The Winchester Family

The Winchester Family

Friday, March 1, 2013

Sam is pissed. Part 1

Late at night Trinity got out of her bed quietly and left the hotel leaving her siblings there and headed into town.

Sam woke moments after she left. He wasn't sure what made him wake up. Just this sense that something wasn't right. So he got up and when he saw his sister not in bed he left a note and went to look for her. He found her and trailed behind her and after a while he said in confusion "Where in the world are you going?" though she couldn't hear him and he said it more to himself then to her. She was several feet ahead of him and he was gonna keep it that way. Some vampire. He thought. She can't even sense that she's being followed.

However Trinity was well aware that he was following her. And she decided to use that to her advantage. There was something she wanted and after this Sam would give it to her.She could easily smell the blood inside each human as they passed her. Sam continued to follow her right up until she went into an ally then he stopped now really confused. What in the world was she up to? he wondered then saw a man follow her into the ally and Sam shook his head in denial. No way. No way was she about to do THAT. But just to be sure Sam went after them both. He stopped dead in his tracks when he entered the ally. A look of pain crossed his face as Trinity fed on the other man. Then he got a determined look on his face and when she lifted her head from the man Sam tackled her to the ground. Then turned to the guy who was still alive "Run!" he said and the guy took off and Sam sat on his much smaller sister. She had been a petite girl when she was 17 and so when she was turned she was stuck in that form.
Sam threw a punch at her forcing himself not to flinch at the scream of shock that erupted from her because of the hit. He raised his fist again and then stopped because she wasn't fighting back. She wasn't even trying. And then he paled as he could now feel her emotions. She wanted this. She wanted him to hurt her. She wanted him to kill her. She hadn't fed on the man because she wanted to, she did it because she wanted Sam to see it and kill her.
"You know I was following you all along. " he said and now he was the one that had the hurt look on his face.
"I know what you want Trinity. And I'm not gonna do it. let me make one thing perfectly clear,." he said pinning her down and getting in her face "IF there is a day down the road where you become a monster make no mistake I will be the one that puts you down. Until then its MY call. Not Deans Not Dawn's. Not Faiths. And not yours. And I'm sure as hell not gonna kill you just because you want me to. You thirst for blood I get that. But I also know you can control it. I've seen you control it. And ya know what? When Castiel stuck his hand inside me and said I didn't have a soul I saw your reaction. You were almost in tears just because I didn't have a soul. And no matter what happened you never gave up on me. You never lost faith in me. So don't you dare sit there and think that you can make me give up on you like that. I'm not gonna give up that easily. You may be a vampire but you held on to your humanity. No vampire has ever done that before. Your not a monster. Hell I've done worse things then you have. Your not evil. Trust me if I thought you were even capable of anything like that I'd cut off your head. You know that. So can we be done with this and go back to the hotel now?" he asked saying the last part with a slight grin.
Trinity was feeling better after his speech. She had wanted to die but now she realized that maybe she wasn't bad and she knew he was telling the truth. If she was bad he would take her out himself.
Sam got up and helped her up then when she started to head back Sam now filled with rage pulled out the syringe full of dead mans blood and yanked her back over to him and injected her with it before she could even think and she crumbled feeling weak. He easily picked her up and she eventually passed out but he continued to carry her home saying "You brought this on yourself Trinity. And if Dean doesn't beat your ass for this I sure as hell will. " he said annoyed and at the moment he meant every word. What she had done was stupid and uncalled for and Sam was one pissed off brother. Once again he was thankful that he could read her so well. How dare she try to provoke him like that! But he had to keep reminding himself that she had the mind of a teenager. A 17 year old. It must be hard. She was as old as old but looked 17 and acted 17 as well. Sam didn't think he had ever been so angry at her before.  And Dean would be just as pissed after he told him what had gone down. And now she would be weak for a while so they could easily overpower her if need be.
One thing was for sure. It was gonna be a long night for a certain young vampire.

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