The Winchester Family

The Winchester Family

Monday, March 11, 2013

Demon blood

// This is gonna be around the time when Cas left his vessels body and Sam was out of demon blood and trying to reach Ruby. //

Jimmy was able o sneak away while Sam tried to get the last few drops of blood from the bottle in his hand. But there wasn't nearly enough left.

The next day after Castiel was back inside Jimmy's body Trinity came up to Sam and handed him his container now full of blood. Then she told him not to ask her where the blood came from. He was so in need at the time that he didn't even think anything of that request and drank some of the blood. But this blood was different. It was sweet. Much more tasty then Ruby's ever was. He would have to ask her later where she got it from.

She continued to supply him with the blood and for a week Sam had put off asking her where she was getting it from. That is until one night when they were at a cabin and Dean's sharp eye caught sight of the bandage around Trinity's wrist and took hold of her arm "What happened here?" he asked her.
Sam looked up to see what he was talking about and the moment he saw the bandage an awful thought popped into his head.
She jerked her arm away "Nothing." she snarled and stormed up the stairs to her room.

Sam was right after here the second she left.
He opened her door without knocking because, well because he was Sam and he didn't need an invitation to his sisters room. He slammed her door and locked it and as she turned to ask him what he was doing he grabbed her wrist and snatched off the bandage. He felt his blood pressure rise then he felt the rage inside. He slapped her so hard that she yelped and landed on the ground at his feet.
To a point deep down Sam felt REALLY bad about what he just did. But on the other hand if she had done what he was thinking she had done then she was gonna be in a LOT of trouble! He knelt down by her crouched there then said "I'm gonna ask you one time. And don't you dare lie to me. Have you been giving me your blood?" he asked his face serious as he looked at her.
She looked back at him leery but nodded yes.
He took a breath then demanded "Why?"
She rolled her eyes "Oh come on Sam. You were hurting and you needed the blood. And I'm not sorry."  She said
Sam could understand why she had done it. But that didn't make it okay. "Oh if you do it again you'll be plenty sorry. From now on I'll go to Ruby for demon blood." he said then offered her his hand and helped her stand again then stroked her face gently "I'm sorry. I don't know why I lashed out like that. Forgive me?" he asked
"I'm fine Sam. Don't worry. Your forgiven. And its the vampire demon blood. It makes it hard to control your emotions. " she explained. He sighed thinking that just sucked.

The next time he needed blood he did go to Ruby but it wasn't nearly as satisfying as the vampire blood. And that night when he went to sleep it took him a couple hours because it was disturbing on a deep level. He thirsted for his own sisters blood. How messed up with that? And it was totally HER fault for giving him her blood in the first place. He should have just waited for Ruby. Or better yet he should have paid more attention. The he would have noticed that Trinity was making cuts on her arm to supply him with the blood. Normally he would have been the first to pick up on that but it was almost like the vampire blood dulled his hunting senses. He spent another hour worried that maybe Trinity had known all along what the blood would do to him and then another 30 minutes reminding himself that Trinity wasn't just any vampire. She was Trinity. She was family. She would never do anything to hurt any of them no matter what. So if the blood did make him weaker there was no way that Trinity could have known about it.

Eventually the others in the family found out about him drinking blood. It wasn't pretty. And it really wasn't pretty when they found out that Trinity had known the whole time. At which point he jumped in to defend her "Oh come on. You really think she's gonna rat me out? She's NEVER ratted me out." Sam scoffed which was the truth.
Even when they were kids and Sam would do something wrong Trinity had never told on him. There was even one time when she tried to take the wrap for something he did. But he had come clean not about to let her to take the fall for what he had done.

After being questioned more he told them that it was Ruby's blood he had been drinking. Then Dawn apparently curious asked if he liked it. He shrugged "Yeah I guess. It was making me stronger. But it wasn't nearly as good as...." he stopped right there and looked down ashamed of himself.
"As what?" Dean asked not about to drop this subject.
Sam shook his head. He was a loyal brother. But he couldn't lie to Dean. He'd done too much of that already.
"Ruby's blood was nothing compared to Trinity's" Sam said still looking ashamed.
Dean took a step back "Wait. What?" he asked confused looking between them both while Dawn simply said "Eww" a little disgusted by it.

"I ran out of Ruby's blood and for about a week Trinity gave me her own blood. But I swear Dean I didn't know it was her blood until later and when I found out I made it clear it wasn't to happen again. I'm not gonna let myself get addicted to my own sister's blood." Sam said in his defense.
Dean shook his head "Well at least you have THAT much sense." he said unimpressed.
"Hey back off." Trinity growled she hated it when Dean was a hard ass but he turned to her glared "You sit down and shut your pie hole!" he warned an annoyed look on his face.
Trinity eyes a little wide sat down but crossed her arms leaning back in her chair the perfect image of the pissed off teenager.

Dean had turned back to Sam and was yelling letting some of his anger out on his brother for the lying and for drinking demon blood in the first place. Once Dean was more calm he sat and tried to figured what to do about all this. Dawn went to search through some books because they were still working on a case here too. Trinity stayed where she was sighing heavily and after three of those Sam gave her a look but also said something in her head that defused her anger made her blush and then she got up and went to help Dawn with research.

And when Dean raised a questioning brow Sam just grinned now about to repeat out loud what he had just said to his sister. That was between him and the little brat. Sides it was nothing new. He had told her she was gonna get grounded if she didn't drop the attitude. It wouldn't be the first time. She was mentally a kid so they had pretty much realized early on that they had to treat her like a kid. It was just better and less confusing for everyone. Thought it was a little awkward grounding your sister but if it was necessary then it would be done.

That night they went out hunted down the gin and killed it then went back home to relax. They would have to head back out the next morning.


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