The Winchester Family

The Winchester Family

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sam and Ruby part 1

// For this Ruby has been turned human but she still has a few demon abilities however Sam won't allow her to use them and when she does use them he punishes her and we will say that Trinity is still around but this won't really have her in it. It is focused on Sam and Ruby who I think were a HOT couple //

Sam and Ruby Part 1

Ruby had used her powers against Sam's wishes and someone had died because of it. Sam was furious. He loved Ruby and beleived that all she needed was a reason. And if he could give her a reason then she could be a good person. So far it had worked.
But in times like this when she broke the rule of not using her power Sam knew what he had to do even though it was hard.

Once they were home Ruby was kissing him and he sat in the chair making out with her then when their lips parted he looked at his lover who was kneeling before him "You know I still have to punish you. " he said freeing the button on her jeans with one hand while gazing into her eyes.
He pulled her jeans slowly down her thighs leaving her in only her underwear then he bent her over his knee and started to slap her ass hard "Naughty girl! You will not disobey me by using your powers Ruby. " he scolded as he soundly slapped her on her underwear watching as she slightly jumped with each swat

He paused after about 20 and slipped down her panties. "Ready?" he asked and she barely managed to moan and nod.

Sam reached under his lover to rub her pussy. He always did this when spanking her. He would give her some swats. Then bring her to orgasm and then give her the real spanking and it was always so much more intense after she had cum. Her bottom seemed to become more sensitive after having an orgasm. It was a way that the couple mixed pain and pleasure.
Sam rubbed her pussy fingering her and rubbing her clit. He continued for a while and when he felt her close to cumming he sped up his rythm she squirmed on his lap moaning loud as she felt herself getting close her pussy jerking on his finger and then her orgasm came and it was explosive her pussy trembling and jerking through the torment and pleasure racking through her body.
Sam let her come down from the after math before starting to spank her now on her bare bottom and it wasn't long before she was crying and after about 20 more slaps to her quivering red ass Sam stopped "Are you gonna use your powers again?" he asked
"Noooo." she cried over his lap.
"Good. And what will happen if you do?" he asked
"You'll spank me again." she said
"That's right. I will. I'm glad we understand each other. " he let her up standing up as well "Now get in bed. I'll join you in a minute." he said.
 Ruby sighed and went to the bed laying there with her bottom blazing hot she climbed under the covers and when Sam climbed in beside her she cuddled next to him and both of them fell asleep.


Monday, February 11, 2013

Inside her head

// Sam and Trinity have a heart to heart  //

An hour ago she had been fine. It had just been a regular afternoon with Sam and Dean picking up clues and Trinity napping on the bed.

But then things changed. She had woken up hungry. But she didn't want the crappy blood in the fridge.
No. She knew what she wanted. And she clenched her fists fighting herself on the inside. And it might have worked but Dean and Sam walked in early.

Sam stopped as the door closed and looked over at Trinity almost as if he could sense it. "You okay?" he asked and then he saw her stand up her teeth descending and she hissed "I'm hungry." she said gazing at him.

Dean came out now and in a calm tone said "Okay. Everybody calm down. Trinity its gonna be okay. Go back to the bed and I'll get you some blood alright?" he asked in a reasonable tone.

She moved fast and had her hand at his throat and Dean fought his own instincts because he knew it wasn't her fault. It wasn't Trinity talking. It was the hunger. It was controlling her.

"I'm surprised at you.....I thought you'd know better then to make a mistake like that." Dean said and she tilted her head "What mistake did I make?" she asked then gasped when her arm was grabbed and she was jerked back and slammed hard against the wall her arm was now pinned painfully behind her back. And she now realized her mistake.

Never turn your back on your brother. Especially if that brother was Sam Winchester.

"Let go of me...." she growled then winced when he pulled her back just enough to slam her back into the wall.

His voice held a threatening note when he said into her ear "Shut up Trinity! We tried doing this your way. But now, Now we're gonna do it MY way. If you have any problems with that you can just get over it! Right now your gonna go to that bed and if you even move wrong your NOT gonna like me. Do we understand each other?" he demanded not letting up until she hissed in pain then nodded and looked back at him sincerely.  "Alright. No tricks now." Sam warned then let her go and she just stayed there for a minute taking a breather then she lunged at him and he quickly had her by the throat and again had her pinned to the wall only this time it was her back against the wall and Sam really didn't look happy.

"Stop. Right now." he warned looking her in the eye.

She smiled at him "You can't strangle me. I don't breath."

"You will back the hell off right now and control yourself. And I'm not asking." He said though she could tell he was losing patience.

Her eyes softened and she whined "I'm hungry."

"You stay there and don't move and I'll get you some blood." he said pointed to the bed.

she looked at him pleadingly "I...I need more then the animal blood. I need it fresh and human." she said then she shoved him and ran for the door.

Sam now understood and recovered fast he reacted instantly taking out a dart gun he shot it twice knowing it took more then just one to knock out a vampire. She cried out when the darts hit her then fell on the ground not moving. Dean stared at Sam as Sam went over and picked up Trinity and carried her to the bed. "We're gonna have to lock her down until morning. " Sam said signaling Dean to give him the chains.

"Dude she shoved you." Dean said
"I know. I let my guard down. It won't happen again. " Sam vowed.
Dean knew he was right. Sam almost never made the same mistake twice.
"I'm sorry Sam. I didn't tell you this but at the time when you said you could control her I honestly thought it'd just be better to kill her. I thought it would be too much for you. That you were underestimating her. I was wrong. And I'll tell you something else Sam." Dean said and waited until Sam looked at him before continuing "She could have gone for us. She could have had us in seconds if she really tried. But she didn't. I think there's something different about her. She's not like the other vampires we've seen. They never showed signs of humanity." Dean said.

Sam stayed there to chain her up after Dean left. He knew Dean had a point. But Trinity had tasted his blood before. So it was better to chain her up before she tried something stupid. He had already told her once before that He wasn't doing it again that it was a one time thing.

Once she was secured to the bed Sam went to get some blood from the fridge and laid out a bag so that he could heat it up when she woke up.

An hour later Dean was messing around on his laptop looking up signs and other things that he had witnessed since Trinity changed.  Trinity began to wake and when she opened her eyes Sam sat on the bed by her and had a cup with a straw in it so that she could drink from the straw while he held the cup. She turned her head away "Noooo...I don't want that." she whined
Sam didn't budge "Your hungry. You know you are. Drink this or the pain is gonna come back." he said trying to remind her that when she didn't feed that it caused her pain.

The mention of the pain again was enough to send her over. She began to buck on the bed and scream as if he was torturing her and Dean ran in as Sam backed off putting the cup down "What the hell did you do?" Dean asked going over to the bed now and tried to calm her down by talking quiet "Shh..Trinity its okay..its one's gonna hurt you. " he promised but she struggled just as fiercely and he got back up at a loss not sure what to do. Dean took the key and started to unlock the chains Sam got his wits back now and then watched in horror as Trinity vaulted off the bed now free and Sam instantly put himself in the middle making sure that Trinity could see him. "STOP. " he said grabbing her arms and as if she was in a trance she stopped and Dean put his hands on his hips "Okay, what the hell was that? First she's out of control and now we're playing Sam says?" he asked confused.
Sam gave him a look for the Sam says joke.  Then sighed "When she goes into these stages she goes deep into herself. She pretty much goes to her safe place. She goes there when she feels like she's about to go over the edge and it stops her from going over. In a way it pulls her back from the brink of insanity." Sam said.
"Okay. So what memory do you think it is?" Dean asked
"I don't know. I've never asked her. But I think its one that has me in it." Sam said looking at Trinity again
"Why do you think it has you in it?" Dean asked
"Because she listens to me. She can still hear me. She does what I tell her to do. Its sorta like you said. Playing Sam says. Only I think she listens to me because whatever memory she chose is one where I'm there too. " Sam explained having figured it out a while ago.

"And all the times that this happens you seem to be the one that gets her out of it. Its like every time she goes loony tunes your the happy pill the makes her pop back to normal." Dean said in the same tone as before.

Sam threw a glare at his brother "Dude seriously? First of all she's NOT crazy or loony tunes as you put it. And second, we should be concentrating on getting her out of her head and back here to reality. " he said then decided he would ignore Dean and any further comments til this was settled.

Sam put a hand On both of Trinity's shoulders and guided her to sit down then sat down by across from her looking her in the eyes he took her hands and tried to prepare himself then said "Show me Trinity. Show me what you see."  he then felt as if he was sucked into her brain.

It was a familiar place. But he didn't recognize it then again it looked as if whatever had been here was bombed or something.

he then Saw Trinity. She was knelt on the concrete staring down and he knelt by her. "Trinity...what happened here?" he asked

"Its gone." she said in a shattered tone.

"What's gone?" Sam asked taking her hands and trying to look her in the eyes.

She wouldn't meet his gaze "Its gone." she said again.

"What's gone? And why is it gone? Trinity look at me. Tell me what's so special about this place. Tell me what happened here and then maybe it'll come back" Sam said trying to understand.

"Can't...can't remember.." she said sadly.

"Try." Sam begged knowing that whatever the memory was it was the only thing that could keep her here. And it was also the only thing that could release her from here.

"I..I think he's suppose to be here too..." Trinity said which didn't make sense to Sam until a younger teenage looking Dean appeared in the distance and Sam looked over at him then back at Trinity "Good. That's good. Who else is here?" he asked.

"Sammy. Sammy's here too." Trinity said and the Sammy part made Sam wanna roll his eyes but then he watched as a younger version of himself also appeared and the clothes is what sparked his memory.
He took her hands "Trinity look at me. Listen to me. Its not gone. Its there. We were 14 years old. Dad was gone for about two weeks and there was this bully that kept picking on this kid with glasses. I stood up to the bully and he ended up picking on me. Remember? And then the afternoon before we left he did something. Tell me what he did Trinity. " Sam said already knowing but he wanted her to remember.

She began to talk then and everything was becoming more clear and it all began to play out in motion as she said "He knew I was your sister. He thought he could intimidate you by using me. He tripped me while we were outside. You saw it. " Sam nodded and watched fascinated as the memory played out. His younger self had seen the jerk trip Trinity on purpose. Sam had never really cared what people did to him at School. But his sister had always been such a little girl right from the start. Sam had always just took it upon himself to protect her.
Trinity continued as the memory played out "I started to cry. I heard you beating him up and I saw the last of it." she said.
"Trinity why is this the memory you revert back to?" he asked not understanding why the bully picking on her would matter so much but then again the memory wasn't over yet. Trinity then looked up and then over at the younger Sam "Its wasn't him. Its the fact that for once in my life I didn't know what you were thinking. You surprised me.  " she said as watched just as Sam watched.

His younger self went back over to Trinity who was curled up holding her ankle and trying very hard to be brave and not cry. Sam could tell from the feel of it that it was sprained. He took one of her arms and put it around his shoulder then helped her stand on her good foot then when he saw how hard it was for her he simply swept her off her feet not caring about how it made him look "Its okay. I know it hurts. Its okay to cry." and once he said that she buried her face in his shoulder and cried and he felt so bad for her that he carried her the whole way to the nurse to get her ankle wrapped.

