The Winchester Family

The Winchester Family

Monday, February 11, 2013


Summary: What if there was more to the night that Mary Winchester died? What if there was more to the tale of that night. Find out what happens when John, Sam and Dean go digging for more information after getting a tip about the demon that killed Mary.
Set near the end of season 1 John, Dean and Sam go hunting for more clues and get a major revelation.
Chapter one: There is another.
"There is another." The woman on the phone had said to John and then she had hung up.
The anonymous tip is what led John Winchester and his two sons Dean and Sam back to the old house they used to live in. The house where it all started for them. The memories of Mary's death flashed through John's brain and he had combed for clues since day one. But now the girl on the phone was saying there was more. She said they had to search deeper. So John and the boys were gonna do some soul searching. A meditation circle where they would all link their minds and go on the journey together not sure how far into their minds they would go to search for whatever it was that they needed to find.
Once in the basement John set the salt barrier around the house and Dean set the candles in a circle after drawing a pentagram as shown in the book. Sam lite all the candles and then all three men sat in the middle forming a circle they closed their eyes and said a spell. A moment later all three of their bodies landed on the floor and their spirits left their bodies and the room was spinning and when it stopped they heard noise upstairs. With John in the lead they went to go check it out.
John was shocked when he saw Mary. She was singing in the kitchen to a little boy. It was Dean. Age 4 and Mary was very obviously pregnant with Sam when John from the past came in and kissed her then bent down to kiss her belly "How are the babies?" he asked giving her a smile.
Older John caught it first. "Babies? As in more then one? But it was only Sam. And we knew that he was a boy." he said a little confused.
Mary smiled "You know the first time we went to the doctor and he said it was a boy I was excited but then when he said there was another baby hiding behind the boy and that it was a little girl my heart just melted. John do you know how blessed we are?" she asked so happy as she touched her stomach.
The room was suddenly spinning again and it was that night. John could tell and ran up the stairs and almost fell on the floor when he saw not one crib but TWO!
Sam wasn't sleeping alone. In the crib next to him was a tiny little girl.
Sam and Dean both approached the crib. Dean stopped to stare but Sam went closer and stared at the sleeping little girl not quite believing what he was seeing.
Dean's head was spinning. Dad had handed him ONE baby that night. There had been only one baby. Not two...right?
John Winchester was busy in his own thoughts trying to figure out why or what this could mean.
If there had been another child what had happened to her? Why did they not know or remember her?
Sam reached over to touch the baby girl. And his baby self threw a tiny arm over as if shielding the baby girl which made Sam smile.
Suddenly the room was spinning again and Mary was standing there she was on the ceiling burning before they could do anything about it and suddenly John had come in and handed Sam to Dean then he rushed to grab the baby girl and ran out with her. This also shocked them. If the baby didn't die with their mother then what happened to her?
They soon found out because time just kept moving on.
Suddenly Dean and Sam and the little girl were kids Dean had to be 12 or 13 and Sam and the little girl were 7 or so.
John was out on a hunt and Dean was giving them breakfast laying cereal in front of both of them and he gave a look to his young sister "Now Trinity you eat all of that you hear?" he asked and she made a face at him "But its yucky." she whined and Dean leaned over on the table "I didn't ask for any of your lip little girl. You eat your breakfast or I'm gonna put you in the corner." Dean said in a no nonsense tone and Trinity ducked her head and began to eat.
John Dean and Sam were seeing a very different Dean then the one they remembered. Sam could never remember Dean getting stern when they were left alone. Sure there was the occasional swat when Sam really got out of control but other then that there was nothing.
The room spun again and now it was several years later Sam and Trinity must have been 14 and it was the same town where Dean and Sam had stayed for two weeks without their dad but by this time they were all aware that something was VERY wrong here. They had no memory of Trinity or any of this.
They watched as Trinity and Sam were introduced to the class and they sat close to each other and Sam stuck up for a kid that was being bullied and offered to take his place bravely and John felt proud of his boy and then the boy hit him but he did nothing. Just walked away which Dean didn't approve of and then came the time when Trinity came over and she looked nervous "Guys something isn't right here." she said and Dean scoffed "No joke there. Sam's letting those chumps get the better of him."
