The Winchester Family

The Winchester Family

Monday, February 11, 2013


SUPERNATURAL : Family Business
Note: This is around the time when Sam is addicted to Demons blood.
Warning: Spanking in this chapter
Chapter two: Trinity's blood
Two nights later:
Trinity was with another vampire. The one that had turned her and at the moment they were all over each other. The two victims were tied up watching the two make out and grind against each other like it was going out of style. The short skirt worn by Trinity offered easy access for her lover who's fingers were taking advantage of it as always.
A moment later Castiel appeared and Sam and Dean came through the door they had left Adam in the car with a protection circle around the car.
Castiel said in a annoyed voice "You will remove your hands from her."
The vampire turned and Trinity's eyes pierced each of them confused about why they were here.
Sam was enraged that the vampire was touching his sister like that.
Daniel the vampire turned to the angel unaware that he was an angel "She's mine. Get your own."
Castiel slowly went over to him "Actually she is mine. She was mine long before you touched her. And she will remain mine long after you are in hell." his touch destroyed the vampire and Trinity stared in shock and looked at the angel slightly afraid now.
"You will close your legs now." Castiel instructed coming closer and she closed her legs trying to right her skirt and stood up from where she had been sitting Dean freed the victims.
"You need not fear that I will destroy you. I will not. You may be a creature like them but you are different. You can be controlled. You are not beyond help. They are." the angel said
Trinity sighed and went over near Sam having realized they would only be there if they knew who she was. Sam gave her a look "First stop we make we're getting different clothes for you." he said
Trinity rolled her eyes until Dean came back and barked for her to get in the car. She went out and was forced to stop unable to reach for the door. She glared at Dean "I can't get past this." she complained and Sam when he reached the car and used his foot to break the circle of salt. Trinity then could touch the door and sat in the backseat. 16 year old Adam looked at 17 year old Trinity who if she was human should have been Sam's age but was younger because of the vampire thing and the whole having been trapped in another dimension where times moves slower thing.
"If you don't stop staring I'm going to bite you." she said in a teasing tone when Adam wouldn't quit staring. Dean reached back and smacked her on the leg "Hey." she complained and then Dean started to car Castiel would meet them back at the hotel they had rented for the night. "Your not funny. Joke or no joke your not biting anybody. We already have plenty of blood stored for you in the fridge. Its animal blood. We also have whine to help with the cravings." Dean said having read in one of the journals that a vampire drinking whine could help control the bloodlust.
Trinity heard what he said but didn't respond much other then to nod and then stare out the window until the car stopped in the next town over.
The hotel was one of the cheap ones and Trinity rolled her eyes a scoffed "Figures. Another pathetic hotel for the pathetically poor humans. "
"Hey, You shut your pie hole before I decided to blister your ass for you." Dean threatened and they all got out of the car.
Adam was relived that It wasn't him being scolded for once. He went into the room seeing Castiel there and Dean went in and locked the door which surprised Adam "What about Sam and Trinity?"
"From now on Sam and Trinity share their own room. Look on the bright side. You get your own bed kid." Dean grinned. And then made his brother read a book while he drank and watched some TV.
Trinity had missed Sam a lot so she was glad for the new arrangement. That first night they did some catching up. Sam told her everything. Even things he hadn't told Dean. He found that he just HAD to open up to her. It was the connection he felt. Trinity in turn did the same.
Sam almost changed his mind about spanking her but then the memory came back to him again.
It was two years ago and Trinity had managed to run away. For almost two days Dean and Sam ended up chasing her and each time they would barely miss her and she always left a trail. She stole something everytime she entered a new town. On the third day their dad joined in on the hunt and Sam having been worried sick and pissed off that she was stealing and that they seemed to JUST miss her everytime vowed to blister her ass when he found her. But that wasn't meant to be.
There was an accident and that's when Sam went into a coma and Trinity gave up her powers.
The worry and anger had all come back to him now and it was that that drove him to pinned her across his lap and give her a good spanking though his heart really wasn't in it he still felt it was the right thing to do. He scolded her telling her she better never run away again and thoroughly blistered her ass. He found it interesting that despite that fact that she was a vampire her ass still turned a hot red as he spanked her and she seemed to cry just as hard as when she had been more normal. Afterwords they didn't really mention it and went to sleep.
It was the next time and a different hotel this time they were actually on a case. Dean and Adam were doing research on the werewolf trying to figure out where it would be.
Sam was in another room with Trinity and she was drinking a cup of blood. Sam's own thirst for the demon blood was getting worse. It was getting painful. Trinity looked up when he groaned in pain.
"Sam. What's wrong?" she asked
"I need it...I'm gonna have to call Ruby." he said though he really didn't want to.
Trinity waited a few moments and when Sam took out his phone she took it from him. She handed him a small knife and extended her arm "I'm full of demon blood now Sam. Your not gonna need Ruby anymore. "
Sam took the knife trusting her and gently took her arm and made a small cut there watching her closely for any sign of pain. Then he leaned down and placed his mouth over the cut and lapped at the blood and first then as more came out he swallowed it. He stopped when he felt he should and looked at her blood on his mouth and she didn't look the least bit effected by it. She healed fast and then went back to sit on the bed.
Sam washed the blood off his mouth and came back out. Later that night Dean called over saying he hadn't really found the location yet so they were just gonna hit the hay and search again tomorrow Sam laid on his bed and closed his eyes falling asleep.
Trinity slowly got up from her own bed and then quickly crept to the door unlocking it and slipped out without making any noise at all. She smiled but then cried out in shock when Castiel was right there. "Back inside Trinity. It is time to sleep. " he said as if she didn't know that.
"I'm a vampire. We don't sleep during the night." she said thinking it was rather stupid of the angel.
Castiel went into Sam's mind forcing him to wake up and he opened the door and pulled Trinity back inside "I got this Cas. Thanks." he said and shut the door firmly then shoved her at the bed "Get back in that bed and go to sleep." Sam ordered
Trinity scoffed "Nice guard dog you got there."
He got in her face "Do you want me to bust your ass?" he asked looking down into her eyes.
She looked away "No."
He shoved her onto the bed "Then go to sleep. And I wouldn't recommend trying to sneak off again."
Trinity reacted by shoving him back and hissing at him. "back off." she warned then threw a punch but he caught her arm expertly and turned her around trapping her against his big chest "no, YOU back off." he said in her ear in a dangerous tone and she went still for some reason it intimidated her.
He set her down and then bent her over at his side and slapped her on her ass causing her to yelp at the sharp sting then he yanked the covers back and tossed her in covering her up and looked right into her shocked face saying "Goodnight. Don't make me say it again. " Trinity stayed right where she was more then willing to go to bed now. The Sam she knew would have never thought of swatting or spanking her. She thought the blame should be put on Adam because Sam was in big brother mode naturally he's gonna be more bossy and stern. Trinity would have to put her foot down and make them all understand that she wasn't going to tolerate being treated like a child. Tomorrow. Yeah. Tomorrow she would tell them.

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