THE WHOLE DAMN TIME. SHE SET THE WHOLE THING UP! SHE TRICKED US." he yelled and Dean and the other two hunters were confused
"What are you talking about? Who tricked us?" Dean asked
Sam shoved the journal towards them "MOM. SHE WASN'T MURDERED DEAN. SHE KNEW EXACTLY WHAT WAS GONNA HAPPEN THAT NIGHT. SHE KNEW SHE WAS GONNA DIE AND SHE STILL WALKED RIGHT INTO IT." Sam said more calm now but his eyes filled with tears and he looked at Trinity who was still asleep.
John took the journal and read the page with Dean reading over his shoulder and once he was done Bobby read the journal too.
John looked over at his daughter then back at Sam. This was a new development. And it changed things but not by a lot. "Okay so it was a deal. She wasn't murdered. She sacrificed herself. We're still gonna hunt this son of a bitch down Sam." Dean said looking at Sam.
"Wait Dean. Your right but your also wrong. What it says it here changes a lot. This isn't just about finding the demon anymore. Its about finding out what your mother knew. What exactly did the demon tell her that would scare her bad enough to where she thought she needed to give her life? What was Trinity gonna become? " John asked though he knew no one here had the answers.
"I say we summon ourselves a yellow eyed jackass and find out." Bobby said then placed a devils trap on the floor and ceiling.
John said another spell creating a shield and then shoved Sam through it so that he was behind the shield with Trinity. "Dad.." he protested but John said "hush. You and Trinity were in that nursery that night. I don't care what kind of master plan he has. But he's not getting my kids." he said looked at Dean "If I thought he was after you you'd be in there too." he said and Dean smirked having known that already.
The summoned the yellow eyed demon and Trinity woke up at this point and Sam explained that dad was protecting them and she stayed close as they watched and listened.
The yellow eyed demon appeared. Unprepared for a showdown but he could sense something there. Then he grinned "Ah. Trinity is back." he said in a joyful tone and then he saw that he was trapped where he was.
John came foreword "Tell me exactly what you told my wife. Cause I know your just dying to brag to me just like you did to her."
The yellow eyed demon smiled "Someone did his homework. Your wife. She's hard to explain. I'm not sure how she knew. But she just did. Mothers instinct I guess. That sense deep down inside a woman that tells her something isn't right. And so she went searching for answers. And she found me. I gave her her answers. And she asked all the right questions too." he laughed.
"What questions?" Dean asked
"There used to be a mark on your daughter. Your wife's her first question was why...always a classic. Why are you doing this? Of course I told her I had nothing to do with it. Then she asked me what it meant. I told her the truth. It meant that her sweet and innocent daughter wasn't always going to be so innocent. You have to understand something. I never intended to come to your house that night. But something was blocking me. Blocking me from being able to get to her. I'm not sure how or why...but I think it was Sam blocking me. Protecting her somehow. It really annoyed me." he said looking over where Sam stood behind the shield "I couldn't get past your defense. It was almost like you literally put a shield over her. But we both know that's not possible. You were only a baby. However I had go over there when I realized I wasn't going to get her easily. But when I got there I couldn't touch her. I tried to kill your daughter. " he said informatively
John grabbed Dean's arm before he could lunge "Don't break the circle..." he said then turned back to the demon "Why? Why were you so afraid of an infant?" John asked
"Afraid? ME? Afraid? You think I was afraid of her?" he laughed
"Why else would you want to kill a baby unless it was a threat to you? That's when Mary walked in isn't it? She walked in on you before you could kill Trinity. You told her you would change Trinity's fate. You lied. You were gonna kill her and then kill my wife." John said trying to remain calm.
The demon frowned now "Your wrong. Your wife didn't stop me. She didn't have to. Sam...his eyes spoke of love and innocence. But that girl, when I looked into her eyes it was like...all the power of the universe was locked inside of her. I know what she is. I've always known what she would become. What she is capable of. And we should all pray that she never discovers it." he said and there was flicker of fear in his eyes. John got closer "Why?" he asked not sure he understood yet. Then the demon leaned over and said quietly so that only John would hear "That girl is more powerful then anything in heaven or hell. Before she went to that dimension she was normal. She was human. But now? Can't you see it? Haven't you noticed?" this time what he said was a whisper "She has the ego of a god." the demon whispered giving John that one clue. John's eyes went wide and he took several steps back. He looked at his daughter then at the demon "How?" he asked
"There is rumor of a forbidden jello like substance. Called ambrosia I believe. It doesn't exist here. However the rumor says it exists in other dimensions. And the journey to reach it is not for the faint hearted. A long tireless journey. Only one tenth of those actually reach the rope. The rope made of nothing but a thin thread of silver. And the threat goes on for miles. And at the end there is a bowl. In the bowl is the ambrosia. If you eat the ambrosia and become..." he paused then looked at Trinity "Like her."
John had heard enough. He grabbed the colt but the demon somehow managed to escape and disappear before he could shot at it.
Trinity had gone into a flashback and Sam because of their connection as twins ended up seeing everything too.
Once it was over the shield was let down and Sam grabbed a beer while John and Dean had already grabbed one and were already drinking on it.
He sat next to them after he saw Trinity sit down on the bed and start reading a book.
"This is she's a god?" Dean asked
"No. She's a human with the power and the ego of a God." John said then added "Not that that's any would she know anything about the rumors and why would she want to take the journey?" he asked
Sam answered his question "She didn't know what it was. She still doesn't know. She's only tapped into a quarter of her power. As for the she went on that journey because she was a scared little girl who went on a long dangerous journey and almost got killed dozens of times over risking her life to get across the thin rope because she thought there was some magic wizard on the other side that might grant her wishes. So when she found the ambrosia to her it was just jello. So she ate it. She had no idea what it was. She has no idea about her powers. What's weird though is that I can feel it. It's like I can sense the power in her. And if what I'm feeling is right...then there's a LOT. And its gonna be a war just to keep her under control. If she loses control of her powers she could destroy the world. And that's not our biggest problem. God or not her body is still human. If even half of that power comes out her body could explode. And I do mean that literally. A human body wasn't created to handle that kind of power. We're gonna have to find some way to maybe bind most of that power or try to find a way to boost up her body so that the power won't literally destroy her. " Sam said thought they all knew that this was new territory.
They were pretty much blind here. They had never dealt with anything like this before.
"Wait if she's so powerful then why didn't she just use it on us or maybe use it on that guy instead of trying to shish ke-bob him?" Dean asked
Sam looked at him like he was dumb "Did I or did I not just get done telling you that she doesn't realize she has powers." he said blandly.
"Well maybe next time you should say that instead of jumping around and expecting me to read between the lines." Dean grouched.
"Alright boys enough. We have enough to worry about without you two pitching a fit." John scolded then went into another room to collect his thoughts and decide what he was gonna do about this new situation.
The good news was that she didn't know she had powers so when she did start to realize it they could teach her to use them for good. The bad news was that they needed a plan B in case the power went to her head and became to much for her. They would have to find a way to extract it from her either that or they really would have to find a way to control her or maybe just find a way to control her power if she couldn't do it herself. This was gonna be another long sleepless night for John Winchester.

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