The Winchester Family

The Winchester Family

Monday, March 11, 2013

Trinity dies.

The year was almost up. Sam and Dean had been trying everything possible to get her out of her deal but eventually came to the conclusion that there was nothing they could do. They found out that a demon named Lilith held the contract to her deal but Ruby eventually told them all that there was no going back on the deal.

Trinity woke one morning after having a nightmare about the hell hounds.

Sam and Dean loaded up the Impala and Trinity got in too and they headed to the town Lilith was in.

Later that night they found the house and went in with Ruby as back up.

Lilith had possessed a little girl but wasn't inside her anymore.

Lilith possessed Ruby and then Trinity looked to the left saying "Hell hound."
Sam looked to her "Where?"
"There." she said nodded with her head but knew they couldn't see it.

They went into action then. Sam taking her arm and then ran into another room shutting the doors Dean placing his own back against the door to barricade it and keep it shut.

Trinity appreciated it but looked sad "We can't stop this. Ruby said so herself. Sam I'm ready." she said and he snapped at her "Yeah? Well I'm not! I'm not gonna let you go to hell."

"There's nothing you can do. Its gonna happen." Trinity said.

Then Lilith made her presents known. "Your right. It is gonna happen." She used her power to pin Sam and Dean against a wall then she went over and kissed Sam. Then looked to Trinity who was standing alone now. Then she opened the door to let the hell hounds in "Sick her boys." she grinned
"Noo!" Sam and Dean yelled at the same time.
The hell hounds went right for Trinity and she vowed not to scream. The hounds lunged and had her on the floor now and each of them bit and scratched til the blood erupted from her body and Sam turned him head away not able to bare watching the hell hounds tear her apart and Dean was suffering just as much. Neither of them could watched.

Then Lilith tried to kill Sam but when that didn't work she went away.

Dean found himself free first and he went over to Trinity tears falling from his eyes and then Sam was free and he ran to her pulling her into his embrace once he realized she was dead "Nooo. Please. No, I'm not ready." he said his voice rough with his tears and then he just started to rock her in his arms as he cried and Dean went down on his knee's and cried for the little sister who had never even had a chance to grow up and be an adult.
And Sam looked shattered and he knew that he had just lost something very precious to his heart. He blamed himself for not being able to find a way to break the deal and could feel the lose down to the pit of his soul.

One week later:

The brothers parted ways deciding not to hunt anymore because it had already cost them too much. First their dad and now their sister.

Dean met a woman named Piper who he decided to settle down with and Sam found Ruby in a new body and practiced with his powers.


All Hell breaks loose part 2

// This is part two and will be different then the part 2 from the series. And I know I killed Jake off but lets pretend like I didn't. So Jake is still in this. //

Dean sat at the able he had passed depressed and entered close to going insane with his grief. The only thing keeping him from giving in was the fact that Trinity was in a corner in the same room as Sam's body and it was heart breaking to see her looking so....dead.

Dean loved his sister but he knew he didn't have the patience that Sam had. That's why when he had been stuck with her he had just locked her up. It was easier then sticking around and at the time he had other things to worry about.The truth was that even if a million years past Dean knew he could never understand what she was feeling. He had lost a brother. But she had lost a twin. Dean felt guilt because he couldn't save Sam.The whole Trinity starting fires thing would have to be the problem for another day.

At this moment Trinity was in her safe place. The one with Sam. He was there. Not the real Sam. But the one from the past inside the memory she had locked away inside her head. And for several minutes at a time she would just torture herself with that memory.Sam would have been upset if he knew but then again Sam wasn't there anymore. She couldn't hear him in her head or feel him in her heart. There was just this huge emptiness where he used to be. And she felt more dead then ever had before. She couldn't move. She couldn't do anything. She didn't want to anymore.

Dean came in then feeling bad about the fight with Bobby he began to pour his heart out to Sam. Then he paused after he said that it was his job to protect Sam. He looked at Trinity finally understand what she doing.
"So your gonna sit there and die is that it?" he asked but got no answer from her.
He looked at Sam shaking his head and sat down and continued his talk. He didn't even notice Trinity crawl from the room. A sudden light in her eyes. A spark of hope.

Trinity stole the impala and after a long drive she found herself at the crossroads. She placed her picture in the box and buried it in the ground.

Then a dark haired demon showed up and smiled "Trinity Winchester. A rare pleasure this is to meet the girl who once had the power of the gods." she said
Trinity ignored that. It made no sense to her anyways.
"You know why I'm here. Lets just do this. Bring Sam back and in ten years you send the hell hounds after me." Trinity said and the demon smiled "Ten years? Not gonna happen kid. However I will give you one year and that's my only offer. However you give up your immortality right here and now. Or no deal. I'll take the vampire thing out of you and then in a year the hell hounds will actually be able to drag you to hell. Deal?" the demon asked
Trinity thought about that. It had been so long since she became human. She wasn't even sure how to live like a human but she would do anything. Give anything just to bring Sam back. "Deal." Trinity said shaking hands with the demon the the demon pulled her closer and kissed her.

With the deal sealed Sam came back to life. Dean heard him breathing and went over to hug him not understanding what had happened. He had been thinking about going to the crossroads demon when Sam had sat up on the table.And that's when Dean noticed that Trinity was gone. SHIT. Get one sibling back and now the other was managed to somehow slipped right by him.
Sam asked what happened and Dean told him that he had been stabbed but that he was okay now.

Sam didn't even have to look to know that Trinity wasn't there. "Where's Trinity?" he asked and Dean shrugged "Don't know dude. She'll come back soon...." he see's Trinity come in the door now and says "See? Told ya."

Trinity got teary eyed at the sight of Sam but it was happy tears. Sam once he was done hugging Dean went over and hugged Trinity tight lifting her up and spinning her around wanting to hear her laugh because it felt like it had been ages since he had seen her. She tried not to laugh but ended up giggling a little. Then he set her down and smiled at her.

Bobby came back then pulling Dean outside and Dean swore that he had nothing to do with it. Sam had just come back to life on his own.

Trinity was inside and Sam told her that the last thing he remembered was the knife going in him and then nothing after that. Trinity lied and told him that they had been doing everything they could save him then told him that she had stayed human and so she was human now. Sam was glad that at least something good had come out of it.

Several hours later they were facing the yellow eyed demon it was Sam, Bobby Trinity, Dean And Ellen.
Sam after listening to Jake realized that he had died and that most likely Dean had sold his soul to bring him back.
He was pissed and killed Jake and then shortly after that Dean killed the yellow eyed demon.
Their dad had come to help them and then it looked as it he went to heaven and they hoped it was true.

Sam confronted Dean at the car "Did I die? Did you sell your soul for me?" Sam asked.

Dean sighed "No Sam. "

"Don't lie to me." Sam said and Dean snapped then annoyed "I"m not! I swear Sam. I didn't bring you back."