Sam looked back at Trinity. He had forgotten about that last bit. He remembered the fight. But it wasn't the fight that pulled at her heart strings. It was the part after that where her tough brother carried her. And he almost laughed but instead he said "Trinity. Let me ask you something. Why do you think I carried you to the nurse?" he asked
"Because my ankle was twisted?" she asked and he did laugh then "Well yeah but why did I carry you?" he asked
And she looked at him honestly not knowing. "I really have no idea. Because you felt bad about me tripping?" she asked.
Sam just looked at her "you really don't know do you?" he asked then nodded to himself. Of course she didn't know. He barely said it most of the time. "Trinity your my twin sister. And you we're hurt. Because of me. Because I wasn't looking after you. You were too bad off to walk. And I wasn't about to make you walk. So I picked you up and carried you. Because I love you. Dad always told Dean to look out for us. But you know what? No one had to tell me to look after you. I just knew that it was something I had to do. Not for dad. Or Dean or even for me. I had to do it for you. To protect you. I was never gonna let anything happen to you. I'm sorry I failed." Sam said saddened.

Trinity was now smiling "Well of course you failed. You can't protect me from everything Sam. You couldn't protect me from spraining my ankle. You couldn't protect me when the first boy broke my heart. And you couldn't protect me from my own stupidity. I knew better then to be out at night alone like that. I know what's out there. I just didn't care. I was careless. And that's why I am the way I am now. Its not your fault Sam. Sides. What really counts is that when I sprained my ankle you were there to pick me up. And when that boy broke my heart you were there to help put the pieces back together. And when I was turned into this thing you didn't back down. You didn't give up on me. You took me with you and said we would fight this together and that I'd learn to control it. Don't you see Sam? This was the first time I understood that you were gonna do whatever it takes to protect me." Trinity said teary eyed.

Sam fought his own tears touched by her speech but knew they had to get back. "Get us out of here Trinity." he grinned and she grinned back then closed her eyes and they were now back in the room with Dean and Trinity her eyes no longer looked crazed.

Sam got up to get the cup of blood for her and stopped when he heard her say "By the way I know you did it." he glanced back at her confused now "Did what?" he asked and saw Dean by the door.
"We were 16 and he broke my heart that night the next morning he had a broken nose a busted lip  sprained ribs and wouldn't spill a word about to anybody. Not even the cops. Just thought I'd tell you that I know you did it." she said smugly and didn't see the mile wide grin on Sam's face.
"Actually miss smarty it was me that messed up pretty boys face." Dean raised a brow at her not even the least bit repentant.  However that surprised her and then Sam went over both of them grinning now Sam leaned on Dean saying "Yeah. Compared to what Dean did to his face they barely noticed the damage I did to his ribs."
Trinity's mouth dropped open in shock. Never once had she suspected that it was a team effort.
"I shoulda known." she said then couldn't help but crack a smile and drank the blood calmly then she felt exhausted so she went to take a nap.

The Supernatural bond of twins

// Sam and Trinity are the type of twins that are connected emotionally meaning that they know exactly what the other is feeling and pretty much no one knows Trinity better then Sam does. Also they have a freaky twin thing where Sam can sense weather or not Trinity has been somewhere. For example if he was in a church he could easily be able to tell if Trinity had been in the same church recently. Just certain things like that. They are connected.  For the part where she becomes a vampire I'm gonna pretend like Trinity ran away from her house and ended up in Mystic falls where Damon turned her. However Sam left home too to search for her. He tried to call her phone first but when she didn't answer he went out to look for her himself. There was no way Trinity would ever ignore his call. So he assumed that something happened to her phone. In which case he needed to hunt her down himself. //

He wasn't sure what led him to Mystic falls. Somehow he just knew. And he only had to ask a few people before he found out where she was staying. He went over and pounded on her door.
Trinity was sleeping still and groaned under her covers when she heard someone at the door. She really didn't wanna see anyone. Then she heard Sam's voice "Trinity open this door!"
She peeked out from her covers in shock. Sam? Oh no. This wasn't gonna be pretty. "Go away." she shouted
Well Sam wasn't about go away after spending all the time looking and worrying about her. He spotted a plant hanging and reached up and grinned when he found the spare key. "Same old Trinity." he said using the key to open the door then locked it again pocketed the key and walked right into her bedroom "Ya know if you wanna keep people out you should have a spare key right outside your door. Anyone could find it and come in. I told you a hundred times never give your enemy easy access. I mean you might as well sleep outside." he stopped in his tracks as he saw the blood stains on her chin as she sat up and hissed at him.
Trinity was hungry. She hadn't fed in two days and would have lunged at him but even the pain in her gut caused by her hunger could not overpower the bond of the twins. She forced herself to back away "GET OUT." she yelled "GET OUT NOW!" she didn't wanna hurt him. She'd rather stake herself first.
Sam put two and two together pretty fast. Somehow his sister had been turned into a vampire.And at first he was torn.  He knew from the blood on her mouth that she had already fed and so she was a vampire. There was no turning her back.
Trinity grabbed for a stake clutching it tight the pain in her stomach getting worse. If she could only make it to the fridge and the bags of blood. But first Sam needed to leave so that she wasn't tempted with his blood.
"Get out!!" she screamed finally lunging at him but she didn't bite him. Instead she shoved him hard right out the door and slammed it panting hard then rushed to the fridge gulping down a bag of blood.

Sam was hurt. Not from the fall off the porch or from the shove itself. No what hurt him is that she was dead. She was dead and he felt enormous guilt because they were all about hunting the supernatural and saving people. And yet he had missed his chance to save his own sister. And really that's what gutted him. That he wasn't there to save her. Sam stood a few stray tears falling but he wiped them away determination in his eyes now. He had to do this. Vampire or not Trinity never could win against Sam. There had been many training sessions and not once had Trinity beat him. Her heart was just never in it. And Sam never took it easy on her because no demon was gonna take it easy on her.
He opened the door seeing that she didn't lock it back he went directly for her. Where he found her in the kitchen wiping the blood from her mouth. She heard him behind her and turned and as soon as she turned her grabbed her arm and Slammed her hard against a wall his hand went to her throat and he got in her face he could practically feel how pissed off he was. "Your gonna do EXACTLY as I say. Do we understand each other?" he asked in a menacing tone and Trinity felt something on her hip. "You know what that is? Its a tazer. You know what I'm gonna do with it if you so much as even hiss at me again?" he asked and Trinity stayed still. Yes. She understood and No she didn't need to be told what he would do if she didn't listen. It was pretty obvious that he would tazer her til she probably blacked out. She looked up into his eyes her own eyes flashing defiance. If it were ANYONE else she would have attacked. But it wasn't just anyone. It was Sam. And whatever came after this there was no denying the fact that if there was anyone that could force her into submission it was Sam. She had known from the first night that she had to control herself but that had proved to be near impossible. Now that Sam was here she wouldn't have a problem anymore because he would force it.
"Pack your things. We're going home." Sam said as he stepped back she looked surprised having not expected that. "What? I'm not leaving." she protested and he scoffed "Well your sure as hell not staying here. Your coming with me and that's that. Or do you need some persuasion first?" he asked and Trinity realized she wasn't gonna win this so she stormed to her room packed her things and went out to the impala that he no doubt had stolen from Dean to go search for her. Most of the drive back was in silence. When the sun rose he saw her put on a ring "What's that?" he asked.
"Its a daylight ring. It allows me to be in the daylight without burning." she said then closed her eyes trying to listen to the music because it seemed to calm her down. Sam knew the instant that she fell asleep. And he picked up his phone and dialed Dean who first yelled at him for stealing the impala then shut up after Sam explained that he had found Trinity but that she had been turned and had already fed and so now they had a vampire sister. "Great. That's just great. What are we gonna do?" Dean asked
"Keep her with us and keep an eye on her until we're sure she can control herself." Sam said
"And what if she can't control it?" he asked grimly knowing that some vampires couldn't control the blood lust.
"Then we make her." Sam said glancing at his sister as she slept.
"Yeah. you can't do it either can you?" Dean said smugly
Sam ignored that and hung up the phone.
Sam thought about that. Could he do it if he really had to? He sighed then. The fact that he had to think about it was pretty much his answer. He couldn't do it. It would be like killing himself only worse because he would still be around afterwords. Deep in his heart Sam felt that it didn't have to end like that.
There was another way. If she couldn't learn control then Sam was willing to keep her locked up if he had to.
But he was confident that he wouldn't have to go that far. With the help of her family she would learn to control her hunger.  No matter how long it took.

However when Sam got angry and left home to go to collage Trinity was left in Dean's care. Dean who wasn't as patient as Sam locked Trinity up where she couldn't get to people and visited her every day making sure she got a bag or two of blood so that she wasn't hungry and he stayed for an hour or two to talk to her.

When their father went missing something in Dean's brain just snapped and he left to go get Sam for help. They didn't find their dad and Sam lost his love Jessica and Dean and Sam went on the road to hunt the thing that killed their mother and while on the road Dean suddenly cursed and did a you turn. Sam held on as the car screeched and glared at Dean "Dude what the hell?"
Dean paled cursing himself again "Hold on Trinity." he begged having not seen her in over two weeks he just prayed that she was still there and didn't somehow die from not having been fed.
Sam paled then too "Oh god. Please tell me you had someone checking on her?"
"Been a little busy Sam." Dean said stressed.
"Then you better hurry the hell up. Where is she?" he asked
"Its like a quiet room. I locked her in and would visit her each day and feed her. I totally spaced when dad went missing." Dean said now worried.

It took three hours to get to the abandoned hotel that Dean had chosen.
Sam was out of the car first and busted the door down he then spotted her on the floor staring blankly at the ceiling and he could barely hear her voice. He went over to her and realized she was singing quietly to herself.
His eyes filled when tears when he saw the bite marks on her skin. She had been biting herself trying to drink her own blood to make the pain go away. It didn't take him long to realize that she was a little on the crazy side. Her hunger had driven her out of her mind and the song was the only thing keeping her from going right over the edge of insanity. They had to pull her back now. Before it was too late. Sam literally pulled her into his arms "Shh...Trini its me..its Sam. I'm here. Hear me? I'm here. Look at me." he pleaded with her as Dean just stared from his spot at the door.
Trinity though she was pretty somewhere in her mind she still was able to hear Sam and forced herself to come back because he was asking her to. She looked at him but wasn't able to completely come back. She was too hungry.
Sam saw this and took out his knife and cut his own wrist.
"Sam don't!" Dean got annoyed and worried
"She won't take it all. She won't let herself. She'll only take as much as she needs. Dean she needs blood now. It'll help her." Sam said putting his wrist over her mouth so that she could drink his blood.
"You realize how dangerous this is right? Once she has a taste of your blood she may never stop craving it." Dean informed him.
Sam already knew that and as she drank from him he could see her eyes going back to the way they should be. The sanity was coming back "I can control her Dean. You have to trust me. Trust the bond between us. You let me handle Trinity. I know what I"m doing." Sam said watching closely as she fed and then she stopped and he tied a cloth around his wrist to help it stop bleeding then took her by the elbow and helped her stand. She hugged him tight having missed him. He hugged her back then pulled back "Enough of this. We have work to do." he told her "Lets go. And since we picked up Trinity I saw we go hunt down Dawn and Faith and make them tag along too." Sam suggested as they went out to the car and got in.
Trinity now full and feeling more like herself fell asleep in the car while Dean drove and Sam sat in the passenger seat.


