The Winchester Family

The Winchester Family

Monday, March 11, 2013

All Hell breaks loose part 2

// This is part two and will be different then the part 2 from the series. And I know I killed Jake off but lets pretend like I didn't. So Jake is still in this. //

Dean sat at the able he had passed depressed and entered close to going insane with his grief. The only thing keeping him from giving in was the fact that Trinity was in a corner in the same room as Sam's body and it was heart breaking to see her looking so....dead.

Dean loved his sister but he knew he didn't have the patience that Sam had. That's why when he had been stuck with her he had just locked her up. It was easier then sticking around and at the time he had other things to worry about.The truth was that even if a million years past Dean knew he could never understand what she was feeling. He had lost a brother. But she had lost a twin. Dean felt guilt because he couldn't save Sam.The whole Trinity starting fires thing would have to be the problem for another day.

At this moment Trinity was in her safe place. The one with Sam. He was there. Not the real Sam. But the one from the past inside the memory she had locked away inside her head. And for several minutes at a time she would just torture herself with that memory.Sam would have been upset if he knew but then again Sam wasn't there anymore. She couldn't hear him in her head or feel him in her heart. There was just this huge emptiness where he used to be. And she felt more dead then ever had before. She couldn't move. She couldn't do anything. She didn't want to anymore.

Dean came in then feeling bad about the fight with Bobby he began to pour his heart out to Sam. Then he paused after he said that it was his job to protect Sam. He looked at Trinity finally understand what she doing.
"So your gonna sit there and die is that it?" he asked but got no answer from her.
He looked at Sam shaking his head and sat down and continued his talk. He didn't even notice Trinity crawl from the room. A sudden light in her eyes. A spark of hope.

Trinity stole the impala and after a long drive she found herself at the crossroads. She placed her picture in the box and buried it in the ground.

Then a dark haired demon showed up and smiled "Trinity Winchester. A rare pleasure this is to meet the girl who once had the power of the gods." she said
Trinity ignored that. It made no sense to her anyways.
"You know why I'm here. Lets just do this. Bring Sam back and in ten years you send the hell hounds after me." Trinity said and the demon smiled "Ten years? Not gonna happen kid. However I will give you one year and that's my only offer. However you give up your immortality right here and now. Or no deal. I'll take the vampire thing out of you and then in a year the hell hounds will actually be able to drag you to hell. Deal?" the demon asked
Trinity thought about that. It had been so long since she became human. She wasn't even sure how to live like a human but she would do anything. Give anything just to bring Sam back. "Deal." Trinity said shaking hands with the demon the the demon pulled her closer and kissed her.

With the deal sealed Sam came back to life. Dean heard him breathing and went over to hug him not understanding what had happened. He had been thinking about going to the crossroads demon when Sam had sat up on the table.And that's when Dean noticed that Trinity was gone. SHIT. Get one sibling back and now the other was managed to somehow slipped right by him.
Sam asked what happened and Dean told him that he had been stabbed but that he was okay now.

Sam didn't even have to look to know that Trinity wasn't there. "Where's Trinity?" he asked and Dean shrugged "Don't know dude. She'll come back soon...." he see's Trinity come in the door now and says "See? Told ya."

Trinity got teary eyed at the sight of Sam but it was happy tears. Sam once he was done hugging Dean went over and hugged Trinity tight lifting her up and spinning her around wanting to hear her laugh because it felt like it had been ages since he had seen her. She tried not to laugh but ended up giggling a little. Then he set her down and smiled at her.

Bobby came back then pulling Dean outside and Dean swore that he had nothing to do with it. Sam had just come back to life on his own.

Trinity was inside and Sam told her that the last thing he remembered was the knife going in him and then nothing after that. Trinity lied and told him that they had been doing everything they could save him then told him that she had stayed human and so she was human now. Sam was glad that at least something good had come out of it.

Several hours later they were facing the yellow eyed demon it was Sam, Bobby Trinity, Dean And Ellen.
Sam after listening to Jake realized that he had died and that most likely Dean had sold his soul to bring him back.
He was pissed and killed Jake and then shortly after that Dean killed the yellow eyed demon.
Their dad had come to help them and then it looked as it he went to heaven and they hoped it was true.

Sam confronted Dean at the car "Did I die? Did you sell your soul for me?" Sam asked.

Dean sighed "No Sam. "

"Don't lie to me." Sam said and Dean snapped then annoyed "I"m not! I swear Sam. I didn't bring you back."

Sam then felt heartsick and looked at Trinity "Tell me you didn't."
"Okay, I didn't." she said blandly bu the tone itself screamed lie.
Sam got emotional feeling like he was ready to cry but he nodded his head "How long do you get?"

"One year." Trinity said her own eyes filled with nervous tears.

Dean got upset now too. "And the whole human thing. That was part of the deal too?" he asked
She nodded "Hell hounds can't exactly drag an immortal to hell." she said
"How dare you. How could you think that I'd be okay with you trading yourself for me?" Sam asked
"Sammy, Come on. Please don't get mad at me. I watched you die. I sat there in the room with your body because I didn't want to leave you in there alone. Sam I couldn't live knowing you were dead. I'm sorry. I'm not strong enough to go on without you. But your stronger then me. And when I'm gone I know you and Dean will keep going. You'll keep fighting." she said knowingly.

Sam went over and hugged her roughly "Dammit. Your my sister Trinity. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. And your right. We would go on but we'd hate every minute of it. Trinity you've been there my whole life. And I can't imagine what it was like when you lost me. But I do know this. I never wanted to know what it would be like to lose you. One year is not enough time to say goodbye."

She was touched by his speech but she couldn't bring herself to regret he decision.
Knowing that she was dying in his place somehow made it seem worth it.


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