"No Dean. I"m serious. Something is really wrong. Like supernatural wrong. Something is going to happen. I can feel it. I just don't know what." she said
Sam rolled his eyes "Trinity would you chill. There isn't a boogieman in every town we go." he said thinking she was overreacting.
A couple days later the bully pushed Sam and Sam again ignored it until the bully tripped his sister. THAT was when Sam retaliated and kicked the bullies butt in front of everyone. His closing statement was "NOBODY puts their hands on my sister." then went over and helped Trinity up and Dean got the call from dad that he was on his way and Dean Sam and Trinity went outside to wait. And just as John pulled up he saw something opening and he got out of the car to protect his kids but was too late. What looked like electicity struck both boys while the same material grabbed Trinity and sucked her into what appeared to be a portal. And then a man in a Trench coat appeared claiming that he was an angel of the lord and he healed Sam and Dean and then said "I'm sorry but I must erase the parts of your brain now. Fear not. For it will be as if she never existed. She can never come back. But we know you will never give up. You will never stop searching. And so I must do this so that you can freely move on and continue as if she never existed." he said and before any of them could protest the Angel erased Trinity from their minds.
All through this John, Dean and Sam stared. They had gone from shocked, To tolerating the idea and then right up to pissed off. They had been cheated. Forced to forget about Trinity and go on as if she never existed and all the blank spots had been filled with fake parts.
However memory lane wasn't over yet.
They were shown the next week where Sam had been completely out of control. He had been a holy terror that entire week. Neither John nor Dean had been able to explain why. And now they were beginning to wonder if somewhere deep down Sam had somehow known that something was missing. Losing that part of him must have been what caused the fits of rage.
Dean and John both felt bad then because they had both spanked him for his behavior but now they understood. You can't just take someone's twin sister away without causing a ripple of some kind.
Suddenly there was more spinning and then they woke in the basement it was dark outside now and John sat up first then Dean and Sam sat up.
John was beginning to come to terms with the fact that he had another child. A daughter. A daughter that had for some reason been stolen from them.
Dean pretty much accepted the truth and so did Sam but it hit Sam on a deeper level. He had a sister. A twin sister. And he could suddenly remember that feeling. That feeling before he had gotten into his dad's car. The feeling as if his entire world had been ripped away from him. Like something precious had been there only moments ago and then it was gone. Now he understood why.
John went for his journal.
Dean went after him "dad what are we gonna do?"
"We're gonna find out everything we can about portals and other dimensions and maybe try to find which one your sister was sucked into." he said
Sam came out then "Dad people don't just get sucked into other dimensions. Someone did this deliberately. Someone sat there and chose to take her from us. And I'm not really sure that I'm okay with that." he said
"Sam's right and what if they did this mind vudu on her too? She won't remember us anymore then we remember her." Dean said John took the journal out and went back inside the boys following him "That doesn't matter. What matters is that we have to find her. We have to make sure that she's okay." he said then flipped through his journal "Dean call Bobby and ask if he knows anything at all about portals to other dimensions." John ordered and Dean went to the phone and called Bobby.
Sam who hadn't had a vision in a while suddenly went into one. Once it was over John was at his side and so was Dean having wrapped up the call already. "Sam you okay? What did you see?" Dean asked
Sam winced then said "I'm fine...I saw..." he paused then added "I saw a young girl. Long brown hair blue eyes, dressed sorta like an amazon or something. She has a staff and she was beating the hell out of a guy in a ally by the gas station down the road...I think its happening tonight." he said
"Great. Just great some amazon girl? Looks like Trinity is gonna have to wait a few hours." John said then looked to Dean "What did Bobby say.?"