Trinity is on vacation and during that time she ends up getting turned into a vampire:

One night in Mystic falls 17 year old Trinity was out late at night and as she was walking down the dark road she felt as if something was following her but each time she looked back she saw nothing.
Now off her guard she didn't see it coming. He was too fast. And before she knew it he was right there in front of her and she gasped then calmed somewhat recognizing Damon. "You creep. You scared me. What are you stalking me?" she teased.He grinned down at his young friend "Maybe." he said gazing at her and she scoffed "One syllable? Is that all I get?" she joked then went around him to continue her walk home. He moved fast grabbing her and whispering in her ear "Oh that's not all your getting. I'm not finished with you yet."
Trinity felt a small wave of fear hit her. What was he going to do? He turned her to face him and stared deep into her eyes saying "You will not be scared. You will follow my every order."
Trinity felt like she was now in a trance and would do whatever he told her to do. She wanted to break the trance when she saw him bite his wrist and order her to drink but instead her hands went up to clasp his wrist and she found herself drinking from him then with the blood fresh on her mouth Damon gets behind her and snaps her neck cause her to fall dead on the ground. Damon wondered around and did his own thing for the rest of the night now that the fun of the evening was over.
Several hours later Trinity woke up the sun was just on the horizon and she sat up on the road trying to remember what happened and then it came back to her. Damon. He had given her his blood and then killed her. But then how was she awake now?
Not that it mattered she stood up and felt a craving deep inside like it was gnawing at her core.
She spent a lot of time that day trying to fight it but it just got worse. The pain was excruciating.
It wasn't long before she figured out that Damon had turned her and that it was blood she needed to make the pain go away. She followed her instincts all the way into town where she spied people all around she could hear their hearts thumping. The blood pumping through their veins. Calling to her hunger. She began to follow one. She cornered the human and killed him. Later she became a full vampire.

24 hours later:

Trinity was hiding in a mausoleum her hunger almost driving her mad she was laying on the floor when she sensed someone come in. No. Not someone. It was him. She looked up and saw him looking down at her "And why are we hiding here?" he asked in an amused tone. And she groaned in an annoyed tone "Leave me alone."
"And what if I just don't want to?" he asked
She stood up now and growled deep in her throat at him
"Now now. Don't be rude. After all I came all this way to bring this to you" he grinned then tossed something at her.
She caught the ring as he said "That will allow you to be in the daylight." he informed
While holding the ring she stared at him "Why did you do it?" she asked
He shrugged "I wanted to."he turned now to leave but commented "You haven't fed since the first night have you?" he asked knowingly and when she didn't answer he took that as a yes. "Then go feed. You know its just gonna get worse until you give in. You can't fight it. Its who you are now. " he said then left giving her some things to think about.

Trinity ended up leaving and fed again this time she kill two before her hunger was sated.
With blood on her mouth she left the ally but then was shocked when Damon landed in front of her and shoved her right back into the ally pinning her to the wall he would have dusted her but she was young so he would give her one warning "What the hell are you trying to do? Expose us all?" he released her rolling his eyes and threw a cloth at her "clean up before you go out in public."
She wiped her mouth and chin with the cloth then tossed it away then looked at him wearily "Can I go home now?" she asked
"Go home." He said then added " And Watch it Trinity." he warned luckily no one had seen anything so there was no risk of exposure really but she had cut it really close.
Trinity went home trying not to think too much about what she was now or what she would have to do to sate her hunger. It seemed that she just couldn't do anything right even as a vampire.
She had never seen Damon that annoyed. He was normally a laid back kinda guy. The bad ass cool vampire. Though when she first met him she hadn't known about the vampire part.
She kept thinking that she hadn't asked for this. Hadn't wanted it. He had done this to her. And some part of her was glad he did. But the other part was in denial and that was okay too.
Now that she was full and more at ease in her own bed she fell asleep. 

Trinity remembers

 Note: After Trinity gets hurt on a case Dean has Castiel erase her memory of them and everything supernatural. And Trinity unaware of who she really is goes to stay at a cabin.

It had been three months since she got to the cabin. It was a peaceful place. There was woods which meant tons of trees and wilderness and there was a lake that she hadn't really investigated yet. But that was todays goal. She finished her homework and headed down in a pair of shorts and a tank top. She took off the necklace and set it on her towel for safe keeping. She didn't wanna get it wet. She needed to know if she could swim and there was only one way to find out. So she jumped in with a loud splash. She slowly surfaced and looked around the water moving her arms to stay afloat. She grinned assuming that this meant that she could swim and she headed back to shore going back to her towel and she frowned because she couldn't spot the necklace. Where did it go? She searched the towel again and then felt something under her foot and lifted her foot to see the necklace relieved she picked it up then she saw that the chain was broke. She started to cry. it was broke. The chain was broke. How could she have been so stupid? That necklace meant everything to her. She curled up on the sand holding it in her hand crying as if it were her dead baby or something rather then a piece of jewelry.

She ended up falling asleep on the sand the locket in a tight grip and she dreamed again of the young teen boy who she could see clearly now putting the necklace on her. "Sam its beautiful." she smiled up at him and he grinned down at her. "Where did you get the money for this?"she asked
He snickered "Don't ask. " he kissed her forehead "happy 16th birthday Trin."
She hugged him tight "Thank you. I'll treasure it." she said then squealed when he lifted her off her feet and gave her a bear hug. "Glad you like it. It took me a while to find the right gift. I wanted something special for your birthday." he said

She woke up mumbling Sam's name and suddenly another memory came flashing in.
This one had a different guy in it. he looked really pissed off and went over to pick her up and marched her out the door and she kicked and screamed then he tossed her into the lake yelling "When you cool off you can come back in!" he said and she glared at him from the water "Dean!! Get me out of here!" she whined.
He looked at her knowing she could swim "Get yourself out." he said then turned and walked back to the cabin.
A girl showed up and took her hand helping her out the last few feet "Thanks Dawn." she said.
"No problem. I told you to quit pushing it. He's in a pissy mood tonight."
Trinity rolled her eyes "yeah I know. hence the reason I got my ass tossed in the water."

Once the flash back ended she had three questions. Who was Sam? Who was Dean? And who was Dawn?
Her first thought when she saw the memory of the necklace was that Sam was an old boyfriend or something but the mere thought of that made her insides cringe so she thought that maybe she was wrong on that count.
But then who was he?
And Dean?
And Dawn?

She could only hope that she could remember more.

Once at school she told her best friend about Sam and about her broken necklacce and two weeks later he felt bad for her and bought her a new chain presenting it to her "here Katherine. This is for you. For Sam's necklace." he said and she smiled taking the chain and hugged him "Thank you Damon. That's so nice of you. Thank you." she finished the hug then strung the necklace again so that the locket was on it and then had her friend put it around her neck.

One the necklace was around her neck again she felt strange. Then she collapsed every memory coming back to her and once she woke still on the ground with Damon standing over her worried she sat up and looked around then stood fast sensing that he was a vampire almost instantly. But she also remembered her time as Katherine and that she hadn't remembered who she was. And now her only question was WHY hadn't she remembered who she was? she somehow knew the only one with that answer was her siblings. So she hopped in her car picking up a hitchhiker named Bella on the way back home and they chatted some on the way back. Apparently Bella had two guys that wouldn't stop fighting over her and so she had run away to get away from them and the pressure. I was happy to help her get as far away from Forks as possible.

Once back in her home town she knew where to find her brothers and sister.
On the hunt no doubt.

She waited until night after Bella got herself a hotel room then went out searching for them.
She was surprised at how easy it was to find them.
She followed them for a while until Dean sensed something behind them he turned fast gun in hand the gun pointed at Trinity and when he saw it was her he lowered his gun. "Hello Dean. Long time no see. I don't know why I'm so shocked. I'd expect no less from you. " she then turns to Sam a hurt look on her face "But I didn't expect it from you. How could you do that to me? How could you guys think that my life would somehow be better without you? Huh?" she yelled at all three of them now angry tears filling her eyes part of her wanted to rip off her necklace and throw it at Sam but she knew she wouldn't forgive herself if she did. When the chain had broke it was like her soul had shattered. Like 70 knives were plunged into her soul. She couldn't bare it. And so she restrained herself from breaking it. And just stares at her two brothers and her sister waiting for an explanation.


