The Winchester Family

The Winchester Family

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Supernatural bond of twins

// Sam and Trinity are the type of twins that are connected emotionally meaning that they know exactly what the other is feeling and pretty much no one knows Trinity better then Sam does. Also they have a freaky twin thing where Sam can sense weather or not Trinity has been somewhere. For example if he was in a church he could easily be able to tell if Trinity had been in the same church recently. Just certain things like that. They are connected.  For the part where she becomes a vampire I'm gonna pretend like Trinity ran away from her house and ended up in Mystic falls where Damon turned her. However Sam left home too to search for her. He tried to call her phone first but when she didn't answer he went out to look for her himself. There was no way Trinity would ever ignore his call. So he assumed that something happened to her phone. In which case he needed to hunt her down himself. //

He wasn't sure what led him to Mystic falls. Somehow he just knew. And he only had to ask a few people before he found out where she was staying. He went over and pounded on her door.
Trinity was sleeping still and groaned under her covers when she heard someone at the door. She really didn't wanna see anyone. Then she heard Sam's voice "Trinity open this door!"
She peeked out from her covers in shock. Sam? Oh no. This wasn't gonna be pretty. "Go away." she shouted
Well Sam wasn't about go away after spending all the time looking and worrying about her. He spotted a plant hanging and reached up and grinned when he found the spare key. "Same old Trinity." he said using the key to open the door then locked it again pocketed the key and walked right into her bedroom "Ya know if you wanna keep people out you should have a spare key right outside your door. Anyone could find it and come in. I told you a hundred times never give your enemy easy access. I mean you might as well sleep outside." he stopped in his tracks as he saw the blood stains on her chin as she sat up and hissed at him.
Trinity was hungry. She hadn't fed in two days and would have lunged at him but even the pain in her gut caused by her hunger could not overpower the bond of the twins. She forced herself to back away "GET OUT." she yelled "GET OUT NOW!" she didn't wanna hurt him. She'd rather stake herself first.
Sam put two and two together pretty fast. Somehow his sister had been turned into a vampire.And at first he was torn.  He knew from the blood on her mouth that she had already fed and so she was a vampire. There was no turning her back.
Trinity grabbed for a stake clutching it tight the pain in her stomach getting worse. If she could only make it to the fridge and the bags of blood. But first Sam needed to leave so that she wasn't tempted with his blood.
"Get out!!" she screamed finally lunging at him but she didn't bite him. Instead she shoved him hard right out the door and slammed it panting hard then rushed to the fridge gulping down a bag of blood.

Sam was hurt. Not from the fall off the porch or from the shove itself. No what hurt him is that she was dead. She was dead and he felt enormous guilt because they were all about hunting the supernatural and saving people. And yet he had missed his chance to save his own sister. And really that's what gutted him. That he wasn't there to save her. Sam stood a few stray tears falling but he wiped them away determination in his eyes now. He had to do this. Vampire or not Trinity never could win against Sam. There had been many training sessions and not once had Trinity beat him. Her heart was just never in it. And Sam never took it easy on her because no demon was gonna take it easy on her.
He opened the door seeing that she didn't lock it back he went directly for her. Where he found her in the kitchen wiping the blood from her mouth. She heard him behind her and turned and as soon as she turned her grabbed her arm and Slammed her hard against a wall his hand went to her throat and he got in her face he could practically feel how pissed off he was. "Your gonna do EXACTLY as I say. Do we understand each other?" he asked in a menacing tone and Trinity felt something on her hip. "You know what that is? Its a tazer. You know what I'm gonna do with it if you so much as even hiss at me again?" he asked and Trinity stayed still. Yes. She understood and No she didn't need to be told what he would do if she didn't listen. It was pretty obvious that he would tazer her til she probably blacked out. She looked up into his eyes her own eyes flashing defiance. If it were ANYONE else she would have attacked. But it wasn't just anyone. It was Sam. And whatever came after this there was no denying the fact that if there was anyone that could force her into submission it was Sam. She had known from the first night that she had to control herself but that had proved to be near impossible. Now that Sam was here she wouldn't have a problem anymore because he would force it.
"Pack your things. We're going home." Sam said as he stepped back she looked surprised having not expected that. "What? I'm not leaving." she protested and he scoffed "Well your sure as hell not staying here. Your coming with me and that's that. Or do you need some persuasion first?" he asked and Trinity realized she wasn't gonna win this so she stormed to her room packed her things and went out to the impala that he no doubt had stolen from Dean to go search for her. Most of the drive back was in silence. When the sun rose he saw her put on a ring "What's that?" he asked.
"Its a daylight ring. It allows me to be in the daylight without burning." she said then closed her eyes trying to listen to the music because it seemed to calm her down. Sam knew the instant that she fell asleep. And he picked up his phone and dialed Dean who first yelled at him for stealing the impala then shut up after Sam explained that he had found Trinity but that she had been turned and had already fed and so now they had a vampire sister. "Great. That's just great. What are we gonna do?" Dean asked
"Keep her with us and keep an eye on her until we're sure she can control herself." Sam said
"And what if she can't control it?" he asked grimly knowing that some vampires couldn't control the blood lust.
"Then we make her." Sam said glancing at his sister as she slept.
"Yeah. you can't do it either can you?" Dean said smugly
Sam ignored that and hung up the phone.
Sam thought about that. Could he do it if he really had to? He sighed then. The fact that he had to think about it was pretty much his answer. He couldn't do it. It would be like killing himself only worse because he would still be around afterwords. Deep in his heart Sam felt that it didn't have to end like that.
There was another way. If she couldn't learn control then Sam was willing to keep her locked up if he had to.
But he was confident that he wouldn't have to go that far. With the help of her family she would learn to control her hunger.  No matter how long it took.