Sam then felt heartsick and looked at Trinity "Tell me you didn't."
"Okay, I didn't." she said blandly bu the tone itself screamed lie.
Sam got emotional feeling like he was ready to cry but he nodded his head "How long do you get?"

"One year." Trinity said her own eyes filled with nervous tears.

Dean got upset now too. "And the whole human thing. That was part of the deal too?" he asked
She nodded "Hell hounds can't exactly drag an immortal to hell." she said
"How dare you. How could you think that I'd be okay with you trading yourself for me?" Sam asked
"Sammy, Come on. Please don't get mad at me. I watched you die. I sat there in the room with your body because I didn't want to leave you in there alone. Sam I couldn't live knowing you were dead. I'm sorry. I'm not strong enough to go on without you. But your stronger then me. And when I'm gone I know you and Dean will keep going. You'll keep fighting." she said knowingly.

Sam went over and hugged her roughly "Dammit. Your my sister Trinity. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. And your right. We would go on but we'd hate every minute of it. Trinity you've been there my whole life. And I can't imagine what it was like when you lost me. But I do know this. I never wanted to know what it would be like to lose you. One year is not enough time to say goodbye."

She was touched by his speech but she couldn't bring herself to regret he decision.
Knowing that she was dying in his place somehow made it seem worth it.


Evil blood.

Trinity had met Charlie at a bar and had been secretly seeing her for about two weeks now. This current job was taking more time cause they couldn't seem to get enough information of this thing to be able to figure it out.

None of them were aware that the evil they were facing was very close to getting just what it wanted.

early one morning while everyone was still asleep Trinity heard a light tapping sound and went to open the door and smiled when she saw Charlie "Hi. What are you doing here so early?" she asked but Charlie didn't want to chat.
"You have to come with me Trinity. Please. Just for a little while." Charlie said and Trinity thought about it then nodded not seeing any harm in it and sent Sam a mental message in his sleep that she would be back soon.

Charlie took her deep into the woods near a cave and Trinity being immortal saw no danger in it.
That is until Charlie took a knife out and cut her own wrist and Trinity backed away smelling the air now thick with blood and Charlie smiled "Shh.. Its okay. Come on.  Drink just a little. You'll feel better I promise." Charlie told her.

Trinity's first thought was how had Charlie known she was a vampire? Her second thought was that maybe she needed to run and her third thought was why the hell was she still standing there doing nothing like an idiot?

Charlie tackled her not about to give up easily. She knew what she wanted and how far she was gonna go to get it.
She placed her wrist in Trinitys mouth causing some blood to drip into her mouth and she told Trinity that she loved her and muttered that everything was gonna be better now and Trinity without Sam there didn't have the will to fight her hunger and so she gave in and drank quite a bit of the blood and Charlie smiled knowing that once Trinity was drunk on the evil blood she would become evil and then Charlie could have a mate and finally start to bring down this wretched down that had murdered her first lover.

She got up and watched as Trinity curled up and cried out in pain trying to fight the evil coursing through her.
Trinity got up and ran. Charlie let her go. She knew she would be back.

Trinity ran into the room waking everyone when she collapsed to the ground. Sam practically leaped off his bed to go to her taking her arm and helping her up "Trinity what happened?" he asked and she jerked out of his grip her hands went to her head and she made disturbing noises like half between a whine and a whimper and then she totally flipped out. Lashing out she kicked the table breaking the legs and Dean blinked and just had to open his mouth "Okay. And we're murdered the table because?" he asked slowly.
Sam deep down could sense that something was really wrong with her but for the first time in a long time it was like he couldn't hear her thoughts. However when she leaped to the other side of the room and kicked the other table Sam wet after her putting his arms around her like a bear hug but it was actually a restraining hold and he was about to lift her off her feet but then she jerked forward then used her head to headbutt him and he yelled at the sudden pain in his nose it forced him to let go "Ow Dammit Trinity cut it OUT!" he yelled but before he could go for her again she moved fast getting behind him and this time Dean came over. He punched her in the face "What the hell is wrong with you? You better start talkin!" he yelled then was shocked when she recovered and punched him back. And hard. Dean was now pissed and he got up ready to break her damn nose but then he went still and paled a little. Sam was now by Dean and could see it too. Her eyes were black. Pure black. Sam felt like his heart was crying. He had worked so hard just to make sure that she didn't become this.

There was a flicker in her eyes then. And a moment of clarity where she realized what she was doing and ran out the door. Sam ran after her but she was too fast. He followed her for as long as he could and then just followed her tracks until they led him to the lair. He listened outside as he heard talking but he couldn't make out what was being said. He went back to Dean and found him gearing up at which point Sam had to make him see reason "Dean there's something else going on here! This isn't Trinity. Something did this to her. We have to save her. I know her better then anyone. There's isn't an evil bone in her body. You have to trust me on this. It wouldn't be right to kill her. If she was bad and had chosen to turn then fine but that's not the case here! I mean come on man think a little. We knew there was something going on we just didn't know what. Whatever this thing is it can apparently make others evil somehow. We still need more information. I'm gonna capture Trinity and find out what's going on."
Dean scoffed "Only we would be crazy enough to kidnap our own sister from an evil demon's lair." he shook his head not really amused.

An hour later Trinity came out on her own and she sensed them there. She went over to where she sensed Sam and something else but she was too late. He quickly came out and the next thing she knew pain erupted inside her head and through hazy eyes she looked at her twin bother who had just hit her in the head with a crow bar then looked to Dean who took out a dart gun and shot her twice in the neck causing her to pass out.
Sam picked her up and they took her to the hotel and tied her up.