SUPERNATURAL : Family Business
Note: This is around the time when Sam is addicted to Demons blood.
Warning: Spanking in this chapter
Chapter two: Trinity's blood
Two nights later:
Trinity was with another vampire. The one that had turned her and at the moment they were all over each other. The two victims were tied up watching the two make out and grind against each other like it was going out of style. The short skirt worn by Trinity offered easy access for her lover who's fingers were taking advantage of it as always.
A moment later Castiel appeared and Sam and Dean came through the door they had left Adam in the car with a protection circle around the car.
Castiel said in a annoyed voice "You will remove your hands from her."
The vampire turned and Trinity's eyes pierced each of them confused about why they were here.
Sam was enraged that the vampire was touching his sister like that.
Daniel the vampire turned to the angel unaware that he was an angel "She's mine. Get your own."
Castiel slowly went over to him "Actually she is mine. She was mine long before you touched her. And she will remain mine long after you are in hell." his touch destroyed the vampire and Trinity stared in shock and looked at the angel slightly afraid now.
"You will close your legs now." Castiel instructed coming closer and she closed her legs trying to right her skirt and stood up from where she had been sitting Dean freed the victims.
"You need not fear that I will destroy you. I will not. You may be a creature like them but you are different. You can be controlled. You are not beyond help. They are." the angel said
Trinity sighed and went over near Sam having realized they would only be there if they knew who she was. Sam gave her a look "First stop we make we're getting different clothes for you." he said
Trinity rolled her eyes until Dean came back and barked for her to get in the car. She went out and was forced to stop unable to reach for the door. She glared at Dean "I can't get past this." she complained and Sam when he reached the car and used his foot to break the circle of salt. Trinity then could touch the door and sat in the backseat. 16 year old Adam looked at 17 year old Trinity who if she was human should have been Sam's age but was younger because of the vampire thing and the whole having been trapped in another dimension where times moves slower thing.
"If you don't stop staring I'm going to bite you." she said in a teasing tone when Adam wouldn't quit staring. Dean reached back and smacked her on the leg "Hey." she complained and then Dean started to car Castiel would meet them back at the hotel they had rented for the night. "Your not funny. Joke or no joke your not biting anybody. We already have plenty of blood stored for you in the fridge. Its animal blood. We also have whine to help with the cravings." Dean said having read in one of the journals that a vampire drinking whine could help control the bloodlust.
Trinity heard what he said but didn't respond much other then to nod and then stare out the window until the car stopped in the next town over.
The hotel was one of the cheap ones and Trinity rolled her eyes a scoffed "Figures. Another pathetic hotel for the pathetically poor humans. "
"Hey, You shut your pie hole before I decided to blister your ass for you." Dean threatened and they all got out of the car.
Adam was relived that It wasn't him being scolded for once. He went into the room seeing Castiel there and Dean went in and locked the door which surprised Adam "What about Sam and Trinity?"
"From now on Sam and Trinity share their own room. Look on the bright side. You get your own bed kid." Dean grinned. And then made his brother read a book while he drank and watched some TV.
Trinity had missed Sam a lot so she was glad for the new arrangement. That first night they did some catching up. Sam told her everything. Even things he hadn't told Dean. He found that he just HAD to open up to her. It was the connection he felt. Trinity in turn did the same.
Sam almost changed his mind about spanking her but then the memory came back to him again.
It was two years ago and Trinity had managed to run away. For almost two days Dean and Sam ended up chasing her and each time they would barely miss her and she always left a trail. She stole something everytime she entered a new town. On the third day their dad joined in on the hunt and Sam having been worried sick and pissed off that she was stealing and that they seemed to JUST miss her everytime vowed to blister her ass when he found her. But that wasn't meant to be.
There was an accident and that's when Sam went into a coma and Trinity gave up her powers.
The worry and anger had all come back to him now and it was that that drove him to pinned her across his lap and give her a good spanking though his heart really wasn't in it he still felt it was the right thing to do. He scolded her telling her she better never run away again and thoroughly blistered her ass. He found it interesting that despite that fact that she was a vampire her ass still turned a hot red as he spanked her and she seemed to cry just as hard as when she had been more normal. Afterwords they didn't really mention it and went to sleep.
It was the next time and a different hotel this time they were actually on a case. Dean and Adam were doing research on the werewolf trying to figure out where it would be.
Sam was in another room with Trinity and she was drinking a cup of blood. Sam's own thirst for the demon blood was getting worse. It was getting painful. Trinity looked up when he groaned in pain.
"Sam. What's wrong?" she asked
"I need it...I'm gonna have to call Ruby." he said though he really didn't want to.
Trinity waited a few moments and when Sam took out his phone she took it from him. She handed him a small knife and extended her arm "I'm full of demon blood now Sam. Your not gonna need Ruby anymore. "
Sam took the knife trusting her and gently took her arm and made a small cut there watching her closely for any sign of pain. Then he leaned down and placed his mouth over the cut and lapped at the blood and first then as more came out he swallowed it. He stopped when he felt he should and looked at her blood on his mouth and she didn't look the least bit effected by it. She healed fast and then went back to sit on the bed.
Sam washed the blood off his mouth and came back out. Later that night Dean called over saying he hadn't really found the location yet so they were just gonna hit the hay and search again tomorrow Sam laid on his bed and closed his eyes falling asleep.
Trinity slowly got up from her own bed and then quickly crept to the door unlocking it and slipped out without making any noise at all. She smiled but then cried out in shock when Castiel was right there. "Back inside Trinity. It is time to sleep. " he said as if she didn't know that.
"I'm a vampire. We don't sleep during the night." she said thinking it was rather stupid of the angel.
Castiel went into Sam's mind forcing him to wake up and he opened the door and pulled Trinity back inside "I got this Cas. Thanks." he said and shut the door firmly then shoved her at the bed "Get back in that bed and go to sleep." Sam ordered
Trinity scoffed "Nice guard dog you got there."
He got in her face "Do you want me to bust your ass?" he asked looking down into her eyes.
She looked away "No."
He shoved her onto the bed "Then go to sleep. And I wouldn't recommend trying to sneak off again."
Trinity reacted by shoving him back and hissing at him. "back off." she warned then threw a punch but he caught her arm expertly and turned her around trapping her against his big chest "no, YOU back off." he said in her ear in a dangerous tone and she went still for some reason it intimidated her.
He set her down and then bent her over at his side and slapped her on her ass causing her to yelp at the sharp sting then he yanked the covers back and tossed her in covering her up and looked right into her shocked face saying "Goodnight. Don't make me say it again. " Trinity stayed right where she was more then willing to go to bed now. The Sam she knew would have never thought of swatting or spanking her. She thought the blame should be put on Adam because Sam was in big brother mode naturally he's gonna be more bossy and stern. Trinity would have to put her foot down and make them all understand that she wasn't going to tolerate being treated like a child. Tomorrow. Yeah. Tomorrow she would tell them.