"Well actually this works well because Bobby said that he needed more time to figure out more information but he said he did know one thing. Once your sucked in there's no way to get back out." Dean said which was disappointing but they grabbed their gear and headed to the gas station to stake out the place. They kept watch until suddenly it was like deja vu all over again. The same damn portal opened and a man fell out along with the girl from Sam's vision. The girl regained her wits first and got up her long staff in her hands she began to beat the crap out of the guy before he could even get back up. John and Dean were out of the car pretty fast while Sam was slower mainly because he had caught a good look at the girl. And he just knew that it was her. It was Trinity. He got out too and ran fast wanting to get there before Dean and his dad. "Wait! Guys its her! Don't hurt her!" he called to them.
John realized what Sam meant and Dean fell back a little while John went over to confront the girl who instantly turned her staff on him "Come no closer!" she warned and he paused to look at her too before saying "Trinity?" the name caused a reaction in her. Enough of one to where John knew Sam was right.
"Who are you that you dare to speak my name?" she demanded.
"Well apparently I'm your father. Those are your brothers Dean and Sam. Do you remember us at all?" he asked
Her staff never moved and John now saw that there was a sharp spear like point to it where it was aimed at his gut. "You forgot me you lowlife. I did not forget who I was." she said
John put his hands up trying to calm her down "wait. We didn't want to forget you. We were forced to forget you. We would have gone after you and saved you but an angel came and erased you from our minds." John told her.
Trinity didn't looked surprised "There is nothing you can tell me that I don't already know. Sometimes its better just to let things go." she said then she turned back to the portal that was still open and getting smaller. It was closer. She took a step towards it and Sam panicked. He tackled her to the ground just as the portal closed in the air. She went crazy then punching him hard then used her legs to kick him over and onto his back and she was no on top of him her spear like staff pressed against his neck but John was faster. He lifted her off of her brother while Dean came forward and pried the staff away from her grasp and broke it and then there was rage in her eyes and she kicked him in the gut hard while John took another step back not releasing his hold on her. Sam got up then and spoke to her "Trinity stop. Its okay. No one's gonna hurt you. We wanna help. We're your family. This is where you belong." he said then noticed something else and asked "Trinity why do you look so young? How old are you?" he asked
Trinity finally wore herself out and realized she wasn't getting away from them anytime soon so she decided to cooperate. For now.
"17." she answered
Now John was stumped "But how? Sam is 23."
"Time moves slower in my hell dimension." she said.
"Hell dimension? It was a hell dimension?" Dean asked and she nodded.
"Hell creatures all around. Demons, hell hounds, angry spirits that have all been banished from here..they all end up there and that's just the start. " she said in a know it all tone.
John didn't quite trust her to not try to run so he tied her hands behind her back and put her in his truck and drove.
They headed to a hotel where they would question her closer.
John sat at the table while Dean sat on a chair and Sam sat on a bed and Trinity sat on the opposite bed her legs crossed.
And Sam took the time to notice her clothes. She wore a belly shirt made of some kind of chamois. Leaves and vines covered it and her wanna be skirt was shorter then anything he had ever seen before. It too was made of the same material. She had a bracelet around her upper arm and around her left wrist were tons of beaded bracelets of all types. On her right wrist was what looked like a vine bracelet.
John didn't care much for her clothes but right now they needed answers.
"Why were you attacking that guy?" John asked.
She glanced at him "He was evil." she said
"Really? What kind of evil?" Dean asked doubting her.;
"He was male." she said as if that should be answer enough.
John gave her a look "He was male? That's it? Did he do anything to you or anyone else?" he asked
"No. I didn't give him the chance." she said in the same tone.
"So you thought he might be evil and rather then risk letting him leave you killed him just to be on the safe side." Dean said and she nodded "Exactly."
"Okay but Trinity that's not how things work here. You can't just kill someone because you think they might be bad. What if you were wrong? What if he was a regular guy?" Sam asked trying to make her understand.
"He came from my world. You know nothing of my world." she said
Sam scoffed "Actually I do. Because THIS is your world. That other place isn't your world. You got stuck there but you came from here. And now that your back you can't still run around like your in that other world. I know its gonna be hard for you to adjust but we'll help you." Sam said but he thought it would be a little strange teaching is 17 year old twin sister how to behave in this world.