Once she came to Sam was siting in a chair across from her looking anything but pleased.
"What happened. I want details and don't leave anything out." Sam said sternly.
Trinity first tested the chains and then saw Dean come over with a needle "What's that?" she asked and then Sam took the needle and went over to the container full of dead man's blood saying "This is a little insurance. " then he went over and steeled himself as Dean held her still and Sam knelt down and injected it into her thigh and he could hear her muffled scream and winced inside then threw the needle and sat back down "Now answer me."
Trinity felt betrayed and hurt and glared at him "No!" she said just out of spite.
Sam nodded then slapped her in the face watching as she yelped then recovered and her glare this time was a little less effective. "Ow you jerk!"
"Ready to cooperate yet? Or are we gonna have to get ugly?" he asked a brow raised.
She rolled her eyes "What was the question again?" she asked full of sass.
Sam got up and knelt in front of her and this time the slap he gave her nearly forced her from the chair but he stopped it from tumbling over. "Don't play games with me little girl." he warned.
There was actual fear in her eyes now. This was dangerous ground. Sam almost never got rough with her.
"Charlie took me out there to the woods and I drank her blood alright. She wanted me to. She's evil. I could taste it in her blood. So sweet. " she said the last part with a little too much cheer for Sam's liking.
"You want to get slapped again?" he asked and she shut up and shook her head no.
Sam had a grim look on his face and said "What else happened."
"It did something to me. Made me, well made me what you saw earlier. Guess I'm one of them now." she said
Sam scoffed "Yeah right. Like I'm gonna make it that easy for you. We're gonna break whatever spell this is and then we're gonna kill this evil son of a bitch. Tell us everything you know about Charlie."
"Well first of all Charlie is girl." she said as if he was stupid and Dean smacked her in the back of her head for it.
"Watch the tone." he warned and Trinity once again shut up but after a moment she bravely bumbled "When I get free......." there was a threat in that unfinished statement and she got annoyed when Sam just laughed at her "You'll do nothing because we pumped you full of dead man's blood. Your powerless for at least the next hour or so. So you might wanna start talkin." Sam said.
She glared at him now "I hate you."
Again he laughed "No you don't. Now am I gonna have to repeat myself?" he asked
Trinity looked away because Sam was right. She didn't hate him. She hated the situation and that she felt that she was the enemy. However she knew how far Sam would go and she didn't want anymore violence so she started to talk "Charlie is a vampire like me. But she's very old and powerful. She's one of the first. She's very smart and really evil but I didn't know she was evil. She specializes in turned children into vampires. She has tons of babies at home. She likes to play mommy. She lost her mate a long time ago because of the people in this town. There was a hunter here who had killed her mate and after he left she decided to make the whole town suffer. She had taken most of the children and turned them and is planning to..." Trinity stopped there not wanting to rat out her own lover.

Sam raised a brow "Planning to what?" he asked but she shook her head "I..I don't know. Now let me go."

Sam looked disappointed and then went over to her but then stopped and thought about it for a minute. Then he looked at her now his eyes flashing with anger "Your lying to me. Tell me what Charlie is planning NOW." he yelled.
She glared at him and he raised a hand to slap her but she lunged forward to bite his hand. "OW!!" he yelled shocked and pulled away and Trinity starred at him looking triumphant until he went over to a drawer muttered "Okay fine. Have it your way." he pulled out a wooden spoon and held it in her line of sight "Do you want me to whack you with this spoon?" he asked and almost laughed when she looked at him like he had lost it.
"Well?" he asked and she scoffed saying "Not in this lifetime."
He nodded "Okay then. Good. Tell us the master plan or I swear I'm gonna damn well whack you with this. And I'm SO not kidding here." he said though it all just a bluff he figured it would work. And it did.
"Okay okay. Fine. We're going to attack the town. Charlie is gonna be the general type and I'm the look out and the kids are suppose to search and destroy. Seek out everyone. And destroy them. " She said a grin slipped onto her face again and Sam was losing his cool once again "You have three seconds to lose that grin." he warned and again the grin was gone and she looked away again.

Now that they knew everything they could make their own plan.

Trinity was hungry and also felt sleepy and fell asleep in the chair.
Once Sam was sure she was asleep he unchained her and put her on the bed however he cuffed her hands and feet to the bed and hand another needle full of dead man's blood for when she woke up.
Sam was gonna keep her weak. That was one less vampire to worry about and now he was sure that the effects would just wear off and if not here was always option B. Sam was more then willing to offer up some of his own blood if that would over power the evil blood. Family blood was stronger and it was possible that it could over power the bad blood. But first he was gonna see if it would just wear off.

They got to work then planning how exactly they were suppose to stop these kid vampires and decided that calling for back up wouldn't be such a bad idea.