SUPERNATURAL: Family business
Note: For this we will say that Dean and Sam learned of Adam at the same time that John did. John told his sons of their brother. So when their dad goes missing and Dean picks up Sam to help him go look they make another stop on the way to pick up their baby brother Adam who is not quite 16 yet. Also this is a new story but I also am gonna work on the other Supernatural story that I started called Sweet Sacrifice and also this could be seen as the sequel to that.
For Trinity's character picture Elena from Vampire diaries.
Warning: This story contains SPANKING of a teens by Dean and Sam and also Castiel does some of the spanking too.
Chapter one: Winchester Siblings.
Dean pulled up in front of Adam's house and Sam for the hundredth time protested "Dean he's 15 years old. I know we could use help and that he's family but that's all the more reason to keep him out of all this. Dad kept him in the dark about the supernatural because he was protecting him."
Dean fired back with the same response as last time "Yeah well ya know what Sam? When your in the dark that's when the monsters will get you. He's better off with us anyways. Think about this, what if something came after him while he was here before he was ready? He wouldn't know how to protect himself. Dad might not be too happy about it but right now this is what I think is best. Now lets get in there." Dean said getting out of the car and went up to the door with Sam at his side.
Adam's mother answered the door and after greeting each other she invited them in. "Sorry to bother you ma'am but we need to see your son Adam." Dean said.
The mother went over and called her son down. Adam didn't recognize Dean or Sam.
Dean made his move then he pulled out his gun and cocked it aiming at Adam's mother who stared for a moment shocked. "My name is Dean Winchester. This is Sam. And that boy there is our little brother. Our dad is missing. And I'm sorry but we need Adam with us. And we're taking him. With or without your consent." he informed.
"That won't be necessary. I know what John did for a living. I understand. Just promise me you'll look out for him." The mother pleading and Dean lowered his gun and uncocked it and nodded "You can trust us. He's family. We won't let anything happen to him." Dean said
Sam went over to Adam "You should go up and get a bag of your clothes. Only take what you need. Hurry. We need to get going." he said and Adam thought he was unsure he understood that they were his brothers and he was happy to be getting away from home for any length of time. It was dulls-ville all around. Now maybe there would be some adventure.
Adam went up and packed a backpack. Sam went up to supervise what he was packing.
Dean went out to the car as Sam and Adam headed down the stairs and Sam got in the passenger seat with Adam got in the backseat throwing his bag in.
Dean started the car and as he drove off he said "Okay house rules Adam. First: Driver picks the music and others in the car don't get to complain. Two I tell you do something you better do exactly as I say. Three if I'm not around and Sam tells you to do something you better do it as if it was me saying it. Rule four I know your young but you better watch your mouth. I don't care if you wanna say damn or hell but the f word is off limits. Unless you want a mouth full of soap I'd refrain from saying it. Rule five there is a line between respect and disrespect. Do NOT cross it. I'm not dad and you don't have to call me sir but you will respect me and Sam and you will listen to us because if you don't your gonna learn the hard way about what us Winchesters do to naughty boys. And while I'm on a roll here no lying, stealing,. Smoking or drinking behind our backs. Is there anything I just said that you don't understand?" Dean asked continuing to drive they were almost out of town now.
"No. I get it. So how far can I go before I cross the line into disrespect?" he asked
"Oh you'll know. You'll get warnings when your close. Just take your cue's from us." Sam said gazing out the window now.
They drove for a long time. Dean only stopped for gas and snack foods and later that night he stopped at a hotel for some rest.
Dean claimed one bed and Adam protested about having to share a bed with Sam. Brother or not he thought that was strange but Dean cut him off with a lecture about how sharing a bed wouldn't kill them and that it would be unfair to make Sam sleep on the floor. So Sam ended up in the bed with Adam unaware that this would soon be a long term arrangement.
The next morning Dean and the boys were on the road again. Adam sat in the back once again and it was two hours before he was bored. "Dean I'm gonna go nuts if we don't stop for some food or something." he said though he wasn't really hungry at all.
Dean glanced back "Dude we just had doughnuts how are you hungry?" he asked
Adam whined then "Okay but can we at least change the music? Just for two seconds? PLEASE." he begged and when he got no answer he took that as a no. "If your bored take a nap. Fine something to do. There's books back there. Read. " he suggested.
Adam didn't want to read. He huffed annoyed and bored and would have kicked the back of Dean's seat but then thought better of it and kicked the back of Sam's instead. At first Sam thought it was just an accident but then Adam did it again twice and Sam turned back to pin him with a look "Cut it out." he said firmly and Adam sat back in his seat now as Dean raised a questioning brow at Sam who said simply "He kicked my seat."
Dean rolled his eyes and kept driving. Over the next hour Adam found small ways to annoy his brothers. Mostly it was Sam that turned back around and either got onto him for his actions or would threaten to 'Come back there' if he didn't stop. Adam wasn't scared and so he continued until suddenly both Sam and Adam were jerked around as the car came to a dead stop on the side of the road.
Dean turned to them both but mostly focusing on Adam "You make me stop this car one more time and I will blister you little ass. So sit back and settle down. " he warned grabbed one of the books and shoved it at him. Then looked at Sam after Adam grimly nodded fear in his eyes. "Same goes for you Sam. I'm so done with this crap. We are not gonna do this the whole damn time. " he said then the car started back on the road again.
Dean didn't have to stop again because Adam actually started to read the book and Sam now that Adam wasn't antagonizing him was just fine.
They had a case or two and most of the time Adam was made to stay in the hotel room when the brothers left for a couple hours to do digging and Adam would just watch TV until they came back.
Things went smoothly like this and eventually they found their dad and Adam got to see first hand how his dad was and how his brothers changed when he was around them.
There were more cases and Adam hardly saw any evidence of the actual fights. But he helped do research and Dean or Sam would often explain things to him and he liked to think of it as his demon 101 time.
And then came the car accident and Dean almost lost his life and in a twist Dean woke up and it was John that was found dead.
Dean and Sam took it the hardest. Adam mourned too because hey it was his dad too but he didn't know John the same way they did.
After two weeks the brothers seemed to be handling things again and also were gonna take over with the hunting business.
Adam thought now was a good time so he sat down and said "I'm sorry things ended like this. Its been almost a year now. Dean I think its time for me to go back home to my mom. I'm not really any use to you here. I'm more of a tag along then anything else. I'm in the way." Adam said and Dean looked up at him "you don't get it do you? I meant what I said to your mother. But when you went upstairs with Sam there's something else I told her. Something you didn't hear. And I meant what I said 100 percent." Dean said.
"What did you tell her?" Adam asked curious.
Dean took a drink of his beer then said "I told her to let you go. Because she wasn't gonna see you again. I'm not gonna take you back there Adam. I never intended to take you back. You can get mad but that's just the way it is. "
Adam stood up angry now "You can't do that! Why would you lie to me?"
"I didn't lie. Never once did I say I would take you back to your moms. I'm not about to take you back there because the moment I do I just know that one day some supernatural son of a bitch is gonna find you and if your not prepared then it'll kill you and I'm not having that. This is your life now. All the connections you had back there? Forget about them all. The people you love always pay the price. And your more of a target if we aren't around. " Dean said
Adam was upset and stormed to the door "Take one step out that door and I'll beat your ass. I'm not even close to kidding." Dean warned not in the mood for any attitude.
Adam didn't listen. He jerked the door open and stormed out and Dean was out of his chair and had him by the arm in short timing. He hauled him protesting all the way back landing 7 good sharp swats before they were in the hotel room then marched him to the bed "You get in that bed and lay there. I don't care if you stare at the damn ceiling but I better not hear a word out of you again tonight. Go to bed. " Dean growled then waited until Adam crawled sheepishly into the bed and lay there then Dean went back out and sat at the table Sam laying some cards out for them to play.
During the next few more dangerous cases they made Adam stay with Bobby and his house as they headed out and their brother always stayed glued close to the phone worried and waiting til he heard more news from them.
Life at Bobby's was no more fun then life on the road. Moving around all the time wasn't fun but at least you were moving around and not just staying doing nothing like he was doing at Bobby's.
The upside was that he had met a kid around his own age and he thought the other boy was pretty cool.
Jack liked the new boy. He offered to take him to a party that night.
He told Bobby about it and Bobby didn't think it was a good idea. Parties and kids didn't always make for a good ending to the night. So he told Adam no.
Adam wasn't about to listen to the other man. He hadn't seen his brothers for months now. Sure there had been calls and he had been told about the new ally Castiel who was an angel and about some of the cases and how they had been taken care of.
However the night of the party Sam called and Bobby answered "You boys DO remember that you left something here don't you? About 5'9 blonde hair goes by the name Adam?" he joked and Sam laughed "Yeah don't worry we're gonna come and get him really soon. So things still going alright over there?" he asked
"Well Adam met a new friend. The kid doesn't seem all that reliable to me. He wanted to go a party tonight but those never end well so I told him no and he went to bed early. " Bobby said.
Sam smirked "Went to bed early? Without whining? That's not normal."
Bobby frowned "Your right. Hang on just a second." he said and went to check the room Adam stayed in. Then went back to the phone "Well I feel dumb." Bobby sighed.
It was Sam's turn to frown "He's not in his bed is he. " he said in a knowing tone.
"Nope. He must have gone to that party. Oh well. " Bobby said "Anyways say hey to your brother for me and call me again soon. " he said then hung up.
Sam put his phone up and looked at Castiel "Cas we got a slight problem." he said and both Castiel and Dean were paying attention to Sam now.
"What's the problem?" Castiel asked
"Well its Adam. He left Bobby's house to go to a party and I'm worried now that he's gonna find some kind of trouble there. Could you maybe find him and take him back to Bobby's?" Sam asked
Castiel nodded "I'll retrieve your younger brother. But if this Bobby can not protect your brother then perhaps he should not be there. " Cas said and popped out.
Castiel found Adam at the other house fairly fast. He popped in and pulled Adam aside and told him who he was and Adam grinned having heard about the angel. "So what are you doing here? I thought you mostly hung around my brother's?" he grinned
Cas wasn't amused "I protect the Winchester brothers. And you are one of them. Therefor you are also my charge. And you are well aware that this is not a safe or logical place for you to be. Your safety comes before any other human desire. You will come with me now. " Castiel said calmly and touched his shoulder and a second later they were back at Bobby's in front of the older hunter.