However when Sam got angry and left home to go to collage Trinity was left in Dean's care. Dean who wasn't as patient as Sam locked Trinity up where she couldn't get to people and visited her every day making sure she got a bag or two of blood so that she wasn't hungry and he stayed for an hour or two to talk to her.

When their father went missing something in Dean's brain just snapped and he left to go get Sam for help. They didn't find their dad and Sam lost his love Jessica and Dean and Sam went on the road to hunt the thing that killed their mother and while on the road Dean suddenly cursed and did a you turn. Sam held on as the car screeched and glared at Dean "Dude what the hell?"
Dean paled cursing himself again "Hold on Trinity." he begged having not seen her in over two weeks he just prayed that she was still there and didn't somehow die from not having been fed.
Sam paled then too "Oh god. Please tell me you had someone checking on her?"
"Been a little busy Sam." Dean said stressed.
"Then you better hurry the hell up. Where is she?" he asked
"Its like a quiet room. I locked her in and would visit her each day and feed her. I totally spaced when dad went missing." Dean said now worried.

It took three hours to get to the abandoned hotel that Dean had chosen.
Sam was out of the car first and busted the door down he then spotted her on the floor staring blankly at the ceiling and he could barely hear her voice. He went over to her and realized she was singing quietly to herself.
His eyes filled when tears when he saw the bite marks on her skin. She had been biting herself trying to drink her own blood to make the pain go away. It didn't take him long to realize that she was a little on the crazy side. Her hunger had driven her out of her mind and the song was the only thing keeping her from going right over the edge of insanity. They had to pull her back now. Before it was too late. Sam literally pulled her into his arms "Shh...Trini its me..its Sam. I'm here. Hear me? I'm here. Look at me." he pleaded with her as Dean just stared from his spot at the door.
Trinity though she was pretty somewhere in her mind she still was able to hear Sam and forced herself to come back because he was asking her to. She looked at him but wasn't able to completely come back. She was too hungry.
Sam saw this and took out his knife and cut his own wrist.
"Sam don't!" Dean got annoyed and worried
"She won't take it all. She won't let herself. She'll only take as much as she needs. Dean she needs blood now. It'll help her." Sam said putting his wrist over her mouth so that she could drink his blood.
"You realize how dangerous this is right? Once she has a taste of your blood she may never stop craving it." Dean informed him.
Sam already knew that and as she drank from him he could see her eyes going back to the way they should be. The sanity was coming back "I can control her Dean. You have to trust me. Trust the bond between us. You let me handle Trinity. I know what I"m doing." Sam said watching closely as she fed and then she stopped and he tied a cloth around his wrist to help it stop bleeding then took her by the elbow and helped her stand. She hugged him tight having missed him. He hugged her back then pulled back "Enough of this. We have work to do." he told her "Lets go. And since we picked up Trinity I saw we go hunt down Dawn and Faith and make them tag along too." Sam suggested as they went out to the car and got in.
Trinity now full and feeling more like herself fell asleep in the car while Dean drove and Sam sat in the passenger seat.

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