The Winchester Family

The Winchester Family

Monday, March 11, 2013

All Hell brakes loose part 1

// This is my rewrite of All hell breaks loose with Trinity added into the mix. //
Sam leaned in as Dean told him not to forget the pie at which point Sam asked "When have I ever forgotten the pie?" he grinned then went into the store.
Trinity who was in the backseat wanted some cheeto's so she rushed out of the car after Sam even though Dean yelled at her "What the hell?" a second after that something strange happened with the radio and after that he looked up seeing nothing at the gas station. He ran in seeing all the people dead then ran through searching for his brother and sister.
Sam woke a little disoriented the first thing he noticed was that Trinity wasn't with him.
He stood up and saw what appeared to be a deserted town and pulled out his phone but there was no reception.
He heard a noise as he started to investigate and picked up a piece of wood then saw that it was only Andy a guy who like Sam had a special ability "Andy?"
Andy then started asking tons os questions and Sam told him to calm down and then they found Ava another girl who had been missing for about 5 monhs and then they came across Jake and a girl named Lily.
Sam then began to think that Maybe Trinity wasnt there. He had already hollared for her a couple times so her not answering must mean that she wasn't there.
They found a place to gear up and Lily wondered away thinking it would be better to just leave town.
On top of the bell drapped over it Trinity was slowly coming to. Her head hurt worse then ever before and she felt pain all over her body. her legs and arms hung loosly at the sides and she was on her back looking up at the sky she found it hard to move.
She heard the scream and felt movement below her but couldn't really move enough to see what was going on.
Sam and te others ran out and saw Lily hanging dead. That's when Ava started freaking out.
Jake noticed something then "Hey look. There's someone up there." he said pointing to the top where Trinity was draped like a sacrifice being prepared.
Sam's eyes went wide "TRINITY." he yelled then ran over and started to climb. He sped up his pace when he heard the noises she was making. He got to the top putting an arm under her back ready to lift her but the place he was standing wasn't very sturdy. "Trinity can you hear me?" he asked because his sister's eyes were sorta glazed over like she was in a trance or something he placed her arms around his neck and he stopped for a moment because he felt her pulse. Then he put his hand on her heart and felt her heart beating. He had no idea how it was possible. She was a vampire. There was no way her heart was beating. And yet, it was.
Sam moved his other hand under her knees ready to lift her up birdal style and Andy yelled up at him "Man that's gonna fall any minute." he said of the wooden piece Sam was standing on.
Sam scooped her into his arms quickly and whispered into her ear "Just trust me. We're gonna make it." then he jumped and surprisingly landed on his feet. He let out a sigh of relief then carried her into the old house where they started to do the salt lines and get ready for whatever would come next. Sam laid Trnity on the table not knowing where else to put her. The table was easier and closer. He sat in the chair and ended up falling asleep.
The yelled Demon took him for a walk and talked to him. The first thing Sam told him was that he would tear him to shreds then the talk got worse.
"What did you do to my sister?" Sam asked
The yelled eyed Demon grinned "Oh nothing. I just gave her something you never could. Let's not worry about her for now. I pulled you here because your the one I'm rooting for." he said and Sam raised a brow "Rooting for me?" and the demon turned to him "Welcome to the miss america pageant. only one of you crazy kids is gonna make it out of here alive. " the demon told him then went into how he had to kill Jessica because if he hadn't Sam would have been weaker.
Sam interrupted him "So what does Trinity have to do with all this soldier crap? Why is she here? She doesn't even have a power. "
The yellow eyed demon shook his head "You still don't know do you? Oh well, you'll find out soon enough. Lets take a journey." he said then made the dream continue in the nursery where Sam and Trinity lay in two different cribs. He watched as the demon gave him demon blood then watches as he went over to Trinity the yellow eyed demon sighed heavily "I'm very sorry little one. But your going to have to do now. You see I can't have you getting in the way. And with the connection the two of you have it would only be a matter of time. I can't let you live little girl. Pity. " he said as Trinity's baby self just looked at him. wide awake.
Sam then saw his mother come in and place herself in front of the crib "NO!" she screamed and the yellow eyed demon was too late he couldn't stop the process. Mary was soon on the cieling and he stared at the little girl and then left again as John ran in.
And suddenly Sam and the yellow eyed demon were back at the ghost town. "You see Sam? You mother is dead because of your sister. If she had only stayed at the door for a few seconds longer it would have been your sister that died that night." he said.
Sam scoffed "Your really stupid you know that? If you had killed Trinity I would have died too. You see that connection goes so deep that if one of us was to die the other woud lose their will to live. My mom did what any mother would do. I'm actually proud to know that she died saving my sister from you. Oh I'm sorry did I ruin your whole "get Sam to turn on his sister" plan?" Sam taunted when he saw the smile leave the demons face.