The Angel went over to Bobby "I place him back in your care. Lose him again and I shall take over. " Castiel said in a menacing tone then he was gone.
Bobby had several drinks and then went to bed and Adam went to his bed glad that he hadn't gotten into much trouble but he liked Castiel. He was amusing to say the least.
Castiel returned and repeated his words and actions in a calm and confident voice.
Dean thought it was kinda cute that Castiel was trying to protect Adam.
Castiel now that he had made contact with Adam was connected to him just like with Sam and Dean.
Two nights later Castiel popped out of the room without saying a word.
Dean and Sam were curious when he left.
But they were flat out shocked when Castiel returned with Adam in a firm grasp.
"Cas what the hell?" Dean asked they were NOT ready for Adam to be around yet.
They had left a lot of things out when talking to Adam. Like the fact that Sam and Dean had both died and that Sam had drank demons blood and lost his soul and gotten it back. And they didn't tell him about the Croat virus that was suppose to come in about 5 years but Sam and Dean were both working on a way to prevent it.
Castiel made Adam sit down then stood over him a solemn look on his face. "I'm sorry for vanishing. I had to go save your brother. " he said to Dean and Sam then turned to Adam
"You should tell your brothers what almost happen to you just now. "
Adam stared harder at the floor. He REALLY didn't want to but knew that if he didn't then the angel would probably rat him out anyways.
He sighed heavily and began to explain "I snuck away from Bobby's house again. I was headed to Jack's when I heard these noises. I knew it was a demon and when I saw it I could see all the signs and was able to identify its species. It was a vampire..." he paused.
Dean's heart began to beat faster with worry and Sam was having the same reaction.
"Did it bite you?" Sam asked
"Continue the tale. " Castiel said.
Adam sighed again and said "I didn't have anything to cut its head off with so I bluffed telling him that I had him surrounded but he didn't buy it and he moved really fast. I thought that was gonna be it but then Castiel arrived and saved me. " Adam finished still amazed by the power of the angel.
Dean was pissed but thankful once again for the angel "Thanks Cas. I owe you one. " he said.
"No Dean. Its my job to protect you and your brothers. And now I must tell you that Adam's close encounter tonight has shattered my faith in the man you call Bobby. Clearly he is not qualified for this. Adam must stay in our care now." Castiel said.
Dean and Sam nodded and they both understood.
"So now that I told you everything can I go to bed now?" Adam asked sorta tired.
Dean scoffed "Yeah, right, Nu uh baby brother. Your not getting off that easy. Your in very real trouble here. You left Bobby's twice now even though you knew you shouldn't be out at night. And not only that but you played games with a vampire and coulda been killed. Your ass in mine." Dean said getting up and going right over to his brother.
"What? Dean no. Man you can't be serious?" Adam groaned getting out of the chair but Dean had him by the arm before he could think to run "Oh I'm dead serious you little brat. I told you that the rules still applied when we left you with Bobby. And you know that you either follow the rules or you get punished. " Dean lectured and as he propped his foot up on a chair and snapped the button of Adam's jeans lose then yanked the pants down and hauled his youngest brother across his raised knee and they both heard Castiel said "You will accept the punishment your brother has chosen Adam. Continue to whine and I shall administer your punishment myself. " the angel warned
Dean tried not to laugh at the image of Castiel spanking his brother. He decided instead to concentrate on spanking his brother himself. He landed 10 rapid fire swats to the boys boxer clad butt then said "No, you know what? Your getting this bare." he said pulling his brothers boxer down and baring his bottom. Sam cringed while Adam pleaded that he was sorry and wouldn't do it again "Damn right you'll never do it again." he said and then began to soundly spank his brothers bare bottom.
Adam went from whining to yelping to ouching and then finally broke down into tears as Dean soundly blistered his bottom.
When Dean thought Adam had had enough he replaced his pants then gave him a rough hug "Alright its over now. I know it hurts and it'll be like that for a while. Go on and get in bed." Dean instructed and Adam obeyed going to the bed and lay there first feeling sorry for himself and trying to get comfortable while laying on his stomach. He eventually fell asleep.
Castiel with his gentle eyes watched the younger boy.
"What are you thinking about Cas?" Sam asked seeing the look in the angel's eye.
Castiel his eyes still on Adam said "I am thinking he is just a child. The punishment chosen by Dean was appropriate. "
Dean raised a brow grinning "Gee thanks for the approval. Spanking has always been the way punishment is dished out in our family. No matter how old you are." he said taking a drink
Castiel could understand that. "Every child should be disciplined in this way. Perhaps more would turn out better if they were. I have seen other boys his age over my time. And never have I seen such respect. Such loyalty. He didn't fight you or disrespect you when you announced his punishment. He submitted. As any misbehaving child should. You have taught him well Dean."
Dean had been listening to Cas the whole time and he realized that Castiel really did approve.
Dean shrugged and Sam spoke next "We were taught from a young age to show respect and not to fight it we got in trouble. Since we had Adam with us we drilled those same things into his head. I mean true Dean only had to swat him a couple times until now that is. Adam is a smart kid. And when your smart you know that fighting it or arguing only makes it worse."
"Indeed. Yet he put up a small protest it didn't take him long to submit. I am impressed. " the angel said.
That was something they hadn't expected. Sam climbed in bed next to Adam and Dean crashed on the bed next to it while Castiel stood outside like a guard.
In the middle of the night Adam though he wasn't aware of it he began to have a bad dream and eneded up snuggling closer to Sam.
Castiel went into the boys dream hoping to comfort him. "Adam you are alright. Its only a dream. Child its only a dream. You have nothing to fear. " the angel said as the boy hide in the darkness.
Adam looked at the angel. "What is it?" he asked then looked past Castiel who turned to see what was frightening the boy. His face turned stone cold when he saw the girl with long hair he said sternly "Trinity Katherine Winchester when I find you you will be severely punished. You will not torment your brother in this way. Leave him be. " Castiel ordered and Trinity glared her vampire teeth ascending long enough to hiss at the angel then she left the dream.
Castiel turned to Adam and knelt before the boy "You are safe. She would not have hurt you."
"Why was she trying to scare me?" Adam asked
"Because she once had the power of a god. And though the power is gone the ego never left her. She is cocky and foolish and she will pay the price when I find her. " Castiel said
When Adam woke the next morning Dean had breakfast ready for everyone. Castiel never ate.
Adam looked at both Dean and Sam and said "So why didn't anyone tell me about Trinity?" he asked feeling it was unfair for them to keep that a secret.
Castiel turned to the boy as Dean raised a brow "Trinity?" he asked the name not ringing a bell.
"Yeah. Our sister." Adam said and Castiel was at his side now "Adam you should not have said that."
Dean stood up now "Whoa wait. What sister? What the hell is he talking about Cas? Have you been hiding this from us? Is this true? Do we have a sister?"
the angel sighed "Dean its not that simple. You must understand what was done was not my decision. Yes you have a sister. Trinity is Sam's twin sister. When she was 14 she was stolen and an angel erased your memories of her. Your memory your father's memory and Sam's memory. Though Sam was harder because he had a deep connection with her. Your sister returned when she was 17. and was around for a year. Your sister ate Ambrosia. The fruit of the gods while she was in another dimension. Trinity could make things happen. She was very powerful. Too powerful. The power inside her would have destroyed her. When your father found out he tried to make a deal. He offered to give his own life if we would only take the power from her. But a god has to renounce their power. It cannot be taken from them without their consent. Sam got hurt before he wanted to go away to college. It was that incident where Trinity prayed to the angels and offered up anything if we would only save Sam. Michael himself came down to collect her power. But your sister demanded to have all your memories wiped of her again. Michael healed Sam and then washed Trinity from your minds again. After seeing that Sam was alright for herself Trinity left and no one heard from her again. Last night when the vampire was going to hurt Adam I became very angry. The reason I was angry is because after Trinity left a vampire got to her. A vampire snatched up a Winchester and turned her as revenge for John killing their leader. Trinity was still 17 when it happened. I chose to protect you and your siblings Dean. So when I found out that I was too late to help Trinity I went after her. Not to destroy her. But to help her. Figuratively speaking you could say I put a leash on her. She can't drink from humans so up to a point she is being forced to control her thirst. But last night she entered Adam's dream and was tormenting him. I sensed his fear. And her anger." when Castiel was done explained Sam was standing up too "Wait so your saying we had a sister for 14 years then she got kidnapped into another dimension where she found ambrosia and ate and we were forced to forget about her and then later she came back and had the power of a god and we remembered her again and then I got hurt and she gave up the power in order to save my life and again we were forced to forget about her and when I chose to leave for Stanford she ended up getting turned into a vampire and somehow your controlling her thirst?" Sam summed it all up and when Castiel nodded his assent Sam snapped "Are you freaking kidding me? Who the hell told you people that you could just screw with our memories like that? How dare you make us forget that we had a sister and not once but twice! Castiel I demanded that you return the memories that were stolen from us." Sam said his voice raised.
Castiel went over to Sam "I did not agree to the deal with your sister. Therefor I am not obligated to keep it. " he touched Sam's head and then touched Dean's and both brothers instantly had their memories back and felt cheated and angry.
Dean grabbed the keys and asked "Where is she?"
"Why?" Castiel asked afraid that he already knew why.
"Because we're going to get her. Vampire or not she's a Winchester and that makes her a target. Cas we have to get to her before other Hunters do." he looked at the angel his eyes pleading and Castiel nodded "I am only telling you this because the only one able to fully control her will be Sam. Your sister is in Mystic Georgia. "
"Alright. Sam, Adam wrap things up we're moving out." he said then went to ready the car.
Castiel popped into the backseat with Adam saying "Dean I am going to punish your sister for tormenting Adam last night. She should not have scared him like that. "
Dean looked back at Cas then nodded "yeah alright."
However Sam turned to Castiel "No Cas. I own her one and its long overdue. You can have your turn when I'm done. "
Castiel smiled a little "If you do the job right then I won't need to further punish her when you are done."
Sam turned back around in his mind all the memories flashed through and it was as if they had never been missing in the first place. The same was happening with Dean.
Adam of course had never known her so he didn't have any memories to restore.
Castiel hoped that this would be a step in the right direction and that he would be grated more trust while with them.