All Hell brakes loose part 1

// This is my rewrite of All hell breaks loose with Trinity added into the mix. //
Sam leaned in as Dean told him not to forget the pie at which point Sam asked "When have I ever forgotten the pie?" he grinned then went into the store.
Trinity who was in the backseat wanted some cheeto's so she rushed out of the car after Sam even though Dean yelled at her "What the hell?" a second after that something strange happened with the radio and after that he looked up seeing nothing at the gas station. He ran in seeing all the people dead then ran through searching for his brother and sister.
Sam woke a little disoriented the first thing he noticed was that Trinity wasn't with him.
He stood up and saw what appeared to be a deserted town and pulled out his phone but there was no reception.
He heard a noise as he started to investigate and picked up a piece of wood then saw that it was only Andy a guy who like Sam had a special ability "Andy?"
Andy then started asking tons os questions and Sam told him to calm down and then they found Ava another girl who had been missing for about 5 monhs and then they came across Jake and a girl named Lily.
Sam then began to think that Maybe Trinity wasnt there. He had already hollared for her a couple times so her not answering must mean that she wasn't there.
They found a place to gear up and Lily wondered away thinking it would be better to just leave town.
On top of the bell drapped over it Trinity was slowly coming to. Her head hurt worse then ever before and she felt pain all over her body. her legs and arms hung loosly at the sides and she was on her back looking up at the sky she found it hard to move.
She heard the scream and felt movement below her but couldn't really move enough to see what was going on.
Sam and te others ran out and saw Lily hanging dead. That's when Ava started freaking out.
Jake noticed something then "Hey look. There's someone up there." he said pointing to the top where Trinity was draped like a sacrifice being prepared.
Sam's eyes went wide "TRINITY." he yelled then ran over and started to climb. He sped up his pace when he heard the noises she was making. He got to the top putting an arm under her back ready to lift her but the place he was standing wasn't very sturdy. "Trinity can you hear me?" he asked because his sister's eyes were sorta glazed over like she was in a trance or something he placed her arms around his neck and he stopped for a moment because he felt her pulse. Then he put his hand on her heart and felt her heart beating. He had no idea how it was possible. She was a vampire. There was no way her heart was beating. And yet, it was.
Sam moved his other hand under her knees ready to lift her up birdal style and Andy yelled up at him "Man that's gonna fall any minute." he said of the wooden piece Sam was standing on.
Sam scooped her into his arms quickly and whispered into her ear "Just trust me. We're gonna make it." then he jumped and surprisingly landed on his feet. He let out a sigh of relief then carried her into the old house where they started to do the salt lines and get ready for whatever would come next. Sam laid Trnity on the table not knowing where else to put her. The table was easier and closer. He sat in the chair and ended up falling asleep.
The yelled Demon took him for a walk and talked to him. The first thing Sam told him was that he would tear him to shreds then the talk got worse.
"What did you do to my sister?" Sam asked
The yelled eyed Demon grinned "Oh nothing. I just gave her something you never could. Let's not worry about her for now. I pulled you here because your the one I'm rooting for." he said and Sam raised a brow "Rooting for me?" and the demon turned to him "Welcome to the miss america pageant. only one of you crazy kids is gonna make it out of here alive. " the demon told him then went into how he had to kill Jessica because if he hadn't Sam would have been weaker.
Sam interrupted him "So what does Trinity have to do with all this soldier crap? Why is she here? She doesn't even have a power. "
The yellow eyed demon shook his head "You still don't know do you? Oh well, you'll find out soon enough. Lets take a journey." he said then made the dream continue in the nursery where Sam and Trinity lay in two different cribs. He watched as the demon gave him demon blood then watches as he went over to Trinity the yellow eyed demon sighed heavily "I'm very sorry little one. But your going to have to do now. You see I can't have you getting in the way. And with the connection the two of you have it would only be a matter of time. I can't let you live little girl. Pity. " he said as Trinity's baby self just looked at him. wide awake.
Sam then saw his mother come in and place herself in front of the crib "NO!" she screamed and the yellow eyed demon was too late he couldn't stop the process. Mary was soon on the cieling and he stared at the little girl and then left again as John ran in.
And suddenly Sam and the yellow eyed demon were back at the ghost town. "You see Sam? You mother is dead because of your sister. If she had only stayed at the door for a few seconds longer it would have been your sister that died that night." he said.
Sam scoffed "Your really stupid you know that? If you had killed Trinity I would have died too. You see that connection goes so deep that if one of us was to die the other woud lose their will to live. My mom did what any mother would do. I'm actually proud to know that she died saving my sister from you. Oh I'm sorry did I ruin your whole "get Sam to turn on his sister" plan?" Sam taunted when he saw the smile leave the demons face.
The demon sighed and turned "Fine. And to answer your earlier question for the duration of this test your sister is gonna be human. But making that transition from vampire to human is a painful and disorienting experiance.  She's very week right now. Well Physicaly at least. And as for power..." the demon laughed "boy you really have no idea hoiw much power is inside of that girl. There's enough fuel in her to burn the entire world. But unlike all of you she didn't gain that power because of my blood. She was born with it." the demon said but he kept walking.
Sam stayed where he was a serious look on his face. The demon was wrong. Sam had always known. The first time she had accidently set a fire she was 3 years old. At first John had thought it was some demon that caused it or something else that caused it. But the first time Sam actually realized it was Trinity they were 13 years old.
She was having a nightmare and Sam who was in another room with Dean at the time sensed her having a bad dream. He had gone in to wake her up and comfort her but when he came in his eyes went wide because not only was she thrashing around because of the dream but her blanket was on fire. He had used the sheets to smother the fire. Then he had woken her up but he didn't tell her. It wasn't Sam that didn't know what Trinity could do. It was Trinity. Because Sam had never told her. And he had been able to keep it from her because her could always tell when she was getting overheated and would put out the fire every time. It got to the point that Sam started buying fire exstinguishers and moved his bed into her room. She never woke up during the times when she would start the fire. At least she hadn't yet and as far as he could tell when she had been turned the power sorta just buried itself deep inside her. No doubt the demon thought that being human again would bring the power back out and probably cause her to do some damage.
And that was his last thought before he woke up.
He woke slowly and saw that Trinity was sitting up now having regained some of her energy and now Sam thought that maybe that was a bad thing. Well there was one way to just completely avoid this. Before he could do it though Jake went to him and told him Ava was missing. He looked Trinity dead in the eye and said "Stay put. " then went with Jake to search for Ava.
Ava came back and broke the line of salt of the window then used her power to summon a demon and kill Andy. Trinity heard Andy drying and stumbled into the room her vison was blurred so she couldn't really see what was going on but she heard Ava scream and then Sam came in. Ava didn't notice Trintiy standing behind her.
Meanwhile Jake was put to sleep and the demon visited him.
Sam questioned Ava and she admitted that she had been killing ever since she got there. And that she was undefeated champ. And that once you let it the power becomes so much stronger. Then she started to summon a demon to kill Sam but Trinity could see better now and lunged over to Ava and snapped her neck and Ava now dead fell to the ground.
Sam took Trinity by the arm and headed out the back where they saw Jake dead.
Then they heard Dean's voice calling them. But as Sam turned and saw Dean Trinity was jerked out of his reach and he turned now and watched as her body was being pulled up by something and she screamed and kicked in the air trying to get free and Sam panicked "Trinity! Hold on!" he said then climbed onto the wooden gate and leaped into the air catching her around the waist and his weight carried them both down to the ground.
Trinity cried out again as the full weight of his body landed on top of her. "OW!"
Sam grimaced "Sorry. Trinity look at me. Focus. Are you okay?" he asked and she nodded tearfully and Sam had a grim look on his face before nodding "Tell me where it hurts." he said but she looked behind him "Sam look out!" she used her legs to kick causing Sam to be flipped over onto his back and she got to her feet the pain wracking her was almost blinding and Sam could feel how much pain he was in.
Trinity tackled Jake who had gotten up because he wasn't dead. He had just been dreaming and Trinity was fighting on just pure will alone. Sam could feel it. She had nothing left. No energy. It was like she was being drained or something. And then Jake hit her and she crashed through the gate.
Sam entered the fight then and was kicked for his trouble.
Trinity from where she lay stared at Jake as he came towards Sam suddenly Jake was set on fire. The fire was quickly consuming him and Dean had made it to Trinity by now and lifted her up he carried her over to where Bobby was but didn't hand her over. She groaned at the pain looked at Sam who got up a small smile on his face at the sight of Dean safe and his sister then she screamed "NOOOOOO Sam!!" the scream was loud enough to shatter anyone's soul.
Sam felt the knife enter through his back and Trinity found the strength to run to him Dean was right behind her.
Trinity made it to him first nearly landing on top of him as she cried "Oh god. Sammy. "
Dean pulled Sam over to check the wound and tried to make it seem like it wasnt that bad so that Sam wouldn't worry or anything. And Sam barely managed to look at them both before he died.
Once he was dead the screaming stopped. Trinity went dead silent and collapsed by Sam consumed by her grief.
The yellow Demon came up with a plan then. He would get a shapeshifter to look like Sam so that Trinity would join him and do as he told her to do. As long as she thought that it was Sam she would do whatever he wanted.
he needed the gate open and sicne none of his kids were alive anymore he was gonna use Trinity instead.

Demon blood

// This is gonna be around the time when Cas left his vessels body and Sam was out of demon blood and trying to reach Ruby. //

Jimmy was able o sneak away while Sam tried to get the last few drops of blood from the bottle in his hand. But there wasn't nearly enough left.

The next day after Castiel was back inside Jimmy's body Trinity came up to Sam and handed him his container now full of blood. Then she told him not to ask her where the blood came from. He was so in need at the time that he didn't even think anything of that request and drank some of the blood. But this blood was different. It was sweet. Much more tasty then Ruby's ever was. He would have to ask her later where she got it from.

She continued to supply him with the blood and for a week Sam had put off asking her where she was getting it from. That is until one night when they were at a cabin and Dean's sharp eye caught sight of the bandage around Trinity's wrist and took hold of her arm "What happened here?" he asked her.
Sam looked up to see what he was talking about and the moment he saw the bandage an awful thought popped into his head.
She jerked her arm away "Nothing." she snarled and stormed up the stairs to her room.

