The Winchester Family

The Winchester Family

Monday, March 11, 2013

Evil blood.

Trinity had met Charlie at a bar and had been secretly seeing her for about two weeks now. This current job was taking more time cause they couldn't seem to get enough information of this thing to be able to figure it out.

None of them were aware that the evil they were facing was very close to getting just what it wanted.

early one morning while everyone was still asleep Trinity heard a light tapping sound and went to open the door and smiled when she saw Charlie "Hi. What are you doing here so early?" she asked but Charlie didn't want to chat.
"You have to come with me Trinity. Please. Just for a little while." Charlie said and Trinity thought about it then nodded not seeing any harm in it and sent Sam a mental message in his sleep that she would be back soon.

Charlie took her deep into the woods near a cave and Trinity being immortal saw no danger in it.
That is until Charlie took a knife out and cut her own wrist and Trinity backed away smelling the air now thick with blood and Charlie smiled "Shh.. Its okay. Come on.  Drink just a little. You'll feel better I promise." Charlie told her.

Trinity's first thought was how had Charlie known she was a vampire? Her second thought was that maybe she needed to run and her third thought was why the hell was she still standing there doing nothing like an idiot?

Charlie tackled her not about to give up easily. She knew what she wanted and how far she was gonna go to get it.
She placed her wrist in Trinitys mouth causing some blood to drip into her mouth and she told Trinity that she loved her and muttered that everything was gonna be better now and Trinity without Sam there didn't have the will to fight her hunger and so she gave in and drank quite a bit of the blood and Charlie smiled knowing that once Trinity was drunk on the evil blood she would become evil and then Charlie could have a mate and finally start to bring down this wretched down that had murdered her first lover.

She got up and watched as Trinity curled up and cried out in pain trying to fight the evil coursing through her.
Trinity got up and ran. Charlie let her go. She knew she would be back.

Trinity ran into the room waking everyone when she collapsed to the ground. Sam practically leaped off his bed to go to her taking her arm and helping her up "Trinity what happened?" he asked and she jerked out of his grip her hands went to her head and she made disturbing noises like half between a whine and a whimper and then she totally flipped out. Lashing out she kicked the table breaking the legs and Dean blinked and just had to open his mouth "Okay. And we're murdered the table because?" he asked slowly.
Sam deep down could sense that something was really wrong with her but for the first time in a long time it was like he couldn't hear her thoughts. However when she leaped to the other side of the room and kicked the other table Sam wet after her putting his arms around her like a bear hug but it was actually a restraining hold and he was about to lift her off her feet but then she jerked forward then used her head to headbutt him and he yelled at the sudden pain in his nose it forced him to let go "Ow Dammit Trinity cut it OUT!" he yelled but before he could go for her again she moved fast getting behind him and this time Dean came over. He punched her in the face "What the hell is wrong with you? You better start talkin!" he yelled then was shocked when she recovered and punched him back. And hard. Dean was now pissed and he got up ready to break her damn nose but then he went still and paled a little. Sam was now by Dean and could see it too. Her eyes were black. Pure black. Sam felt like his heart was crying. He had worked so hard just to make sure that she didn't become this.

There was a flicker in her eyes then. And a moment of clarity where she realized what she was doing and ran out the door. Sam ran after her but she was too fast. He followed her for as long as he could and then just followed her tracks until they led him to the lair. He listened outside as he heard talking but he couldn't make out what was being said. He went back to Dean and found him gearing up at which point Sam had to make him see reason "Dean there's something else going on here! This isn't Trinity. Something did this to her. We have to save her. I know her better then anyone. There's isn't an evil bone in her body. You have to trust me on this. It wouldn't be right to kill her. If she was bad and had chosen to turn then fine but that's not the case here! I mean come on man think a little. We knew there was something going on we just didn't know what. Whatever this thing is it can apparently make others evil somehow. We still need more information. I'm gonna capture Trinity and find out what's going on."
Dean scoffed "Only we would be crazy enough to kidnap our own sister from an evil demon's lair." he shook his head not really amused.

An hour later Trinity came out on her own and she sensed them there. She went over to where she sensed Sam and something else but she was too late. He quickly came out and the next thing she knew pain erupted inside her head and through hazy eyes she looked at her twin bother who had just hit her in the head with a crow bar then looked to Dean who took out a dart gun and shot her twice in the neck causing her to pass out.
Sam picked her up and they took her to the hotel and tied her up.