Note: probably spanking in this chapter. Also John and Dean will be the ones doing most of the spanking in this story plus I don't plan to kill off John so he won't be dying.
Note: Picture Elena from the vampire diaries for the character of Trinity.
Chapter two: The ego of a God.
For two weeks things went normal. There were small cases and at those times John would take off alone to handle them while Dean and Sam laid low and kept an eye on Trinity. During one of those times Dean and Sam had both fallen asleep. They missed the call from John and also missed when Trinity slipped out.
John slipped in finding his boys asleep and his daughter was gone. When he saw that his bellow was loud enough to wake both of them. "Unacceptable boys. You were suppose to watch her for a reason." he scolded then sighed "Sam stay here in case she comes back. Dean come with me and help me look for her." he said.
He got in his truck telling Dean to get in too. When Dean got in John headed to the less populated part of town sure that she would go there. "I'm sorry dad. I thought she was done trying to run off."
"Nope. That's just what she wants you to think Dean." John said not really angry at his son but angry that Dean hadn't caught on yet. "She may be your sister but we can't really trust her yet." he said then he spotted her walking along the road alone. "Here." he said handing Dean a funny shaped gun he had never seen before "what's this?" Dean asked
"Darts. Shot her with one and it'll knock her out. But don't fire unless she gets the better of me. For now just stay here." he said getting out of the Truck.
Trinity turned when she heard the door shut and rolled her eyes when she saw John "That was fast. I thought you'd be gone longer." she sad
"Nope. I called to tell you kids I was on my way back but no one answered." John said getting closer now.
"Bummer. You shouldn't have woken Dean. He can be a real cranky pants." she said then snickered at the joke.
John grinned "Cranky pants? Now that's a term I wouldn't think to hear out of the mouth of 17 year old girl."
She raised a brow "ever heard the phrase expect the unexpected?" she asked
"Ever heard the phrase just wait until your father gets home? Well guess what? Daddies home. Now your gonna get your butt in the car and we're gonna have a chat when we get back to the house. You have until the count of three." he warned.
Trinity didn't like his tone or his threatening manner.
She thought to herself as he started to say one. If she cooperated now she would still get in trouble when she got back to their current hotel. But if she didn't cooperate somehow they would still get the better of her and she would be forced to go back and the punishment would be worse. She took a deep breath in and then headed for the truck. A good ruler picked their battles. And this was one that she wasn't going to win. So surrender was the best option.
Dean got out to let her in the middle then Dean and John both got back in and John drove back to the hotel. All three headed in. once inside John turned to Dean "Dean you and your brother go out and take a walk. Make sure the area is secure." he ordered.
Dean knew what that meant and picked up a few things then took the protesting Sam out the door after a few feet he began to explain to Sam that this was dad's way of giving them privacy.
"Have a seat." John ordered his daughter.
Trinity crossed her arms "What if I don't want to sit? I control my body. Not you. Or any other man." she said and he sighed having walked right into that. "Fine. Stand. Do you remember what I said before I left?" he asked
"You said to behave. And not to leave." she answered.
"So then why did you? Why is it so hard for you to trust us?" he asked
"I am surrounded by three men. How can I trust that?" she asked
"I already told you. If we tell you to do something we're saying it because its for the best or because its the right thing. This has nothing to do with you being a girl or us wanting to control you. If that was the case we would just keep you tied up all hours of the day and you would have no freedom. However if you ever hope to be allowed to go outside on your own then you need to show me that I can trust you. You see trust works both ways. I trusted you to stay put while I was gone. And you left. Therefor that trust is now gone. See how that works? Now I'm asking you to look at me as your father. Don't look at me like some guy that only does this to hurt or control you. What I'm about to do is gonna hurt like hell but its punishment that you deserve for disobeying me. I'm not doing it to control you. I'm doing it to teach you. There is a difference. I want to show you that there are consequences to your actions. And hopefully over time you'll learn the difference between punishment done to help you and someone who is trying to control you. " John said trying to explain the best way he could.
Problem was that Trinity DID understand. She just wasn't ready to admit it to herself yet. She liked how things had been so black and white in Amazonia. The hell dimension she had lived in for so long. Things were simple there. Guys were the enemy. You knew all the terrible things they would do to you if you didn't kill them first. But here things weren't that simple. She had known that before when she lived here. But now that she was back it was hard to admit it to herself.
John sat on the bed and pulled her over to stand in front of him having said all he needed to say he undid her jeans letting them fall but left her underwear up. John's hand was tough and hard. He could give a good spanking over her panties. Her jeans were a bit thick so he had taken them down.
He raised his hand and let the first stinging swat fall.
She had never been spanked by her father before. Only swats here and there so this would be new to her.
John didn't waste time. He began to lay on rapid fire swats all over her behind. She winced and then after a few more her legs began to kick of their own accord. She had no control over her body's reactions to the spanking. It was painful. It was humiliating and her bottom felt like it was slowly beginning to be set on fire. Tears pricked her eyes pretty early on. John gave her ten more swats just as fiery hot as all the others and she was crying when he was done.
John wasn't a mushy kinda guy but he let her up and redid her jeans and stood up to embrace her as he did with Dean or Sam after giving them a spanking when they were younger.
Men trying to comfort her was even a more foreign concept to her so it was a nice feeling when John hugged her and started to rub her back.
She cried for a bit and then calmed down and laid in the bed feeling tired she fell asleep.
Dean and Sam were making their way back and were glad to see that she was asleep cause that meant it was done and over with.
It was another two days before they stumbled across anything strange. Sam was at Bobby's while Dean and his dad were out making the rounds. Trinity was taking a nap on the bed and Bobby was outside working on something. Sam was up in the attic looking for an old journal of Bobby's. What he found was an old journal belonging to his mother.
He found that there was only one entry. He read the entire page.
This will be my first and only entry here. I had no choice. I made a deal with a yellow eyed demon. I had to. He said something terrible about my daughter. He said things about her. He told me terrible things... I couldn't let it happen. She's my only little girl. I love my children. I love both my sons. Dean and Sam. And I love my daughter. Trinity. The deal I made will change my daughter's fate. The price for this deal is of course my life. The yellow eyed demon will come for me. That was the bargain. And whatever would have happened to my daughter won't happen now. I've saved her. And once I am gone I can rest easy knowing she will be safe. But I don't trust the yellow eyed demon. So I have a back up plan. Once I am gone I have arranged for an angel to grant my request just in case the demon doesn't keep his word. If he doesn't change her fate then the angel will. I regret that I must die and leave my family.
John Winchester is the love of my life and beyond.
My two sons are my pride and joy.
And my daughter. My only girl. My one pretty little princess. I just want to keep her safe. And I'd give anything. Even my life just to make sure she remains safe. I just hope that someday if they ever find this that they will understand. I loved my daughter. And I couldn't allow her to become what she would have become.
All my love,
Sam was teary eyed now. He heard his dad and his brother come in with Bobby all of them sounded on the happy side. Sam stormed down the stairs and slammed the book on the table causing them all to look at him "SHE KNEW! SHE KNEW THE WHOLE DAMN TIME. SHE SET THE WHOLE THING UP! SHE TRICKED US." he yelled and Dean and the other two hunters were confused
"What are you talking about? Who tricked us?" Dean asked
Sam shoved the journal towards them "MOM. SHE WASN'T MURDERED DEAN. SHE KNEW EXACTLY WHAT WAS GONNA HAPPEN THAT NIGHT. SHE KNEW SHE WAS GONNA DIE AND SHE STILL WALKED RIGHT INTO IT." Sam said more calm now but his eyes filled with tears and he looked at Trinity who was still asleep.
John took the journal and read the page with Dean reading over his shoulder and once he was done Bobby read the journal too.
John looked over at his daughter then back at Sam. This was a new development. And it changed things but not by a lot. "Okay so it was a deal. She wasn't murdered. She sacrificed herself. We're still gonna hunt this son of a bitch down Sam." Dean said looking at Sam.
"Wait Dean. Your right but your also wrong. What it says it here changes a lot. This isn't just about finding the demon anymore. Its about finding out what your mother knew. What exactly did the demon tell her that would scare her bad enough to where she thought she needed to give her life? What was Trinity gonna become? " John asked though he knew no one here had the answers.
"I say we summon ourselves a yellow eyed jackass and find out." Bobby said then placed a devils trap on the floor and ceiling.
John said another spell creating a shield and then shoved Sam through it so that he was behind the shield with Trinity. "Dad.." he protested but John said "hush. You and Trinity were in that nursery that night. I don't care what kind of master plan he has. But he's not getting my kids." he said looked at Dean "If I thought he was after you you'd be in there too." he said and Dean smirked having known that already.
The summoned the yellow eyed demon and Trinity woke up at this point and Sam explained that dad was protecting them and she stayed close as they watched and listened.
The yellow eyed demon appeared. Unprepared for a showdown but he could sense something there. Then he grinned "Ah. Trinity is back." he said in a joyful tone and then he saw that he was trapped where he was.
John came foreword "Tell me exactly what you told my wife. Cause I know your just dying to brag to me just like you did to her."
The yellow eyed demon smiled "Someone did his homework. Your wife. She's hard to explain. I'm not sure how she knew. But she just did. Mothers instinct I guess. That sense deep down inside a woman that tells her something isn't right. And so she went searching for answers. And she found me. I gave her her answers. And she asked all the right questions too." he laughed.
"What questions?" Dean asked
"There used to be a mark on your daughter. Your wife's her first question was why...always a classic. Why are you doing this? Of course I told her I had nothing to do with it. Then she asked me what it meant. I told her the truth. It meant that her sweet and innocent daughter wasn't always going to be so innocent. You have to understand something. I never intended to come to your house that night. But something was blocking me. Blocking me from being able to get to her. I'm not sure how or why...but I think it was Sam blocking me. Protecting her somehow. It really annoyed me." he said looking over where Sam stood behind the shield "I couldn't get past your defense. It was almost like you literally put a shield over her. But we both know that's not possible. You were only a baby. However I had go over there when I realized I wasn't going to get her easily. But when I got there I couldn't touch her. I tried to kill your daughter. " he said informatively
John grabbed Dean's arm before he could lunge "Don't break the circle..." he said then turned back to the demon "Why? Why were you so afraid of an infant?" John asked
"Afraid? ME? Afraid? You think I was afraid of her?" he laughed
"Why else would you want to kill a baby unless it was a threat to you? That's when Mary walked in isn't it? She walked in on you before you could kill Trinity. You told her you would change Trinity's fate. You lied. You were gonna kill her and then kill my wife." John said trying to remain calm.
The demon frowned now "Your wrong. Your wife didn't stop me. She didn't have to. Sam...his eyes spoke of love and innocence. But that girl, when I looked into her eyes it was like...all the power of the universe was locked inside of her. I know what she is. I've always known what she would become. What she is capable of. And we should all pray that she never discovers it." he said and there was flicker of fear in his eyes. John got closer "Why?" he asked not sure he understood yet. Then the demon leaned over and said quietly so that only John would hear "That girl is more powerful then anything in heaven or hell. Before she went to that dimension she was normal. She was human. But now? Can't you see it? Haven't you noticed?" this time what he said was a whisper "She has the ego of a god." the demon whispered giving John that one clue. John's eyes went wide and he took several steps back. He looked at his daughter then at the demon "How?" he asked
"There is rumor of a forbidden jello like substance. Called ambrosia I believe. It doesn't exist here. However the rumor says it exists in other dimensions. And the journey to reach it is not for the faint hearted. A long tireless journey. Only one tenth of those actually reach the rope. The rope made of nothing but a thin thread of silver. And the threat goes on for miles. And at the end there is a bowl. In the bowl is the ambrosia. If you eat the ambrosia and become..." he paused then looked at Trinity "Like her."
John had heard enough. He grabbed the colt but the demon somehow managed to escape and disappear before he could shot at it.
Trinity had gone into a flashback and Sam because of their connection as twins ended up seeing everything too.
Once it was over the shield was let down and Sam grabbed a beer while John and Dean had already grabbed one and were already drinking on it.
He sat next to them after he saw Trinity sit down on the bed and start reading a book.
"This is she's a god?" Dean asked
"No. She's a human with the power and the ego of a God." John said then added "Not that that's any would she know anything about the rumors and why would she want to take the journey?" he asked
Sam answered his question "She didn't know what it was. She still doesn't know. She's only tapped into a quarter of her power. As for the she went on that journey because she was a scared little girl who went on a long dangerous journey and almost got killed dozens of times over risking her life to get across the thin rope because she thought there was some magic wizard on the other side that might grant her wishes. So when she found the ambrosia to her it was just jello. So she ate it. She had no idea what it was. She has no idea about her powers. What's weird though is that I can feel it. It's like I can sense the power in her. And if what I'm feeling is right...then there's a LOT. And its gonna be a war just to keep her under control. If she loses control of her powers she could destroy the world. And that's not our biggest problem. God or not her body is still human. If even half of that power comes out her body could explode. And I do mean that literally. A human body wasn't created to handle that kind of power. We're gonna have to find some way to maybe bind most of that power or try to find a way to boost up her body so that the power won't literally destroy her. " Sam said thought they all knew that this was new territory.
They were pretty much blind here. They had never dealt with anything like this before.
"Wait if she's so powerful then why didn't she just use it on us or maybe use it on that guy instead of trying to shish ke-bob him?" Dean asked
Sam looked at him like he was dumb "Did I or did I not just get done telling you that she doesn't realize she has powers." he said blandly.
"Well maybe next time you should say that instead of jumping around and expecting me to read between the lines." Dean grouched.
"Alright boys enough. We have enough to worry about without you two pitching a fit." John scolded then went into another room to collect his thoughts and decide what he was gonna do about this new situation.
The good news was that she didn't know she had powers so when she did start to realize it they could teach her to use them for good. The bad news was that they needed a plan B in case the power went to her head and became to much for her. They would have to find a way to extract it from her either that or they really would have to find a way to control her or maybe just find a way to control her power if she couldn't do it herself. This was gonna be another long sleepless night for John Winchester.