Sam was right after here the second she left.
He opened her door without knocking because, well because he was Sam and he didn't need an invitation to his sisters room. He slammed her door and locked it and as she turned to ask him what he was doing he grabbed her wrist and snatched off the bandage. He felt his blood pressure rise then he felt the rage inside. He slapped her so hard that she yelped and landed on the ground at his feet.
To a point deep down Sam felt REALLY bad about what he just did. But on the other hand if she had done what he was thinking she had done then she was gonna be in a LOT of trouble! He knelt down by her crouched there then said "I'm gonna ask you one time. And don't you dare lie to me. Have you been giving me your blood?" he asked his face serious as he looked at her.
She looked back at him leery but nodded yes.
He took a breath then demanded "Why?"
She rolled her eyes "Oh come on Sam. You were hurting and you needed the blood. And I'm not sorry."  She said
Sam could understand why she had done it. But that didn't make it okay. "Oh if you do it again you'll be plenty sorry. From now on I'll go to Ruby for demon blood." he said then offered her his hand and helped her stand again then stroked her face gently "I'm sorry. I don't know why I lashed out like that. Forgive me?" he asked
"I'm fine Sam. Don't worry. Your forgiven. And its the vampire demon blood. It makes it hard to control your emotions. " she explained. He sighed thinking that just sucked.

The next time he needed blood he did go to Ruby but it wasn't nearly as satisfying as the vampire blood. And that night when he went to sleep it took him a couple hours because it was disturbing on a deep level. He thirsted for his own sisters blood. How messed up with that? And it was totally HER fault for giving him her blood in the first place. He should have just waited for Ruby. Or better yet he should have paid more attention. The he would have noticed that Trinity was making cuts on her arm to supply him with the blood. Normally he would have been the first to pick up on that but it was almost like the vampire blood dulled his hunting senses. He spent another hour worried that maybe Trinity had known all along what the blood would do to him and then another 30 minutes reminding himself that Trinity wasn't just any vampire. She was Trinity. She was family. She would never do anything to hurt any of them no matter what. So if the blood did make him weaker there was no way that Trinity could have known about it.

Eventually the others in the family found out about him drinking blood. It wasn't pretty. And it really wasn't pretty when they found out that Trinity had known the whole time. At which point he jumped in to defend her "Oh come on. You really think she's gonna rat me out? She's NEVER ratted me out." Sam scoffed which was the truth.
Even when they were kids and Sam would do something wrong Trinity had never told on him. There was even one time when she tried to take the wrap for something he did. But he had come clean not about to let her to take the fall for what he had done.

After being questioned more he told them that it was Ruby's blood he had been drinking. Then Dawn apparently curious asked if he liked it. He shrugged "Yeah I guess. It was making me stronger. But it wasn't nearly as good as...." he stopped right there and looked down ashamed of himself.
"As what?" Dean asked not about to drop this subject.
Sam shook his head. He was a loyal brother. But he couldn't lie to Dean. He'd done too much of that already.
"Ruby's blood was nothing compared to Trinity's" Sam said still looking ashamed.
Dean took a step back "Wait. What?" he asked confused looking between them both while Dawn simply said "Eww" a little disgusted by it.

"I ran out of Ruby's blood and for about a week Trinity gave me her own blood. But I swear Dean I didn't know it was her blood until later and when I found out I made it clear it wasn't to happen again. I'm not gonna let myself get addicted to my own sister's blood." Sam said in his defense.
Dean shook his head "Well at least you have THAT much sense." he said unimpressed.
"Hey back off." Trinity growled she hated it when Dean was a hard ass but he turned to her glared "You sit down and shut your pie hole!" he warned an annoyed look on his face.
Trinity eyes a little wide sat down but crossed her arms leaning back in her chair the perfect image of the pissed off teenager.

Dean had turned back to Sam and was yelling letting some of his anger out on his brother for the lying and for drinking demon blood in the first place. Once Dean was more calm he sat and tried to figured what to do about all this. Dawn went to search through some books because they were still working on a case here too. Trinity stayed where she was sighing heavily and after three of those Sam gave her a look but also said something in her head that defused her anger made her blush and then she got up and went to help Dawn with research.

And when Dean raised a questioning brow Sam just grinned now about to repeat out loud what he had just said to his sister. That was between him and the little brat. Sides it was nothing new. He had told her she was gonna get grounded if she didn't drop the attitude. It wouldn't be the first time. She was mentally a kid so they had pretty much realized early on that they had to treat her like a kid. It was just better and less confusing for everyone. Thought it was a little awkward grounding your sister but if it was necessary then it would be done.

That night they went out hunted down the gin and killed it then went back home to relax. They would have to head back out the next morning.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Max as Dean's daughter part one:

// This was inspired by a scene from youtube where Jessica alba is getting spanked with a belt. In one of my storylines I put Max from dark Angel as Dean's daughter. I make it to where she's just a regular person not a genetically enhanced being. Her parents are Piper Halliwell and Dean but this is gonna be part of the story with Max as Dean's daughter. Oh and Max is 19 in this fiction. Also this is just a spanking scene.  //

Part 1.

Dean was pacing. He had gotten up after only two hours of sleep and saw that his daughter Max wasn't there. And so now he was pacing the hotel floor worried and hoping she would get back soon.

Two hours later she still wasn't back and he was full on anger and worry.

When Max finally did walk back through the door she didn't expect the reaction. First Dean hugged her then he yelled at her. "Where the hell have you been? Huh? Where were you?!" he demanded to know and Max flinched but sighed and said "I went out alright?" Dean interrupted them "I swear if you tell me you went out to hunt on your own..." he didn't finish and the guilty look on her face told him that's exactly what she had done. He started to pace again thinking then shook his head "No. You know what that's it! I've had it." he said unbuckling his belt and sliding it through the loops as he advanced on her she didn't even have time to run he just grabbed her arm scooted a chair over propped his foot up on it and bent her cross his raised knee at which point he folded the belt in half doubling it over then brought it down three times in quick succession on her jean covered behind.
She could feel the burn even through her jeans and she gritted her teeth as another 3 hot strips landed
Then he paused long enough to reach under her and unbutton her jeans he helped them off her behind leaving her in he panties and this time 6 fiery licks all at once covering her reddening bottom she had tears in her eyes by now and tried to struggled to get away but Dean had her pinned well.
He worked her panties down baring her bottom seeing the red tender behind and knew the punishment was almost over. This time ten licks blazed hotly across her bare behind and she cried loud. Now that it was over Dean threw the belt and helped her with her clothes putting them back on and gave her a fatherly hug telling her that he still loved her and that next time don't scare him so damn much and to stop disobeying orders.