Once she came to Sam was siting in a chair across from her looking anything but pleased.
"What happened. I want details and don't leave anything out." Sam said sternly.
Trinity first tested the chains and then saw Dean come over with a needle "What's that?" she asked and then Sam took the needle and went over to the container full of dead man's blood saying "This is a little insurance. " then he went over and steeled himself as Dean held her still and Sam knelt down and injected it into her thigh and he could hear her muffled scream and winced inside then threw the needle and sat back down "Now answer me."
Trinity felt betrayed and hurt and glared at him "No!" she said just out of spite.
Sam nodded then slapped her in the face watching as she yelped then recovered and her glare this time was a little less effective. "Ow you jerk!"
"Ready to cooperate yet? Or are we gonna have to get ugly?" he asked a brow raised.
She rolled her eyes "What was the question again?" she asked full of sass.
Sam got up and knelt in front of her and this time the slap he gave her nearly forced her from the chair but he stopped it from tumbling over. "Don't play games with me little girl." he warned.
There was actual fear in her eyes now. This was dangerous ground. Sam almost never got rough with her.
"Charlie took me out there to the woods and I drank her blood alright. She wanted me to. She's evil. I could taste it in her blood. So sweet. " she said the last part with a little too much cheer for Sam's liking.
"You want to get slapped again?" he asked and she shut up and shook her head no.
Sam had a grim look on his face and said "What else happened."
"It did something to me. Made me, well made me what you saw earlier. Guess I'm one of them now." she said
Sam scoffed "Yeah right. Like I'm gonna make it that easy for you. We're gonna break whatever spell this is and then we're gonna kill this evil son of a bitch. Tell us everything you know about Charlie."
"Well first of all Charlie is girl." she said as if he was stupid and Dean smacked her in the back of her head for it.
"Watch the tone." he warned and Trinity once again shut up but after a moment she bravely bumbled "When I get free......." there was a threat in that unfinished statement and she got annoyed when Sam just laughed at her "You'll do nothing because we pumped you full of dead man's blood. Your powerless for at least the next hour or so. So you might wanna start talkin." Sam said.
She glared at him now "I hate you."
Again he laughed "No you don't. Now am I gonna have to repeat myself?" he asked
Trinity looked away because Sam was right. She didn't hate him. She hated the situation and that she felt that she was the enemy. However she knew how far Sam would go and she didn't want anymore violence so she started to talk "Charlie is a vampire like me. But she's very old and powerful. She's one of the first. She's very smart and really evil but I didn't know she was evil. She specializes in turned children into vampires. She has tons of babies at home. She likes to play mommy. She lost her mate a long time ago because of the people in this town. There was a hunter here who had killed her mate and after he left she decided to make the whole town suffer. She had taken most of the children and turned them and is planning to..." Trinity stopped there not wanting to rat out her own lover.

Sam raised a brow "Planning to what?" he asked but she shook her head "I..I don't know. Now let me go."

Sam looked disappointed and then went over to her but then stopped and thought about it for a minute. Then he looked at her now his eyes flashing with anger "Your lying to me. Tell me what Charlie is planning NOW." he yelled.
She glared at him and he raised a hand to slap her but she lunged forward to bite his hand. "OW!!" he yelled shocked and pulled away and Trinity starred at him looking triumphant until he went over to a drawer muttered "Okay fine. Have it your way." he pulled out a wooden spoon and held it in her line of sight "Do you want me to whack you with this spoon?" he asked and almost laughed when she looked at him like he had lost it.
"Well?" he asked and she scoffed saying "Not in this lifetime."
He nodded "Okay then. Good. Tell us the master plan or I swear I'm gonna damn well whack you with this. And I'm SO not kidding here." he said though it all just a bluff he figured it would work. And it did.
"Okay okay. Fine. We're going to attack the town. Charlie is gonna be the general type and I'm the look out and the kids are suppose to search and destroy. Seek out everyone. And destroy them. " She said a grin slipped onto her face again and Sam was losing his cool once again "You have three seconds to lose that grin." he warned and again the grin was gone and she looked away again.

Now that they knew everything they could make their own plan.

Trinity was hungry and also felt sleepy and fell asleep in the chair.
Once Sam was sure she was asleep he unchained her and put her on the bed however he cuffed her hands and feet to the bed and hand another needle full of dead man's blood for when she woke up.
Sam was gonna keep her weak. That was one less vampire to worry about and now he was sure that the effects would just wear off and if not here was always option B. Sam was more then willing to offer up some of his own blood if that would over power the evil blood. Family blood was stronger and it was possible that it could over power the bad blood. But first he was gonna see if it would just wear off.

They got to work then planning how exactly they were suppose to stop these kid vampires and decided that calling for back up wouldn't be such a bad idea.


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