John went over and handed Dean some cash "Son go to a store and pick out some clothes for your sister. And just guess at the sizes." he said as Dean stood up and took the cash. "Gotcha. Be back soon." he said and went out to the store. He chose Wal Mart. He had been with enough girls in his life to know that a certain waist was a certain size and he had gotten a look at his sisters size so he knew what size she was. He got several pairs of underwear and some jeans and t shirts. Loose fitting clothes that would be easy for her to move around in during a hunt. But nothing too revealing.
Back at the hotel the more Trinity talked the more John realized that someone had corrupted the girl. She thought that all guys were bad and that eventually they would all try to hurt her if they gave them half the chance. Sam didn't like her views on guys and knew he would have to help her get past that insecurity.
"You know sometimes guys are bad but not all guys. And here the bad guys go to jail. And the evil guys...well we take care of them so that they don't get to hurt anyone else. Guys aren't the enemy kid. Trust me. And trusting a guy may be a foreign concept to you but I'm not just any guy. I'm your father. And I wasn't given a choice when it came to what happened to you. They forcefully took those memories from me and that's not okay with me. I had a daughter all this time and I didn't even know. Someone went to a lot of trouble to get rid of you. And I'm gonna find out who and why." John said determined.
Dean came in then with the clothes and a backpack he had bought for her new clothes. John picked out some jeans and a shirt and a pair of shoes and handed them to her. "Go put those on. You have three minutes and then I'm coming in there." he warned.
She took the clothes and went into the bathroom where he had pointed. She remembered underwear but it had been a while since she had any. She put them on along with the jeans and the shirt. She saw the window but knew that she wouldn't get far even if she did go out plus she didn't know anything about this town or what might be lurking nearby. So instead she would obey. At least for the moment.
She came out with a minute to spare and sat on the bed bringing the shoes out with her setting them down an annoyed look on her face.
"What?" Dean asked worried that she didn't like them. "They don't fit?" he asked
"I never had shoes like those. I had the easier ones. I don't know how to do those." she said offended by the shoes.
Sam had a flashback then. His first. It was of her. She was wearing Velcro shoes. When he came out of it he realized what she meant. She didn't know how to tie the shoes. He went over to her and took the shoes "here. Let me help you. I'll show you." he said then after putting socks on her feet he took each of her feet and put the shoes on one by one. Then she watched as he tied them both a kind look on his face. Then he smiled up at her "Better?" he asked
and actually it was. She felt more at ease now. He had helped her. So she thought that maybe she could trust him. She could remember many times when Sam had protected her. She smiled back at him "Thank you."
he got up "No big deal. Don't be afraid to ask questions. There are bound to be things your not gonna remember." he said.
"I never had shoes with the strings." she said
"I know." Sam said a guilty look on his face. He felt bad for her.
For two days things went smoothly but on the third night while they slept Trinity got up and tried to make an escape attempt. She unlocked the door unaware of the ever good ears of the hunters. No sooner did she have the door open it was swiftly shut again and she had John Winchester in her face an angry look on his face. He was not someone that liked to be woken up. Especially when it came to catching his kids trying to sneak out. "Little girl you get back to bed. NOW." he ordered sternly having told the boys to go back to bed. She realized then that it would be harder then it seemed and she went back to her bed and went to sleep.
The next morning they moved on to another town no one mentioning the escape attempt but they all knew that she had tried to leave. John and Trinity were in the Truck while Dean and Sam were in the impala.
John had a word with his daughter "Look your young. Your practically still a kid. You can't just leave. You have to be realistic. We're doing this to help you. But if you try to leave again I'm gonna have to take certain disciplinary measures. I can't have you constantly trying to run away. That's not gonna help anyone. Its just wasting everyone's time." John said never one to hold back the truth.
Trinity knew what that meant. It meant that he would find a way to punish her. She wasn't afraid of him. But because of Dean she knew that punishment could be unpleasant and so she would play it cool for a while. Maybe she could cooperate just until they let their guard down then she would run right when they thought that it wasn't gonna be an issue anymore.

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