Summary: What if there was more to the night that Mary Winchester died? What if there was more to the tale of that night. Find out what happens when John, Sam and Dean go digging for more information after getting a tip about the demon that killed Mary.
Set near the end of season 1 John, Dean and Sam go hunting for more clues and get a major revelation.
Chapter one: There is another.
"There is another." The woman on the phone had said to John and then she had hung up.
The anonymous tip is what led John Winchester and his two sons Dean and Sam back to the old house they used to live in. The house where it all started for them. The memories of Mary's death flashed through John's brain and he had combed for clues since day one. But now the girl on the phone was saying there was more. She said they had to search deeper. So John and the boys were gonna do some soul searching. A meditation circle where they would all link their minds and go on the journey together not sure how far into their minds they would go to search for whatever it was that they needed to find.
Once in the basement John set the salt barrier around the house and Dean set the candles in a circle after drawing a pentagram as shown in the book. Sam lite all the candles and then all three men sat in the middle forming a circle they closed their eyes and said a spell. A moment later all three of their bodies landed on the floor and their spirits left their bodies and the room was spinning and when it stopped they heard noise upstairs. With John in the lead they went to go check it out.
John was shocked when he saw Mary. She was singing in the kitchen to a little boy. It was Dean. Age 4 and Mary was very obviously pregnant with Sam when John from the past came in and kissed her then bent down to kiss her belly "How are the babies?" he asked giving her a smile.
Older John caught it first. "Babies? As in more then one? But it was only Sam. And we knew that he was a boy." he said a little confused.
Mary smiled "You know the first time we went to the doctor and he said it was a boy I was excited but then when he said there was another baby hiding behind the boy and that it was a little girl my heart just melted. John do you know how blessed we are?" she asked so happy as she touched her stomach.
The room was suddenly spinning again and it was that night. John could tell and ran up the stairs and almost fell on the floor when he saw not one crib but TWO!
Sam wasn't sleeping alone. In the crib next to him was a tiny little girl.
Sam and Dean both approached the crib. Dean stopped to stare but Sam went closer and stared at the sleeping little girl not quite believing what he was seeing.
Dean's head was spinning. Dad had handed him ONE baby that night. There had been only one baby. Not two...right?
John Winchester was busy in his own thoughts trying to figure out why or what this could mean.
If there had been another child what had happened to her? Why did they not know or remember her?
Sam reached over to touch the baby girl. And his baby self threw a tiny arm over as if shielding the baby girl which made Sam smile.
Suddenly the room was spinning again and Mary was standing there she was on the ceiling burning before they could do anything about it and suddenly John had come in and handed Sam to Dean then he rushed to grab the baby girl and ran out with her. This also shocked them. If the baby didn't die with their mother then what happened to her?
They soon found out because time just kept moving on.
Suddenly Dean and Sam and the little girl were kids Dean had to be 12 or 13 and Sam and the little girl were 7 or so.
John was out on a hunt and Dean was giving them breakfast laying cereal in front of both of them and he gave a look to his young sister "Now Trinity you eat all of that you hear?" he asked and she made a face at him "But its yucky." she whined and Dean leaned over on the table "I didn't ask for any of your lip little girl. You eat your breakfast or I'm gonna put you in the corner." Dean said in a no nonsense tone and Trinity ducked her head and began to eat.
John Dean and Sam were seeing a very different Dean then the one they remembered. Sam could never remember Dean getting stern when they were left alone. Sure there was the occasional swat when Sam really got out of control but other then that there was nothing.
The room spun again and now it was several years later Sam and Trinity must have been 14 and it was the same town where Dean and Sam had stayed for two weeks without their dad but by this time they were all aware that something was VERY wrong here. They had no memory of Trinity or any of this.
They watched as Trinity and Sam were introduced to the class and they sat close to each other and Sam stuck up for a kid that was being bullied and offered to take his place bravely and John felt proud of his boy and then the boy hit him but he did nothing. Just walked away which Dean didn't approve of and then came the time when Trinity came over and she looked nervous "Guys something isn't right here." she said and Dean scoffed "No joke there. Sam's letting those chumps get the better of him."
"No Dean. I"m serious. Something is really wrong. Like supernatural wrong. Something is going to happen. I can feel it. I just don't know what." she said
Sam rolled his eyes "Trinity would you chill. There isn't a boogieman in every town we go." he said thinking she was overreacting.
A couple days later the bully pushed Sam and Sam again ignored it until the bully tripped his sister. THAT was when Sam retaliated and kicked the bullies butt in front of everyone. His closing statement was "NOBODY puts their hands on my sister." then went over and helped Trinity up and Dean got the call from dad that he was on his way and Dean Sam and Trinity went outside to wait. And just as John pulled up he saw something opening and he got out of the car to protect his kids but was too late. What looked like electicity struck both boys while the same material grabbed Trinity and sucked her into what appeared to be a portal. And then a man in a Trench coat appeared claiming that he was an angel of the lord and he healed Sam and Dean and then said "I'm sorry but I must erase the parts of your brain now. Fear not. For it will be as if she never existed. She can never come back. But we know you will never give up. You will never stop searching. And so I must do this so that you can freely move on and continue as if she never existed." he said and before any of them could protest the Angel erased Trinity from their minds.
All through this John, Dean and Sam stared. They had gone from shocked, To tolerating the idea and then right up to pissed off. They had been cheated. Forced to forget about Trinity and go on as if she never existed and all the blank spots had been filled with fake parts.
However memory lane wasn't over yet.
They were shown the next week where Sam had been completely out of control. He had been a holy terror that entire week. Neither John nor Dean had been able to explain why. And now they were beginning to wonder if somewhere deep down Sam had somehow known that something was missing. Losing that part of him must have been what caused the fits of rage.
Dean and John both felt bad then because they had both spanked him for his behavior but now they understood. You can't just take someone's twin sister away without causing a ripple of some kind.
Suddenly there was more spinning and then they woke in the basement it was dark outside now and John sat up first then Dean and Sam sat up.
John was beginning to come to terms with the fact that he had another child. A daughter. A daughter that had for some reason been stolen from them.
Dean pretty much accepted the truth and so did Sam but it hit Sam on a deeper level. He had a sister. A twin sister. And he could suddenly remember that feeling. That feeling before he had gotten into his dad's car. The feeling as if his entire world had been ripped away from him. Like something precious had been there only moments ago and then it was gone. Now he understood why.
John went for his journal.
Dean went after him "dad what are we gonna do?"
"We're gonna find out everything we can about portals and other dimensions and maybe try to find which one your sister was sucked into." he said
Sam came out then "Dad people don't just get sucked into other dimensions. Someone did this deliberately. Someone sat there and chose to take her from us. And I'm not really sure that I'm okay with that." he said
"Sam's right and what if they did this mind vudu on her too? She won't remember us anymore then we remember her." Dean said John took the journal out and went back inside the boys following him "That doesn't matter. What matters is that we have to find her. We have to make sure that she's okay." he said then flipped through his journal "Dean call Bobby and ask if he knows anything at all about portals to other dimensions." John ordered and Dean went to the phone and called Bobby.
Sam who hadn't had a vision in a while suddenly went into one. Once it was over John was at his side and so was Dean having wrapped up the call already. "Sam you okay? What did you see?" Dean asked
Sam winced then said "I'm fine...I saw..." he paused then added "I saw a young girl. Long brown hair blue eyes, dressed sorta like an amazon or something. She has a staff and she was beating the hell out of a guy in a ally by the gas station down the road...I think its happening tonight." he said
"Great. Just great some amazon girl? Looks like Trinity is gonna have to wait a few hours." John said then looked to Dean "What did Bobby say.?"
"Well actually this works well because Bobby said that he needed more time to figure out more information but he said he did know one thing. Once your sucked in there's no way to get back out." Dean said which was disappointing but they grabbed their gear and headed to the gas station to stake out the place. They kept watch until suddenly it was like deja vu all over again. The same damn portal opened and a man fell out along with the girl from Sam's vision. The girl regained her wits first and got up her long staff in her hands she began to beat the crap out of the guy before he could even get back up. John and Dean were out of the car pretty fast while Sam was slower mainly because he had caught a good look at the girl. And he just knew that it was her. It was Trinity. He got out too and ran fast wanting to get there before Dean and his dad. "Wait! Guys its her! Don't hurt her!" he called to them.
John realized what Sam meant and Dean fell back a little while John went over to confront the girl who instantly turned her staff on him "Come no closer!" she warned and he paused to look at her too before saying "Trinity?" the name caused a reaction in her. Enough of one to where John knew Sam was right.
"Who are you that you dare to speak my name?" she demanded.
"Well apparently I'm your father. Those are your brothers Dean and Sam. Do you remember us at all?" he asked
Her staff never moved and John now saw that there was a sharp spear like point to it where it was aimed at his gut. "You forgot me you lowlife. I did not forget who I was." she said
John put his hands up trying to calm her down "wait. We didn't want to forget you. We were forced to forget you. We would have gone after you and saved you but an angel came and erased you from our minds." John told her.
Trinity didn't looked surprised "There is nothing you can tell me that I don't already know. Sometimes its better just to let things go." she said then she turned back to the portal that was still open and getting smaller. It was closer. She took a step towards it and Sam panicked. He tackled her to the ground just as the portal closed in the air. She went crazy then punching him hard then used her legs to kick him over and onto his back and she was no on top of him her spear like staff pressed against his neck but John was faster. He lifted her off of her brother while Dean came forward and pried the staff away from her grasp and broke it and then there was rage in her eyes and she kicked him in the gut hard while John took another step back not releasing his hold on her. Sam got up then and spoke to her "Trinity stop. Its okay. No one's gonna hurt you. We wanna help. We're your family. This is where you belong." he said then noticed something else and asked "Trinity why do you look so young? How old are you?" he asked
Trinity finally wore herself out and realized she wasn't getting away from them anytime soon so she decided to cooperate. For now.
"17." she answered
Now John was stumped "But how? Sam is 23."
"Time moves slower in my hell dimension." she said.
"Hell dimension? It was a hell dimension?" Dean asked and she nodded.
"Hell creatures all around. Demons, hell hounds, angry spirits that have all been banished from here..they all end up there and that's just the start. " she said in a know it all tone.
John didn't quite trust her to not try to run so he tied her hands behind her back and put her in his truck and drove.
They headed to a hotel where they would question her closer.
John sat at the table while Dean sat on a chair and Sam sat on a bed and Trinity sat on the opposite bed her legs crossed.
And Sam took the time to notice her clothes. She wore a belly shirt made of some kind of chamois. Leaves and vines covered it and her wanna be skirt was shorter then anything he had ever seen before. It too was made of the same material. She had a bracelet around her upper arm and around her left wrist were tons of beaded bracelets of all types. On her right wrist was what looked like a vine bracelet.
John didn't care much for her clothes but right now they needed answers.
"Why were you attacking that guy?" John asked.
She glanced at him "He was evil." she said
"Really? What kind of evil?" Dean asked doubting her.;
"He was male." she said as if that should be answer enough.
John gave her a look "He was male? That's it? Did he do anything to you or anyone else?" he asked
"No. I didn't give him the chance." she said in the same tone.
"So you thought he might be evil and rather then risk letting him leave you killed him just to be on the safe side." Dean said and she nodded "Exactly."
"Okay but Trinity that's not how things work here. You can't just kill someone because you think they might be bad. What if you were wrong? What if he was a regular guy?" Sam asked trying to make her understand.
"He came from my world. You know nothing of my world." she said
Sam scoffed "Actually I do. Because THIS is your world. That other place isn't your world. You got stuck there but you came from here. And now that your back you can't still run around like your in that other world. I know its gonna be hard for you to adjust but we'll help you." Sam said but he thought it would be a little strange teaching is 17 year old twin sister how to behave in this world.
John went over and handed Dean some cash "Son go to a store and pick out some clothes for your sister. And just guess at the sizes." he said as Dean stood up and took the cash. "Gotcha. Be back soon." he said and went out to the store. He chose Wal Mart. He had been with enough girls in his life to know that a certain waist was a certain size and he had gotten a look at his sisters size so he knew what size she was. He got several pairs of underwear and some jeans and t shirts. Loose fitting clothes that would be easy for her to move around in during a hunt. But nothing too revealing.
Back at the hotel the more Trinity talked the more John realized that someone had corrupted the girl. She thought that all guys were bad and that eventually they would all try to hurt her if they gave them half the chance. Sam didn't like her views on guys and knew he would have to help her get past that insecurity.
"You know sometimes guys are bad but not all guys. And here the bad guys go to jail. And the evil guys...well we take care of them so that they don't get to hurt anyone else. Guys aren't the enemy kid. Trust me. And trusting a guy may be a foreign concept to you but I'm not just any guy. I'm your father. And I wasn't given a choice when it came to what happened to you. They forcefully took those memories from me and that's not okay with me. I had a daughter all this time and I didn't even know. Someone went to a lot of trouble to get rid of you. And I'm gonna find out who and why." John said determined.
Dean came in then with the clothes and a backpack he had bought for her new clothes. John picked out some jeans and a shirt and a pair of shoes and handed them to her. "Go put those on. You have three minutes and then I'm coming in there." he warned.
She took the clothes and went into the bathroom where he had pointed. She remembered underwear but it had been a while since she had any. She put them on along with the jeans and the shirt. She saw the window but knew that she wouldn't get far even if she did go out plus she didn't know anything about this town or what might be lurking nearby. So instead she would obey. At least for the moment.
She came out with a minute to spare and sat on the bed bringing the shoes out with her setting them down an annoyed look on her face.
"What?" Dean asked worried that she didn't like them. "They don't fit?" he asked
"I never had shoes like those. I had the easier ones. I don't know how to do those." she said offended by the shoes.
Sam had a flashback then. His first. It was of her. She was wearing Velcro shoes. When he came out of it he realized what she meant. She didn't know how to tie the shoes. He went over to her and took the shoes "here. Let me help you. I'll show you." he said then after putting socks on her feet he took each of her feet and put the shoes on one by one. Then she watched as he tied them both a kind look on his face. Then he smiled up at her "Better?" he asked
and actually it was. She felt more at ease now. He had helped her. So she thought that maybe she could trust him. She could remember many times when Sam had protected her. She smiled back at him "Thank you."
he got up "No big deal. Don't be afraid to ask questions. There are bound to be things your not gonna remember." he said.
"I never had shoes with the strings." she said
"I know." Sam said a guilty look on his face. He felt bad for her.
For two days things went smoothly but on the third night while they slept Trinity got up and tried to make an escape attempt. She unlocked the door unaware of the ever good ears of the hunters. No sooner did she have the door open it was swiftly shut again and she had John Winchester in her face an angry look on his face. He was not someone that liked to be woken up. Especially when it came to catching his kids trying to sneak out. "Little girl you get back to bed. NOW." he ordered sternly having told the boys to go back to bed. She realized then that it would be harder then it seemed and she went back to her bed and went to sleep.
The next morning they moved on to another town no one mentioning the escape attempt but they all knew that she had tried to leave. John and Trinity were in the Truck while Dean and Sam were in the impala.
John had a word with his daughter "Look your young. Your practically still a kid. You can't just leave. You have to be realistic. We're doing this to help you. But if you try to leave again I'm gonna have to take certain disciplinary measures. I can't have you constantly trying to run away. That's not gonna help anyone. Its just wasting everyone's time." John said never one to hold back the truth.
Trinity knew what that meant. It meant that he would find a way to punish her. She wasn't afraid of him. But because of Dean she knew that punishment could be unpleasant and so she would play it cool for a while. Maybe she could cooperate just until they let their guard down then she would run right when they thought that it wasn't gonna be an issue anymore.