The Winchester Family

The Winchester Family

Friday, March 1, 2013

Supernatural with Trinity: season one

// In this fic its set during season 1 and yeah Trinity is a vampire already and in season one Trinity would constantly be running away and acted pretty childish and would do things just to annoy the family. .//
// Trinity wasn't in the actual show so I'm kinda pretending like she was there the whole time meaning I have to kinda rewrite some scenes or make up some with her being included in.  Also Thumbalina is a Disney character that was very short like only an inch tall I think but since Sam is tall and Trinity is short I figured Thumbalina would be a good nickname for her. //

Setting: A bar

Sam and Dean are looking for information so they are talking to a couple of teens. Trinity was suppose to be doing the same and at first she was. And they could even see her talking to a teen boy but the next time Dean looked over at her he was surprised to see her making out with the guy and he hit Sam who gave his brother a mean look "Ow..Dean. What?" he asked wanting to know what Dean's issue was then Dean used his head to point in a direction and Sam then saw it too and Dean whispered to him "I'll be right back. " then Dean got up and straightened himself and went over to them and said in a drill Sargent tone trying to imitate their father "Young lady do you have ANY idea how much trouble your in? ITS WAY PAST YOUR CURFEW LITTLE GIRL! GET YOUR ASS IN THE CAR. MOVE IT!" he yelled and she stared at him in shock then looked around at everyone who was staring at her and she was pretty sure she was gonna just die of embarrassment right then! And the worst part about it was that she could tell from the look in his eyes that he was enjoying this. It was his weird sense of humor messing with not just her but everyone else too. Instead of calling his bluff she stormed outside leaving them alone in the bar and sat in the impala and even though it was a joke she was still WAY embarrassed.

Dean and Sam got back into the car not too long after that.Sam laughed when he saw the look on her face "Oh come on your not still pouting are you?"
She glared "Its not funny Sam!"
Sam grinned "The hell it wasn't! You should have seen the look on your face."
She reached over and smacked the back of his head "Shut up Sam!" she growled
When she hit him he reacted by reaching back and trying to smack her too but she managed to get to the far side of the back seat where he couldn't reach "Haha. Sasquatch can't get me!" she stuck out her tongue.
"Yeah you just wait Thumbalina!" he said but then laughed When Dean reached back and gave her a smack on her thigh "There now your even. Both of ya cut it out." he said as he started to drive.
"Dean your mean." she pouted.
Dean just chuckled "Well next time behave yourself. I don't wanna catch you necking with a boy while we're on the job again." he said in mock sternness and she sighed "Fiiiiine!" she pouted.
And Sam shook his head "If we DO find dad he's not gonna like the new vampire teenage Trinity. "
Dean was in agreement with that. "Yeah. No kidding."

Added scenes from episode Dead Man's blood:

After John showed up and explained the his friend Elkins had been killed by vampires Dean decided to come clean about Trinity. They had been lucky that Trinity had gone out to buy some junk food when John showed up. They had told him she was with them and at the store but they hadn't told him the other part yet and now seemed like the best time. "Yeah speaking of vampires there's something you should know sir." he started and John looked up giving his son his full attention. "A few years ago Trinity had a run in with a vamp." he said not sure how to tell a man that his daughter was a vampire. John stood up now sure what Dean was trying to say "A run in?" he asked "She's okay isn't she?" he asked he had a weak spot for his daughters.

Dean grimaced "Well yeah. She's fine." he said and John nodded "But?" he asked sensing that there was more to the story. Dean sighed then just spit it out "He turned her sir."

John looked like he was gonna be sick but he only sat down and put his head in his hands frustrated and that's when Trinity came in unaware that he was home or how tense the situation had just become she walked in cheerful and in a good mood "Hey guess what! They had caramel flavored coffee!" she said her grin a mile wide and really excited as if she had won the lottery. Then she saw her father who now was looking at her and her smiled slipped fast "Oh crap." John stood up and picked up a machete ready to cut her head off fast but Sam yanked her behind him and yelled "No. Hell no. Come on dad. She's not even doing anything wrong. She's good. I swear she's good. She's not like the others." Sam said pleading for his father to try and understand that she wasn't a monster because of this.
John wanted more then anything to believe Sam but he had to be sure. "Why should I believe that?" he asked
Dean got beside his brother like a shield blocking their father from seeing her. "Its the truth dad. We're not stupid. If she was dangerous we would have killed her. But Sam's right this time. There's good in her. She isn't controlled by the bloodlust. She doesn't hurt people. She drinks animal blood." Dean said in her defense.
"That thing isn't your sister Dean. I know you wanna believe that she's different but all vampires are the same. They're very skilled at lying. She could be playing you." John said
Sam wasn't about to back down or let his father get away with that. "Oh right because you know her so well. You don't know anything about her dad. So how would you know? Trinity isn't a liar. And she's not gonna hurt us. She doesn't even want to hurt us. She let me in and I can feel her emotions. All of them. I know exactly what goes through her head. She's not playing anybody. Plus we did research and it says in rare cases vampires can hold on to their humanity. If they surround themselves with things that are familiar to them. Like family. So just take it easy dad. She's still Trinity. Just give her a chance to prove it. "Sam said.

John didn't like Sam's tone but then he never did. But that didn't mean that Sam wasn't right. And if he was then there was no reason to kill her. And he's rather not kill her anyways. He put the weapon down "Sorry sweetie. Sometimes Its hard to separate the hunter from the dad. I just hate to see you like this. " he said and when she came over to him he gave her a bear hug.

And Trinity did prove herself. She helped with the vamps in a big way. However there was an incident after her father explained Dead man's blood. After injecting the head vamps girlfriend with it and using her as a bargaining chip to get the colt back and Trinity came face to face with the head vampire who smiled at her recognizing her.
"Well well well. If it isn't the girl with the sweetest blood I've ever tasted." he beamed at her and she took several steps backing right into Sam's huge frame "wait. HE turned you?" he asked and she nodded. He placed his hands on her arms "Hey listen to me. That doesn't matter anymore." he said trying to calm her fear.

The head vampire ended up getting a hold of Sam and John used one of the bullets to kill him.

With the vampire dead Trinity felt that she had gotten her revenge even though it was her father that killed him.
They decided that together they would hunt down the yellow eyed demon and kill him.


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