Friday, March 1, 2013

Supernatural with Trinity: season one

// In this fic its set during season 1 and yeah Trinity is a vampire already and in season one Trinity would constantly be running away and acted pretty childish and would do things just to annoy the family. .//
// Trinity wasn't in the actual show so I'm kinda pretending like she was there the whole time meaning I have to kinda rewrite some scenes or make up some with her being included in.  Also Thumbalina is a Disney character that was very short like only an inch tall I think but since Sam is tall and Trinity is short I figured Thumbalina would be a good nickname for her. //

Setting: A bar

Sam and Dean are looking for information so they are talking to a couple of teens. Trinity was suppose to be doing the same and at first she was. And they could even see her talking to a teen boy but the next time Dean looked over at her he was surprised to see her making out with the guy and he hit Sam who gave his brother a mean look "Ow..Dean. What?" he asked wanting to know what Dean's issue was then Dean used his head to point in a direction and Sam then saw it too and Dean whispered to him "I'll be right back. " then Dean got up and straightened himself and went over to them and said in a drill Sargent tone trying to imitate their father "Young lady do you have ANY idea how much trouble your in? ITS WAY PAST YOUR CURFEW LITTLE GIRL! GET YOUR ASS IN THE CAR. MOVE IT!" he yelled and she stared at him in shock then looked around at everyone who was staring at her and she was pretty sure she was gonna just die of embarrassment right then! And the worst part about it was that she could tell from the look in his eyes that he was enjoying this. It was his weird sense of humor messing with not just her but everyone else too. Instead of calling his bluff she stormed outside leaving them alone in the bar and sat in the impala and even though it was a joke she was still WAY embarrassed.

Dean and Sam got back into the car not too long after that.Sam laughed when he saw the look on her face "Oh come on your not still pouting are you?"
She glared "Its not funny Sam!"
Sam grinned "The hell it wasn't! You should have seen the look on your face."
She reached over and smacked the back of his head "Shut up Sam!" she growled
When she hit him he reacted by reaching back and trying to smack her too but she managed to get to the far side of the back seat where he couldn't reach "Haha. Sasquatch can't get me!" she stuck out her tongue.
"Yeah you just wait Thumbalina!" he said but then laughed When Dean reached back and gave her a smack on her thigh "There now your even. Both of ya cut it out." he said as he started to drive.
"Dean your mean." she pouted.
Dean just chuckled "Well next time behave yourself. I don't wanna catch you necking with a boy while we're on the job again." he said in mock sternness and she sighed "Fiiiiine!" she pouted.
And Sam shook his head "If we DO find dad he's not gonna like the new vampire teenage Trinity. "
Dean was in agreement with that. "Yeah. No kidding."

Added scenes from episode Dead Man's blood:

After John showed up and explained the his friend Elkins had been killed by vampires Dean decided to come clean about Trinity. They had been lucky that Trinity had gone out to buy some junk food when John showed up. They had told him she was with them and at the store but they hadn't told him the other part yet and now seemed like the best time. "Yeah speaking of vampires there's something you should know sir." he started and John looked up giving his son his full attention. "A few years ago Trinity had a run in with a vamp." he said not sure how to tell a man that his daughter was a vampire. John stood up now sure what Dean was trying to say "A run in?" he asked "She's okay isn't she?" he asked he had a weak spot for his daughters.

Dean grimaced "Well yeah. She's fine." he said and John nodded "But?" he asked sensing that there was more to the story. Dean sighed then just spit it out "He turned her sir."

John looked like he was gonna be sick but he only sat down and put his head in his hands frustrated and that's when Trinity came in unaware that he was home or how tense the situation had just become she walked in cheerful and in a good mood "Hey guess what! They had caramel flavored coffee!" she said her grin a mile wide and really excited as if she had won the lottery. Then she saw her father who now was looking at her and her smiled slipped fast "Oh crap." John stood up and picked up a machete ready to cut her head off fast but Sam yanked her behind him and yelled "No. Hell no. Come on dad. She's not even doing anything wrong. She's good. I swear she's good. She's not like the others." Sam said pleading for his father to try and understand that she wasn't a monster because of this.
John wanted more then anything to believe Sam but he had to be sure. "Why should I believe that?" he asked
Dean got beside his brother like a shield blocking their father from seeing her. "Its the truth dad. We're not stupid. If she was dangerous we would have killed her. But Sam's right this time. There's good in her. She isn't controlled by the bloodlust. She doesn't hurt people. She drinks animal blood." Dean said in her defense.
"That thing isn't your sister Dean. I know you wanna believe that she's different but all vampires are the same. They're very skilled at lying. She could be playing you." John said
Sam wasn't about to back down or let his father get away with that. "Oh right because you know her so well. You don't know anything about her dad. So how would you know? Trinity isn't a liar. And she's not gonna hurt us. She doesn't even want to hurt us. She let me in and I can feel her emotions. All of them. I know exactly what goes through her head. She's not playing anybody. Plus we did research and it says in rare cases vampires can hold on to their humanity. If they surround themselves with things that are familiar to them. Like family. So just take it easy dad. She's still Trinity. Just give her a chance to prove it. "Sam said.

John didn't like Sam's tone but then he never did. But that didn't mean that Sam wasn't right. And if he was then there was no reason to kill her. And he's rather not kill her anyways. He put the weapon down "Sorry sweetie. Sometimes Its hard to separate the hunter from the dad. I just hate to see you like this. " he said and when she came over to him he gave her a bear hug.

And Trinity did prove herself. She helped with the vamps in a big way. However there was an incident after her father explained Dead man's blood. After injecting the head vamps girlfriend with it and using her as a bargaining chip to get the colt back and Trinity came face to face with the head vampire who smiled at her recognizing her.
"Well well well. If it isn't the girl with the sweetest blood I've ever tasted." he beamed at her and she took several steps backing right into Sam's huge frame "wait. HE turned you?" he asked and she nodded. He placed his hands on her arms "Hey listen to me. That doesn't matter anymore." he said trying to calm her fear.

The head vampire ended up getting a hold of Sam and John used one of the bullets to kill him.

With the vampire dead Trinity felt that she had gotten her revenge even though it was her father that killed him.
They decided that together they would hunt down the yellow eyed demon and kill him.


A new kind of key. Part 1

Trinity was out of her bed and outside of the hotel by now on her way to the impala intending to steal it for a while when suddenly she felt a presents behind her. She turned to see a guy who looked no older then Adam. "I'm sorry Trinity. I wish there was another way." she stared in shock recognizing the angel as Christopher. "What are you going to do?" she asked not understanding why he would apologize to her. He looked past her and she turned now to see a man. A man with a demon inside him. And when the mans eyes turned yellow Trinity screamed. He grabbed her and together they appeared in a warehouse type building Trinity was now trapped on a table unable to move. Ruby came forward then with a strange looking dagger. She gripped Trinity's arm and Trinity protested "No...don't!" but Ruby cut into Trinity's skin and Trinity screamed again after several more cuts in different places she screamed now on the inside. "SAMMY!!!"