The demon sighed and turned "Fine. And to answer your earlier question for the duration of this test your sister is gonna be human. But making that transition from vampire to human is a painful and disorienting experiance.  She's very week right now. Well Physicaly at least. And as for power..." the demon laughed "boy you really have no idea hoiw much power is inside of that girl. There's enough fuel in her to burn the entire world. But unlike all of you she didn't gain that power because of my blood. She was born with it." the demon said but he kept walking.
Sam stayed where he was a serious look on his face. The demon was wrong. Sam had always known. The first time she had accidently set a fire she was 3 years old. At first John had thought it was some demon that caused it or something else that caused it. But the first time Sam actually realized it was Trinity they were 13 years old.
She was having a nightmare and Sam who was in another room with Dean at the time sensed her having a bad dream. He had gone in to wake her up and comfort her but when he came in his eyes went wide because not only was she thrashing around because of the dream but her blanket was on fire. He had used the sheets to smother the fire. Then he had woken her up but he didn't tell her. It wasn't Sam that didn't know what Trinity could do. It was Trinity. Because Sam had never told her. And he had been able to keep it from her because her could always tell when she was getting overheated and would put out the fire every time. It got to the point that Sam started buying fire exstinguishers and moved his bed into her room. She never woke up during the times when she would start the fire. At least she hadn't yet and as far as he could tell when she had been turned the power sorta just buried itself deep inside her. No doubt the demon thought that being human again would bring the power back out and probably cause her to do some damage.
And that was his last thought before he woke up.
He woke slowly and saw that Trinity was sitting up now having regained some of her energy and now Sam thought that maybe that was a bad thing. Well there was one way to just completely avoid this. Before he could do it though Jake went to him and told him Ava was missing. He looked Trinity dead in the eye and said "Stay put. " then went with Jake to search for Ava.
Ava came back and broke the line of salt of the window then used her power to summon a demon and kill Andy. Trinity heard Andy drying and stumbled into the room her vison was blurred so she couldn't really see what was going on but she heard Ava scream and then Sam came in. Ava didn't notice Trintiy standing behind her.
Meanwhile Jake was put to sleep and the demon visited him.
Sam questioned Ava and she admitted that she had been killing ever since she got there. And that she was undefeated champ. And that once you let it the power becomes so much stronger. Then she started to summon a demon to kill Sam but Trinity could see better now and lunged over to Ava and snapped her neck and Ava now dead fell to the ground.
Sam took Trinity by the arm and headed out the back where they saw Jake dead.
Then they heard Dean's voice calling them. But as Sam turned and saw Dean Trinity was jerked out of his reach and he turned now and watched as her body was being pulled up by something and she screamed and kicked in the air trying to get free and Sam panicked "Trinity! Hold on!" he said then climbed onto the wooden gate and leaped into the air catching her around the waist and his weight carried them both down to the ground.
Trinity cried out again as the full weight of his body landed on top of her. "OW!"
Sam grimaced "Sorry. Trinity look at me. Focus. Are you okay?" he asked and she nodded tearfully and Sam had a grim look on his face before nodding "Tell me where it hurts." he said but she looked behind him "Sam look out!" she used her legs to kick causing Sam to be flipped over onto his back and she got to her feet the pain wracking her was almost blinding and Sam could feel how much pain he was in.
Trinity tackled Jake who had gotten up because he wasn't dead. He had just been dreaming and Trinity was fighting on just pure will alone. Sam could feel it. She had nothing left. No energy. It was like she was being drained or something. And then Jake hit her and she crashed through the gate.
Sam entered the fight then and was kicked for his trouble.
Trinity from where she lay stared at Jake as he came towards Sam suddenly Jake was set on fire. The fire was quickly consuming him and Dean had made it to Trinity by now and lifted her up he carried her over to where Bobby was but didn't hand her over. She groaned at the pain looked at Sam who got up a small smile on his face at the sight of Dean safe and his sister then she screamed "NOOOOOO Sam!!" the scream was loud enough to shatter anyone's soul.
Sam felt the knife enter through his back and Trinity found the strength to run to him Dean was right behind her.
Trinity made it to him first nearly landing on top of him as she cried "Oh god. Sammy. "
Dean pulled Sam over to check the wound and tried to make it seem like it wasnt that bad so that Sam wouldn't worry or anything. And Sam barely managed to look at them both before he died.
Once he was dead the screaming stopped. Trinity went dead silent and collapsed by Sam consumed by her grief.
The yellow Demon came up with a plan then. He would get a shapeshifter to look like Sam so that Trinity would join him and do as he told her to do. As long as she thought that it was Sam she would do whatever he wanted.
he needed the gate open and sicne none of his kids were alive anymore he was gonna use Trinity instead.

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