The Winchester Family

The Winchester Family

Monday, February 11, 2013


Trinity is on vacation and during that time she ends up getting turned into a vampire:

One night in Mystic falls 17 year old Trinity was out late at night and as she was walking down the dark road she felt as if something was following her but each time she looked back she saw nothing.
Now off her guard she didn't see it coming. He was too fast. And before she knew it he was right there in front of her and she gasped then calmed somewhat recognizing Damon. "You creep. You scared me. What are you stalking me?" she teased.He grinned down at his young friend "Maybe." he said gazing at her and she scoffed "One syllable? Is that all I get?" she joked then went around him to continue her walk home. He moved fast grabbing her and whispering in her ear "Oh that's not all your getting. I'm not finished with you yet."
Trinity felt a small wave of fear hit her. What was he going to do? He turned her to face him and stared deep into her eyes saying "You will not be scared. You will follow my every order."
Trinity felt like she was now in a trance and would do whatever he told her to do. She wanted to break the trance when she saw him bite his wrist and order her to drink but instead her hands went up to clasp his wrist and she found herself drinking from him then with the blood fresh on her mouth Damon gets behind her and snaps her neck cause her to fall dead on the ground. Damon wondered around and did his own thing for the rest of the night now that the fun of the evening was over.
Several hours later Trinity woke up the sun was just on the horizon and she sat up on the road trying to remember what happened and then it came back to her. Damon. He had given her his blood and then killed her. But then how was she awake now?
Not that it mattered she stood up and felt a craving deep inside like it was gnawing at her core.
She spent a lot of time that day trying to fight it but it just got worse. The pain was excruciating.
It wasn't long before she figured out that Damon had turned her and that it was blood she needed to make the pain go away. She followed her instincts all the way into town where she spied people all around she could hear their hearts thumping. The blood pumping through their veins. Calling to her hunger. She began to follow one. She cornered the human and killed him. Later she became a full vampire.

24 hours later:

Trinity was hiding in a mausoleum her hunger almost driving her mad she was laying on the floor when she sensed someone come in. No. Not someone. It was him. She looked up and saw him looking down at her "And why are we hiding here?" he asked in an amused tone. And she groaned in an annoyed tone "Leave me alone."
"And what if I just don't want to?" he asked
She stood up now and growled deep in her throat at him
"Now now. Don't be rude. After all I came all this way to bring this to you" he grinned then tossed something at her.
She caught the ring as he said "That will allow you to be in the daylight." he informed
While holding the ring she stared at him "Why did you do it?" she asked
He shrugged "I wanted to."he turned now to leave but commented "You haven't fed since the first night have you?" he asked knowingly and when she didn't answer he took that as a yes. "Then go feed. You know its just gonna get worse until you give in. You can't fight it. Its who you are now. " he said then left giving her some things to think about.

Trinity ended up leaving and fed again this time she kill two before her hunger was sated.
With blood on her mouth she left the ally but then was shocked when Damon landed in front of her and shoved her right back into the ally pinning her to the wall he would have dusted her but she was young so he would give her one warning "What the hell are you trying to do? Expose us all?" he released her rolling his eyes and threw a cloth at her "clean up before you go out in public."
She wiped her mouth and chin with the cloth then tossed it away then looked at him wearily "Can I go home now?" she asked
"Go home." He said then added " And Watch it Trinity." he warned luckily no one had seen anything so there was no risk of exposure really but she had cut it really close.
Trinity went home trying not to think too much about what she was now or what she would have to do to sate her hunger. It seemed that she just couldn't do anything right even as a vampire.
She had never seen Damon that annoyed. He was normally a laid back kinda guy. The bad ass cool vampire. Though when she first met him she hadn't known about the vampire part.
She kept thinking that she hadn't asked for this. Hadn't wanted it. He had done this to her. And some part of her was glad he did. But the other part was in denial and that was okay too.
Now that she was full and more at ease in her own bed she fell asleep. 

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