Inside the hotel Sam felt a jolt he woke gasping as if he was out of breath.
The sound woke Dean who was a light sleeper he went over to his brother "Sam? Sammy. What is it?"
Sam got up and rushed to dress not answering Dean. There wasn't time to answer him. Dean made Dawn wake up "Hey come on get up. Somethings goin on." he said then noticed Trinity wasn't in her bed and he paled "Oh crap." he looked at Sam now who was dressed and gearing up with weapons "This is one of those freaky twin things isn't it?" he asked getting his weapons too as Dawn grabbed hers then they all rushed to the Impala Sam got behind the wheel and Dean allowed it knowing it would be easier. "Okay you wanna tell us what's goin on? I mean what? Is Trinity hurt?" he asked
Sam practically raced the car all the way there "Sam slow down!" Dawn griped at him but he hit the wheel hard "We don't have time. Damn you Ruby!! I should have known. I should have killed that bitch."

Dean stared angrily at his brother "I'm sorry, You wanna run that by me again? Ruby is behind this?" he asked confused.

"Look I was gonna tell you there just hasn't been time lately. Trinity was messing around with dark magic and brought Ruby back to life on accident. I can't see what's going on but I can feel her fear and I can tell Ruby has her. There's something else there too but she's not letting me in further to see what is it. "Sam said

"You can see things that she see's?" Dean asked having never been told that before.

Sam pulled over knowing it was the right place "Its only happened like maybe three times from the time we were born but yeah. Its rare and I think it only works when she's really terrified. Her guard drops and its almost like I'm in her body with her.  We can talk about the freaky twin stuff later. We need to get in there." he said taking the Dagger that could kill demons with him as Dawn got out with an axe and Dean had his gun.

Together they went in but were stopped by what looked like a blue force field.

Sam's heart broke when he saw Trinity laying there on the table cuts all over her body and they all tried to get through but they were stuck then Sam recognized the yellow eyed Demon. "You." he said then when the demon moved closer to Trinity Sam became enraged "YOU GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER!" He yelled and he had never been more afraid in his life.

Ruby looked over at them an evil grin on her face "Did you know there's a spell. A dark spell of course. It can turn a demon back into a human. So guess what I did before I started to play?"

Sam went still. No wonder he had felt so hurt. It wasn't her fear. It was because Trinity was human again which means she suffered more. And all the blood dripping from her made his heart sink. "Ruby I'm gonna kill you. And then I'm gonna bring you back and kill you again. " he vowed pissed off

"Such hate. There's really no need for that Sam. we're not going to take your sister from you. On the contrary she's been chosen. Care to guess what for?" The yellow eyed demon asked.
Sam glared "I don't care! You didn't get me and your not getting her."

The demon took out what appeared to be a golden bottle like container and leaned over Trinity "Do you know how special you are? How lucky that it was you that was chosen? Drink this. And it'll all be over soon. I promise." he grinned and tilted it so that it poured into her mouth.

"NOOO!" Sam yelled "Spit it out. Trinity spit out!!" he yelled trying to reach her but he could feel how weak she was.

Castiel appear then and touched Ruby first destroying her then did the same to the yelled eyed demon the force field was lowered and Sam rushed to Trinity and picked her up as Dawn called an ambulance.
As they waited Castiel picked up the container and smelled it.

meanwhile Sam was stroking Trinity's hair while Dean and Dawn were close all worried about their sister. Sam whispering into her ear softly "Hang on. Just hang on. you stay with me you hear?" he said he ignored the sound of the ambulance as it arrived and she was loaded in the EMT when he saw Sam said "Sir you can't go with her." and Sam with determination in his eyes said "Try and stop me." he said getting in and taking her hand she barely manged to open her eyes and Sam saw Dean and Dawn get into the impala.

They soon were at the hospital Sam still refused to leave her but backed away enough so that they could try to help her but he still couldn't force himself to leave the room.
Castiel appeared beside him and he looked pleadingly at the angel "Please, Cas Please don't take her." he begged tears in his eyes.

Castiel pulled Sam aside "It isn't up to me or you. its all on her now. Sam you have to understand what Azale made her drink, its not made for mortals. There is a small 5 % chance that she will survive."
"5 percent?" Sam asked barely above a whisper.
"If you were not in the room there would only be a 1 percent chance. You being here gives her more strength." Castiel announced.
"Cas what exactly did he give her? Demon blood?" Sam asked
"No. Something far worse. And far more dangerous." Castiel said.
Sam stared at him waiting for him to say more "Have you heard of Ambrosia?" Castiel asked
Sam thought for a moment then remember some information from legands "Ambrosia? isn't that like the nectar of the gods?" Sam asked not getting it.
"Only one time was a mortal given ambrosia. He did not survive. But if he had survived he would possess the power of a god. We have a three hour window here." Castiel said looking at Trinity now as the doctors drew blood and tried to do some tests.
"A three hour window for what? " Sam asked
Castiel turned to Sam "I want you to be honest with me Sam. Could you live without her?" the angel asked
Sam scoffed "What kind of question is that? Do you really expect me to answer that?"
Castiel sighed "No. I suppose I already know the answer. I shouldn't be doing this. But I have this horrible feeling that she's going to be the one that can survive. And if I'm right we have little time to waste. " Castiel took Sam and now they were in another area completely.
"Where are we?" he asked as Castiel got behind a golden bowl and began to mix things into the bowel.
"What are you doing?" Sam asked watching.
"I am helping you in the only way I can. With the power of a god comes the ego of a god. The Trinity you know and love could be lost forever if we can't find a way to control her. And as they chose her I chose you as the key." Castiel said
"The key to what?" Sam asked
"The key to her humanity. What I am doing will allow you to be able to tap into her emotions so that she will not become cocky and allow the power to corrupt her and change her." Castiel explained
Sam was beginning to understand. "So wait are you saying she's gonna become a god if she survives?" he asked
"No. but she will possess the power of a god. She will be able to do things. Thing that even I can't do. She'll become stronger mentally and her skin may harden at times. But just as an angel must have permission to enter a body I must also have permission to place this upon your skin. Your the most important thing in her heart. And I believe we can use that to our advantage.  This also will allow anyone that shares the bloodline to be immune to the power she has." Castiel was done explaining now.

It was a lot to take in. But at least there was a big upside. If he did this the family would not only be immune to her powers but it also meant that they had a chance at keeping her feet firmly planted on the ground. They could keep her from becoming a cocky self righteous god.

Sam nodded "Do it."
Castiel placed his hand in the bowl then placed it right on Sam's chest where his heart was and it almost felt like his soul was burning but once it was over he felt different.

"Sam its unsure what side effects this will have on you and your family. Nothing bad should happen but you or other members of the bloodline may develop abilities.  What you've just done also will see to it that her soul remains in her body after the change takes place. I will take you back now and you must explain to the others. I will find a way to get her out of the hospital so that the change can happen somewhere more private. We don't want others to see this. " Castiel said and made them appear at the hospital again.

Sam found Dean and Dawn and was surprised to find Adam there now too but he explained everything to them and they all agreed. This sucked and was gonna continue to suck but at least she wouldn't become some freak Godlike monster now.

Castiel appeared then with Trinity in his arms "Meet me back at the hotel." he then disappeared again and Adam, Dawn Dean and Sam all piled into the car and as soon as it stopped at the hotel Sam was the first one out.

They all waited about an hour before she began to show signs of movement.
When she opened her eyes it was as if the light of heaven itself was breaking lose but then her eyes closed again as she blinked and when she opened them again they were blue and filled with confusion.
She looked to Sam first "Sammy?"
Sam smiled and sat by her not even caring that she called him Sammy "Shh. Its okay. Your okay now. Everything is gonna be fine. How do you feel?" he asked.
she tried to sit up but then whined "Man. I feel like i"m gonna kill me an angel. I can't believe he set me up."

"An Angel? What Angel?" Dean asked coming closer.
Castiel was also listening having not known that an angel had been a part of this too.
"Christopher." Trinity said then moaned her head hurting.
"There's an Angel named Christopher?" Dean raised a brow curiously at Castiel who for once looked angry.
"Yes." he answered and when he saw the anger in their eyes he stated "And you will not harm him."
Dean scoffed "The hell we won't. Cas that asshole set this whole thing up. There's no way he's getting away with this."
"I agree he is foolish and has broken one of the most sacred rules but you will respect my wishes on this Dean. let me handle him. I think I've done enough for your family to be able to make this request." Castiel said
"No way." Dean glared and was now staring daggers at Castiel who then sighed "He's my son Dean. Christopher is my son."  at that revelation Dean backed off shocked "whoa. You have a son?"he sounded fascinated then said "wait why did your son trap my sister?/" Dean demanded.
"Christopher is young. He is foolish. And I will make sure he understand that he will never do anything like this again." Castiel said and Dean knew he spoke the truth "Alright fine. But anyone else who had a hand in this is fair game right?" he asked the angel who then nodded.

Sam had a private talk with Trinity and explained everything to her and asked her if she remember anything from when she was changing. "No." she said but it was a lie and Sam knew it was a lie. "Don't do that." he said "Don't lie to me.  Tell me the truth." he said and then she told him that it sorta felt like she had spent hours having her skin burned off inch by slow inch which made Sam cringe.

Trinity sighed "Why did this happen to me? Why couldn't they have just left me as a vampire?"
"Because they want it to be hard. They want you to become uncontrollable. They want the power to corrupt you so that in the end you won't care. You'll just destroy everything in sight." Sam explained.

"But your gonna help me?" she asked looking at him
"I'll always help you. You don't even have to ask me that Trinity. And there's bound to be times when you hate me for it but I'm still gonna be right there." Sam said.
"To stop me?" she asked
"I don't wanna stop you Trinity." Sam said and she looked at him. "Then why?" she asked
"Why do you think? To save you from going darkside. Cause we all know that's exactly where this want this to end. And we're not gonna let them have what they want this time." Sam said
"But," she protested and he interrupted her "No. Trinity I mean it. They CAN'T have you. They're not taking you. I'll make sure of that." Sam said and he was dead serious.

Sam is pissed. Part 1

Late at night Trinity got out of her bed quietly and left the hotel leaving her siblings there and headed into town.

Sam woke moments after she left. He wasn't sure what made him wake up. Just this sense that something wasn't right. So he got up and when he saw his sister not in bed he left a note and went to look for her. He found her and trailed behind her and after a while he said in confusion "Where in the world are you going?" though she couldn't hear him and he said it more to himself then to her. She was several feet ahead of him and he was gonna keep it that way. Some vampire. He thought. She can't even sense that she's being followed.

However Trinity was well aware that he was following her. And she decided to use that to her advantage. There was something she wanted and after this Sam would give it to her.She could easily smell the blood inside each human as they passed her. Sam continued to follow her right up until she went into an ally then he stopped now really confused. What in the world was she up to? he wondered then saw a man follow her into the ally and Sam shook his head in denial. No way. No way was she about to do THAT. But just to be sure Sam went after them both. He stopped dead in his tracks when he entered the ally. A look of pain crossed his face as Trinity fed on the other man. Then he got a determined look on his face and when she lifted her head from the man Sam tackled her to the ground. Then turned to the guy who was still alive "Run!" he said and the guy took off and Sam sat on his much smaller sister. She had been a petite girl when she was 17 and so when she was turned she was stuck in that form.
Sam threw a punch at her forcing himself not to flinch at the scream of shock that erupted from her because of the hit. He raised his fist again and then stopped because she wasn't fighting back. She wasn't even trying. And then he paled as he could now feel her emotions. She wanted this. She wanted him to hurt her. She wanted him to kill her. She hadn't fed on the man because she wanted to, she did it because she wanted Sam to see it and kill her.
"You know I was following you all along. " he said and now he was the one that had the hurt look on his face.
"I know what you want Trinity. And I'm not gonna do it. let me make one thing perfectly clear,." he said pinning her down and getting in her face "IF there is a day down the road where you become a monster make no mistake I will be the one that puts you down. Until then its MY call. Not Deans Not Dawn's. Not Faiths. And not yours. And I'm sure as hell not gonna kill you just because you want me to. You thirst for blood I get that. But I also know you can control it. I've seen you control it. And ya know what? When Castiel stuck his hand inside me and said I didn't have a soul I saw your reaction. You were almost in tears just because I didn't have a soul. And no matter what happened you never gave up on me. You never lost faith in me. So don't you dare sit there and think that you can make me give up on you like that. I'm not gonna give up that easily. You may be a vampire but you held on to your humanity. No vampire has ever done that before. Your not a monster. Hell I've done worse things then you have. Your not evil. Trust me if I thought you were even capable of anything like that I'd cut off your head. You know that. So can we be done with this and go back to the hotel now?" he asked saying the last part with a slight grin.
Trinity was feeling better after his speech. She had wanted to die but now she realized that maybe she wasn't bad and she knew he was telling the truth. If she was bad he would take her out himself.
Sam got up and helped her up then when she started to head back Sam now filled with rage pulled out the syringe full of dead mans blood and yanked her back over to him and injected her with it before she could even think and she crumbled feeling weak. He easily picked her up and she eventually passed out but he continued to carry her home saying "You brought this on yourself Trinity. And if Dean doesn't beat your ass for this I sure as hell will. " he said annoyed and at the moment he meant every word. What she had done was stupid and uncalled for and Sam was one pissed off brother. Once again he was thankful that he could read her so well. How dare she try to provoke him like that! But he had to keep reminding himself that she had the mind of a teenager. A 17 year old. It must be hard. She was as old as old but looked 17 and acted 17 as well. Sam didn't think he had ever been so angry at her before.  And Dean would be just as pissed after he told him what had gone down. And now she would be weak for a while so they could easily overpower her if need be.
One thing was for sure. It was gonna be a long night for a certain young vampire.